Zakat – Exploring the Empowering Journey of Zakat Funds in Alleviating Poverty and Fostering Positive Change in Nigerian Communities” Hundreds of petty Nigerians received on Sunday different tools, machines and cash worth $335,000 which resulted from a modest amount in Zakat (charity) which is Islam’s third pillar, as attempt to tackle the problem of poverty in general.
Several have also had their medical expenses paid out of the fund, and students who were in need received money to help them through the school year According to Z&S’s executive director Zakat and Sadaqah Foundation (Z&S) Sulayman Olagunju.
The foundation for non-profits is the first local group advocating for the formal collection of government-approved charity from wealthy Muslims and working-class people to help bridge the gap between rich and poor in the country.
Olagunju stated that Zakat is the most effective way to combat poverty in Nigeria which has a poverty rate that are at 60% of 180 million inhabitants, urging on the rich Muslims and the middle class citizens to adopt habits of spending Zakat.
Muslims comprise at minimum 50 percent of the population. They are considered to be the most deprived.
“Disbursement began immediately with focus on health problems that cannot be put off. We have provided procedures, kidney treatments hearing issues, eye issues and a host of other ailments,” Olagunju said at the ceremony in the southwest of Lagos.
The grant has helped 700 people from Lagos as well as 20,800 people across Nigeria in the year 2016 all by itself.
After a rigorous process of application Beneficiaries received grinding tricycles, grinding machines and motorcycles, photocopying equipment laptops to support education deep freezer Industrial sewing machines and even cash.
“As in November 2016 the total amount of Zakat earned stood at N102,251,490 ($355,000) regardless of the dire condition of our economy.
“While it’s quite a distance from the intention and goal from the foundation’s goal to provide charge of eight named Zakat recipients, this showed that the custom that is associated with Zakat payments is in place within Nigerian Muslims,” he stated.
Imam Abdullahi Shuaib, executive secretary of the Jaiz Zakat and Waqf Trust Fund Nigeria The executive secretary of the Jaiz Zakat and Waqf Trust Fund Nigeria, urged Muslims to join Zakat’s institution to help reduce the levels of poverty and encouraging communal peace.
“Muslims are rich, but the majority people who are Muslims are in poverty because we haven’t embraced Zakah . It’s time to revive the tradition of giving back to the interests of the people in the community.” He said at an address during the ceremony.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram