Zakat Al-Fitr Dilemma: Navigating Religious Boundaries – Exploring the Debate on Zakat Al-Fitr Obligations for Non-Muslim Partners” All praise and gratitude are due to Allah’s Peace, and blessings be on His Messenger.
This fatwa reads:
A Muslim husband is not required to make Zakat al-Fitr on behalf of the wife of his Christian or Jewish wife since Zakat al-Fitr is a requirement for Muslims only.
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In response to your question To answer your question, it is stated in the Fatwa Center at Islam Q and A states:
If the wife belongs to one of the People of the Book (Christian or Jewish), the husband isn’t required to offer Zakat Al-Fitr in her name since zakat Al-Fitr is only required for Muslims.
This is reflected in the account narrated by Ibn Umar (may Allah be happy with his report), who wrote The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon his soul) instructed Zakat al-Fitr, a sathe dates or a barley sa, on behalf of enslaved people and free slaves, female and male old and young within the Muslims. (Al-Bukhari in addition to Muslim)
“Among the Muslims. “among Muslims” and “among Muslims” indicate that being a Muslim is a requirement for Zakat al-Fitr to be obligatory, and it is not a requirement of the non-believer for his part. There is a consensus among scholars in this regard.
“No Zakat al-Fitr is a requirement by a person who is a devout Muslim because The Prophet (peace be with him) stated: “… among the Muslims”. This is a consensus, as al-Mawridi stated, because it’s a way of purification, and doesn’t include those who are not believers.” (Mughni Al-Muhtaj 2/112)
Al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar said:
Its words “male as well as female” clearly suggest that it’s mandatory for all females, no matter if married or otherwise. … After that, the Prophet said: (The scholars) agree that it is not appropriate for a Muslim is not allowed to offer it to his wife who is not Muslim. (Fath al-Bari, 3/369).
Allah Almighty knows best.
Editorial note: This Fatwa originates from the archives of Ask the Scholar and was published originally in the past.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram
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