The Divine: Common Grounds and Distinctive Paths in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity – I’ve already submitted a few others, but this one is a completely new kind. I was trying to figure out the connection to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Is the Christian or Jewish Yahweh (Elohim, Jehovah, etc.) is really the same thing in the same way as Islamic Allah?
is it really the same thing as Islam’s Allah? Christianity or Islam two distinct sects of the identical religion? Allah is derived from Arabic words meaning the Deity that is the same as God, the common name for The Christian God. Also, are they identical? They both have Gods of Abraham. God of Abraham Am I in error?
Short Answer: Yes! Muslims worship the same God as Jews also Christians worship. The belief we hold is that God gave prophets to humanity and all with the same message that we should worship God only. The monotheistic message of the prophets was diluted and altered in time.
“Muslims believe that they have the fullest understanding of what that God is like because they have the final revelation about Him… In respecting other religious traditions, Islam is not abandoning anything… We should never feel threatened by goodness, wherever it is to be found.”
Thank you for your query this is a question that a lot of people inquire about.
Recently, an Roman Catholic friend of mine asked me to pray for her prayers.
The priest she was with was ill, and that the entire parish was asking for his healing but not with much success.
She suggested that, since God did not respond to their prayers, perhaps I could also pray to Him and ask Him to grant the same prayer!
Naturally I was not hesitant to request Allah Almighty that if it is His will that the person receives good health, however I found it harder to explain to her that we were in fact prayer to the exact same God.
The Importance of Interfaith Respect
Learning Prophet Muhammad‘s Kindness and Compassion
In a society that is plagued by religious tension or at least appears to be by those who try to be able to divide religious people It is vital for people to get to know one another better and realize the many things they share.
There are some who seek to cause enmity and animosity between different religions. However, we should be able to resist their efforts and recognize that religions are all friends, never enemies.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are so similar they Christians, Jews, and Muslims need to cooperate for the good of all humanity and the God they all worship.
Many Prophets, One Message, One God
Islam is, as I am sure you are aware has been revealed in its current form to Muhammad Muhammad (peace be on him-PBUH) 14 centuries earlier during the Arabian Peninsula.
It was intended to be a message to all throughout time.
Muslims think that the revelation was never at all the start of the revelation, but more so, God had established Islam as the religion of humanity at the start of Time.
We believe that God created prophets throughout the ages to encourage people to worship one God and to live their lives in His ways that are in accordance with His will.
The prophets of Islam are known by such names such as Adam, Moses, Solomon, David, Abraham and Jesus (peace be on them all) They all carried the same message.
The only distinction is that each brought laws for specific group of people at a specific time in time.
It’s obvious that the prophets of old were calling believers to believe in the same God and not a different God.
How The True Message of Monotheism Was Diluted
Islam Is Easy – Don’t Make It Difficult
It is the opinion of Muslims that even though the prophets were supposed to declare the worship of one God to their followers People who heard the message from them frequently did not understand it.
As time passed the message changed due to translation, or perhaps the deliberate actions of a few individuals.
Numerous stories in the Bible For instance are found in the Quran.
Islam is a religion that teaches that those who have gone before misunderstood or disregarded the revelations made to them. This is the reason Christians or Jews have different views of God in comparison to Muslims however, it’s the same God that is believed by the three.
The message that was given by Muhammad (PBUH) Although it was it was not altered, since the Book given to him was intact in original Arabic. This is the reason why that the Arabic language is crucial in Islam.
It was in this language that it was that the Quran was revealed, and where it was kept.
Allah= Arabic Word for “God”
While Arabic is essential to Muslims as they speak it as the official language of their book and their last prophet Islam doesn’t constitute an Arabic religion neither is it exclusive to Arabs.
In fact, it might surprise you to learn the fact that less than 20 percent in the entire world’s Muslims is Arab.
The term “Allah”, which Muslims utilize to refer to God refers to an Arabic word in the same way as “God” is an English word “Gott” is a German word”Gott” is a German word, while “Dieu” is a French word.
It is not the case it. French, German, or English people are different from God due to the fact that they talk about God in their own languages.
For instance, if you open any page of an Arabic Bible that is used in the lives of Christians throughout the Middle East, you will find the word “Allah” many, many times since it is the Arabic name of God.
Muslims consider that God’s final message to humanity was made in the Quran and verified or corrected earlier revelations to prophets before.
The Wisdom of Interfaith Dialogue
One God
Islam, Judaism, Christianity: Worshipping The Same God?
The goal of interfaith dialogue is to help people of various religions to get better acquainted with each other, without proclaiming their beliefs while respecting the beliefs of other people.
In the instance between Christians, Jews, and Muslims they discover quickly that despite several differences, there are numerous things that are shared.
I hope that you will discern from this that the God is revered by Christians, Muslims and Jews is one in the same.
Muslims believe they have the best understanding of what God is because they have the ultimate knowledge of God.
Respecting other religions, Islam is not abandoning any tradition.
Muslims By the way have the highest respect for the prophets adored by Christians as well as Jews due to the fact that they believe that they are prophets from Islam themselves.
We should not be in any way frightened by the goodness of God, regardless of where it may be located.
World’s leaders in religion have not just to get together frequently to talk about what they share However, they must also for their actions to reflect it.
The world needs to understand that they value each other and that violence committed in the religious name is unjust.
People who do not have a religious beliefs do not like hearing this message, yet it’s still valid.
Through talking to one another and gaining the ability to know one another more deeply, those who are religious are able to speak to all the people of the earth about the one God that the world is longing for.
I hope this response will be helpful.
Please stay in contact.
(From the archives of Ask About Islam.)
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Is Islam the Continuation of Christianity?
Muslims and Catholics Are More Alike Than You Think
- Does Learning About Other Religions Endanger My Faith?
- Fight the Unbelievers? What About Interfaith Dialogue?
- The similarities among Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114