Words That Start with Z For Kids PDF Download

Words That Start with Z – The list of words that begin with z can improve the vocabulary of anyone. Use them in games such as Scrabble or browse the list to discover an entirely new talk.

These lists of words that begin with the letter Z are ideal for when your family or friends are playing games like Scratch and Words With Friends. Check out the following list of words that begin with z, to expand your vocabulary.

Words that start with Z 

Z can be generally regarded as the least frequently used word in both dictionaries and text. It appears to be less than per cent all the time, in both.

Z is notable for being one of the few letters to be removed later returned in the alphabet. In around 300 BC, it was discovered that the Romans eliminated it from the alphabet since they believed it was archaic and ineffective. After 200 years, it was reinstated.

Z wasn’t always the last letter in the alphabet. The ampersand (and) was initially an alphabetic 27th. It was initially spoken “per se,” but as time passed, the letters were slurred and eventually became “ampersand.” It was thought to be part of the alphabet by the 1800s.

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Words That Start with Z

Sr NoWords Meaning
01ZapInformal-destroy, move quickly
02Zeal You're enthusiastic and full of energy, Zeal and Zest
03Zenith The top point
04Zero-in-on Pay attention to what you're aiming for
05Zest Fantastic energy and enthusiasm
06Zigzag Line or course, with sharp alternatives for right and left turn
07Zilch Informal-nothing
08Zing Intimate-energy and enthusiasm
09Zombie Indifferent and unresponsive
10Zoom Move very quickly
Words That Start with Z (Words & Meaning) PDF Download
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Zis generally spoken “zzz.”

We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of 50 words that begin in Z! Although some of the words might be difficult to use in everyday conversation, others are wonderful additions to your existing vocabulary.

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W- Words – Did you read interesting Words That Start with V on the way? Which one do you read? Let us know if you have any question about Z words. We will gladly explain!

Related Topics: If you really enjoy Words That Start with W, then there are some more informative Blogs for you! Regards Hafiz Abdul Hameed www.QuranMualim Call or WhatsApp +923017363500 Gmail: [email protected]

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