Words That Start with T – The T letter is the English-speaking consonant that is the most popular globally, and it is the second most frequent word in the English language, just after E.
Our list of T-words for children, together with our top letter T-related activities, are designed to help your children associate the sound they are familiar with the letter written and help them build the foundations of written language. Discover a wide array of words beginning with T for kids.

Words That Start with T
Sr.No | English Words | Meaning |
01 | Tab | A tiny flap that projects or strip or strip of paper, in informal (keep the eye on)to monitor the activities of |
02 | Taboo | A ban or restriction imposed by social customs, any social restrictions |
03 | Taciturn | Little, mostly still, and not wanting to speak. |
04 | Tacky | Informal clothing that is not of good taste or high quality. |
05 | Tact | The ability to communicate and the sensitivity to deal with other people |
06 | Tactile | The feeling of having, or being perceivable through the sensation of touch |
07 | Talisman | A relic is believed to bring luck |
08 | Tamper | Interfere with |
09 | Tandem | In tandem and behind one another |
10 | Tangible | Perceivable through touch, whether it is real |
11 | Tantamount | In seriousness, equivalent to, comparable in significance, quality, etc. |
12 | Tardy | Slow to react or act or respond. Slow, delayed, dilaatory |
13 | Tarnish | Do not be known and less |
14 | Tattle | Gossip |
15 | Taunt | A mocking or jeering comment. |
16 | Tautology | The repetition of the same idea over and repeatedly, in different ways in a needless repeating an original idea |
17 | Teeter | Unsteady movement or sway |
18 | Temperamental | The tendency to alter mood in an unnatural manner |
19 | Tempt | Inspire someone to act in defiance of their own judgement |
20 | Tenacious | Affirming something with a firm hold stubborn, persistent or persevering |
21 | Tensile | Of tension that can be stretched |
22 | Tentative | Uncertain, uncertain |
23 | Tenuous | Very thin, very light or fine as fiber |
24 | Terra-firma | Dry land |
25 | Terse | In a only a few words |
26 | Testy | Irritable |
27 | Thaw | Unfreeze or make it unfrozen and become more friendly |
28 | Therapeutic | It has a positive impact on the mind and body helping to treat or heal, or to maintain the health of the body and mind. |
29 | Threshold | A point or level marking the beginning of something, the beginning point |
30 | Thrifty | Economic development through the utilization of resources |
31 | Timorous | Timid and full of fear, fearful |
32 | Tirade | Along angry speech |
33 | Topical | In connection with current events |
34 | Touche | A term used to recognize a positive argument made in one's own |
35 | Touchy | Quick to take offense |
36 | Traipse | Move or walk slowly |
37 | Transliterate | Create a word or letter by using letters from a new alphabet, or other language |
38 | Trying | Annoying |
39 | Trite | Overused or not originalTruculent |
40 | Truculent | It is quick to debate or fight brutal, violent or brutal |
41 | Truce | An agreement to cease the fighting temporarily |
42 | Truism | An assertion that is evidently real and does not contain any new information. |
43 | Trundle | Slowly roll or move |
44 | Turbulent | That can cause a lot of conflicts, chaos or confusion, wild or chaotic |
45 | Turmoil | A state of major disorientation or confusion |
46 | Tutelage | Authority or protection, tuition and tuition, guardianship, or care |
47 | Tweak | Make a sharp or sharp twist and informal-improve your technique by making precise adjustments |
48 | Twit/Twerp | Informal-a jolly person |
49 | Typify | Be the norm of |
50 | Tyro | A beginner |

Creating Idioms With T Words
Words That Start with T – This is when you can begin to discuss subjects or the idiomatic use of the language. You can start teaching your students phrases such as “through thick and thin” or “grain of truth.” Students should be encouraged to share the terms they’ve heard that contain these words through idioms using T activities. Set a timer, and allow students to write the most idiomatic T words that they can think of. After a while, locate new idioms that are unique and then have them make distinctive phrases.
The Tremendous Truth of T
T appears everywhere across English. The process of linking the letters to abstract concepts begins in the form of lists but goes on to the etymology, use and effects of the English language in all its forms. When you can help your students in that process, you’ll be able to give them the opportunity to teach them real and lasting literacy.
QuranMualim is another excellent resource for finding take-charge words. YOURINFOMASTER ‘s word list that begins with the letter T contains a wide range of words that make perfect for adding to your list of vocabulary.
Complete the advanced search form to narrow down your search further! To learn more rich language and etymology, take an interest in our words that begin with the letter U. It’s a given that these young learners will be able to step up their game with these particular words. Enjoy!
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