Words That Start with D – Words that Start with D for Kids. How do you prefer to make your lists of vocabulary for students? There are numerous methods to tackle this important subject.
If you’d like to take it step by step We’ve created a detailed list of vocabulary, grades by grades. Explore more than 50 words that begin with D for children as well as a number of engaging letter D activities.

Words That Start with D
Sr No | Words | Meaning |
01 | Dabble | Engage in an act in a casual, casual manner. To do something casually |
02 | Daft | Inane, silly, stupid |
03 | Dapper | Attractive in appearance and attire |
04 | Dastardly | Inhumane and cruel, cruel cowardly |
05 | Daunt | Encourage or intimidate |
06 | Debacle | Devastating defeat, complete fail, a disaster |
07 | Debase | Quality or value are less |
08 | Dearth | Scarcity or insufficiency |
09 | Debrief | In-depth question regarding the mission that is being contested |
10 | Decelerate | slowdown |
11 | Decisive | Ability to make an informed decision and settle an issue swiftly |
12 | Decrepit | Worn out or weakened , broken down |
13 | Defer | Set off for another time, or to delay, or to give in respect |
14 | Deferential | Very respectable |
15 | Definitive | Setting something up with authority, definitively final, and the most precise of its kinds |
16 | Deft | Quick and skilled |
17 | Defunct | Inactive or no longer functioning No longer functioning, inactive |
18 | Delineate | Define or specify the exact details, or draw sketche |
19 | Delusion | A false impression or belief The act of deceiving |
20 | Demeanor | Bearing or outward behavior |
21 | Demur | Refrain from expressing objections, or show reluctance to from expressing an objection |
22 | Demure | Reserving, modest, and elegant modest, reserved |
23 | Denigrate | To belittle or blacken, or to criticize unfairly |
24 | Denizen | A frequent visitor to a specific location |
25 | Denounce | Protest publicly, declare as the wrongdoer or evil |
26 | Deplete | Reduce the quantity or the number of, in order to make use of (resources) |
27 | Deprecate | Disapprove of, or reduce; devalue |
28 | Depreciate | The value of the property will decrease or diminish as time passes |
29 | Dereliction | Failure to do one's duty, forsaking of |
30 | Deride | To make fun of, ridicule fun of |
31 | Derogatory | Negative or rude |
32 | Descry | To see the |
33 | Despicable | Not worthy of ridicule, hate, or disdain |
34 | Despondent | Sad and depressed |
35 | Desuetude | Extinct, disuse |
36 | Desultory | Inspiring but without purpose and apathy, moving from one topic to the next in a non-sensical way and solitary |
37 | Detriment | Injury or damage |
38 | Deviant | A departure from what is normal and a deviation from the norm |
39 | Devious | Cunning and submissive, but not straight, roundabout, not honest |
40 | Devolve | Transfer the power to a lower level and delegate the responsibility |
41 | Dexterity | Skills in completing tasks, proficiency in using one's body, hands or even mind |
42 | Diabolical | Like the devil, informal and very poor |
43 | Diatribe | an aggressive verbal attack or an angry critique of writing or speech |
44 | Dichotomy | Separation into two parts and the contrast of two aspects |
45 | Dilettante | A person who isn't an expert, but a person who participates in an activity to have fun A dabbler |
46 | Diligent | Conscient and attentive and hard-working |
47 | Discern | Be aware of the things you can see or be aware of, or to recognize clearly |
48 | Disconcert | Unsettle, upset, |
49 | Disconsolate | Unforgettable, irritable |
50 | Discord | A lack of harmony or agreement noisy and unpleasant sound conflict, quarrels, and disagreement |
51 | Discretion | The benefits of being discrete and free to make your own decisions |
52 | Discursive | The subject is a flit from one topic to another, (topic to topic) |
53 | Disenchanted | The subject is a flit from one topic to another, (topic to topic) |
54 | Disenchanted | The feeling of disillusion is that one has lost one's positive opinion about something |
55 | Disgorge | To expel or cause to spill out |
56 | Disingenuous | Not sincere |
57 | Disparage | Be critical of, and to denigrate |
58 | Disparate | Unique in its own way distinctive |
59 | Disquisition | A lengthy or elaborate analysis of a topic, an extended or complex written or spoken report |
60 | Disseminate | Spread your wings widely, spread the word ideas around, and to spread. |
61 | Dissent | Not agreeing with the generally or publicly held opinion |
62 | Dissimulate | To hide or conceal the feelings of one's self |
63 | Dissonance | Lacking harmony, discord |
64 | Distraught | Afraid and worried Very worried and upset, but also distracted |
65 | Divest | Strip off, in order to be deprive (of the power, rank, etc.) |
66 | Divulge | Reveal information, |
67 | Docile | Simple to control Easy to control, easy to discipline submissive |
68 | Dogged | Persistent |
69 | Dogmatic | Affirming one's belief as being true, and insisting that one's beliefs must be accepted |
70 | Doldrums | A state of depression or inactivity |
71 | Doleful | Sad, sorrowful, and sorrowful |
72 | Domineer | To be ruled in a brutal or arrogant manner, or to rule in a way that is excessive and arrogant |
73 | Dormant | Temporarily inactive Slow down |
74 | Double-entendre | A word or phrase that has two meanings, one of which is typically rude |
75 | Dowdy | is not trendy or stylish when it comes to dress |
76 | Draconian | The harsh or the strict, cruel and brutal |
77 | Drivel | Insane talk, silly and nonsense |
78 | Dubious | Doubting, unsure, hesitant not reliable or having a certain level of quality |
79 | Dullard | A dumb or unimaginative person |
80 | Duress | Violence, threats or force employed to force someone to perform a task |
81 | Dysfunctional | Ineffective, inability to handle normal social relationships |

Words That Start With D – A deliberate determination gets the job Doing with the right amount of determination, you will assist your students to develop an ongoing passion for words. Begin the journey of learning when you introduce new concepts to your students but let them discover new ways to incorporate them into their lives.
If you’re looking to find some more D words to teach your students, visit www.Quranmualim.com list of words which begin with the letter D. Fill out using the search feature to locate words, A Words, B Words, C Words and D Words that have the right length and letter!
If you’re loving these letter-by-letter, Word by Word vocabulary lessons, continue to go through the alphabet by using words that begin with E for children.
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What are some D words for children?
A few of the D words for children include door, dig drink, date, dinosaur deer, desk donkey dart, deep dance, Drum, Drink, Dummy, Honky and dab, dip dad, dent dark, dock etc.
What are Kindergarten D terms for children?
A few of D Words for Kindergarten Kids are daily, drum dose, dull, drift dabble, danger, dirty, doom, driblet and deaf. dumb doctor, die completed, driven dam, damage do done, did etc.
What are some preschool D terms for children?
D -Words A few of the most popular preschool D words for children include dog, doll, drop, do daisy, daffodil dawn dusk, dusk, dim light drop, dot dish, dice damp, delight delicious, delicious and many more.
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Frequently Asked Questions on D Words for Kids
D – Words for kids PDF Download
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