Words That Start With B For Kids – The most effective vocabulary classes are available in a variety of dimensions and shapes. The ability to speak and spell words from an early age can help your students achieve great success.
One strategy is to break apart the alphabet and learn new words one letter at a time. Choose a new letter each day, and set off on the next adventure! Here, there are excellent B words for children and some games that will make learning enjoyable.

Words That Start with B
Sr No | Words | Meaning |
01 | Babble | Talk in a baffling or confusing manner |
02 | Backlog | accumulation of work, an accumulation of reserve An |
03 | Badger: | To nag, make you angry, to pester |
04 | Baleful | Menacing, deadly, harmful |
05 | Banal | Predictable , unoriginal and trite. |
06 | Banter | Playful teasing, warm teasing |
07 | Baritone | The man's singing voice in between bass and teno |
08 | Barrage | a large number of inquiries or complaints, a hefty attack Shy and easily embarrassing |
09 | Baulk | Hesitate to accept, deter or block |
10 | Bawdy | Indecent and obscene |
11 | Beacon | ships.A flame that is placed on a hill for signal, or light acting as a signal to aircraft |
12 | Bedlam: | noisy and confusion and confused location Any place or circumstance that creates noise |
13 | Beguile: | Trick, trick, or trick to trick or deprive the pleasure of |
14 | Behest | In response to the order or request of, a command , or an sincere demand |
15 | Beleaguer | To annoy, under pressure repeatedly, or in a situation of difficulty and irritate |
16 | Benevolent | Kindness, understanding and considerate |
17 | Benign | Kindly, good natured |
18 | Bequeath | To bequeath to another person in one's will, or give property to someone else by will |
19 | Berate | To scold harshly and to berate angrily |
20 | Bereavement | To leave in a sorrowful or lonely condition, like the passing of a loved one |
21 | Bereft: | Not alone, lonely, or abandoned |
22 | Berserk | In or out of an intense rage or frenzy |
23 | Besiege | To encircle the area with armoured forces |
24 | Besmirch | To soil, to damage one's reputation |
25 | Bibliography: | : A list of the books mentioned to in written works or list of books on specific subjects |
26 | Bigot | A person who is prejudiced and intolerant one who is blind and with no tolerance to a certain belief |
27 | Bionic | Extremely strong, expert and electronically strong |
28 | Bizarre | Very strange, unusual, odd, grotesque |
29 | Blase | Unsatisfied with something due to years of experience, bore, or satiated |
31 | Blasphemy | Profound disrespect for God or sacred objects or words spoken in a disrespectful manner. |
32 | Bleary | Dark and unfocused or blurred |
33 | Blemish: | A tiny flaw or mark that is a mark or flaw, which can be ruined or damaged (verb) or a flaw |
34 | Blend | To mix easily, blend well. |
35 | Bogus | False, fake |
36 | Boisterous | Noisy, energetic and high-spirited |
37 | Bolster | Support or reinforce |
38 | Braggart | A boastful person |
39 | Brainchild | An idea of a particular person or idea |
40 | Brandish: | To make something appear as an attack or in response to the basis of excitement or anger. |
41 | Bravo | Well done |
42 | Bravura | Excellent talent and passion |
43 | Breaking a rule | : Breach an agreement, or a violation or the gap |
44 | Brevity : | Concise and precise usage of language, speed of time, shortness |
45 | Broach : | Bring up a topic for discussion , in order to initiate an exchange of |
46 | Browbeat | To intimidate |
47 | Brusque: | a rough and abrupt style of speech and offhand |
48 | Bucolic | Rustic, rural, and of the country |
49 | Bugbear | Something that causes anxiety or irritation. source of anxiety or annoyance. The buoyant: able to float happily |
50 | Bureaucrat: | Official of the government, who strictly adheres to the rules |
51 | Burly | Strong, large and large (of men) |
52 | Bustle: | Move vigorously or with an engaged in an activity |
53 | Bygone | Belonging to the past |
54 | Byword | : A notable illustration of something, or an expression |

B Words for Kids Abound
B words – With the right guidance with the right guidance, we can set young students up for success right even before they reach the age of preschool or early age. Actually, the earlier children are excited about tiny victories, such as spelling words like bee and the more they’ll be looking for those opportunities.
In order to boost the fun of B-words, take a the time to look over these A words printable spelling worksheets for free. They also provide a few suggestions to help you in teaching spelling consistently and effectively.
B Is Just the Beginning
Make use of www.QuranMualim.com comprehensive collection of Arabic words, Arabic School Words, Arabic Alphabets, Arabic learning and English words beginning in the A letter to build your own personal vocabulary list of B-words.
Simply fill in your advanced search box and select the letter the words begin with or the length you want for your word. After you’ve learned about words that begin with B and C, it’s time to move to the next letter of the alphabet. Prepare to discover words that begin with C for children..
Some gift words for You. Cryptograms words, Units of Measurement words List, Arabic Media words,Dua For Pain PDF, Ecological Worksheet ,School Vocabulary list for Students PDF Free Download
Frequently Asked Questions on B Words for Kids
Some of the B Words for Kids
Words That Start With B – Some of the B-words for children are ball and banana boil, bake bear, bar and bare. They also include beat beaf, boat black bird, bat, ban and balm. birth, bark, berth Bask, basket bingo, binge blossom, huge, larger most powerful boost, brag beast, etc.
What are Kindergarten B Words for Kids?
The Kindergarten Words to Learn for Children include bubble, bye, band bun, bunk, but brown, button bell belt, bet break bag, brake balloon, bet but, berry blueberry, blackberry, bent boar, bike ball, back, and so on.
What are some Preschool B Words for Kids?
There are a few Preschool B Words for Kids are bear, bad boy, box, bus blue, bib bird brinjal, boy barn bed, beep bail blues, blink, balloon, blank, etc. Thanks
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B- Words for kids matching Activity
Printing letter-b-worksheet Download