Why Do Babies Cry in Their Sleep Islam? – Crying is a natural behavior exhibited by infants, serving as a primary means of communication during their early stages of development. As parents or caretakers, we often find ourselves perplexed when our little ones cry, especially when they are seemingly asleep.
In Islam, an all-encompassing religion that addresses various aspects of human life, there is a rich tradition of seeking knowledge and understanding. Exploring the reasons behind babies crying in their sleep through an Islamic lens can provide insights into this intriguing phenomenon.
Islam emphasizes the importance of understanding the nature of human beings, including their physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Recognizing the vulnerability of infants and the significance of their early development, Islamic teachings provide a holistic approach to comprehend and address their needs.
While crying in sleep can occur due to various reasons, including physical discomfort or the need for nourishment, Islamic perspectives add a spiritual dimension to the understanding of this behavior.
This article aims to shed light on why babies cry in their sleep from an Islamic standpoint, taking into account both practical considerations and spiritual guidance found in Islamic sources. By examining these insights, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the needs and experiences of infants, fostering a more compassionate and attentive approach to their care.
It is essential to note that the following discussion will present general Islamic principles and perspectives. Individual circumstances may vary, and seeking guidance from qualified Islamic scholars and medical professionals is always recommended for specific situations.
In the sections that follow, we will explore various factors that may contribute to babies crying in their sleep from an Islamic perspective, such as physiological discomfort, emotional needs, and the influence of unseen beings.
We will also highlight the importance of nurturing a supportive environment for infants, grounded in love, patience, and attentiveness, in line with Islamic teachings.
By gaining a comprehensive understanding of why babies cry in their sleep, we can endeavor to create an environment that promotes their well-being, both physically and spiritually. Let us embark on this journey to explore the multifaceted nature of infant behavior, drawing wisdom from the Islamic tradition to better comprehend and respond to their needs.
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Quran Verses Why Do Babies Cry in Their Sleep Islam?
Why Do Babies Cry in Their Sleep Islam? In Islam, the Quran does not specifically address the question of why babies cry in their sleep. The Quran is a divine book of guidance, revelation, and spiritual teachings, and it primarily focuses on matters of faith, worship, morality, and social ethics.
While the Quran provides general guidance on various aspects of life, it does not delve into specific details about the physiological or psychological behaviours of infants.
However, Islam encourages believers to seek knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Exploring the reasons behind certain phenomena, such as why babies cry in their sleep, is a part of that pursuit of knowledge.
Muslims are encouraged to study the natural world and engage in scientific inquiry to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms and reasons behind various phenomena, including the behavior of infants.
Islam emphasizes the importance of caring for children, including providing them with a safe and nurturing environment. It encourages parents and caregivers to respond to the needs of their infants, whether it be feeding, changing diapers, or soothing them when they cry, in order to ensure their well-being and development.
While the Quran may not explicitly answer why babies cry in their sleep, it encourages believers to approach such questions with an open mind, seeking knowledge and understanding through observation, research, and consultation with experts in the field. Islam promotes a holistic approach to life, encompassing both faith and reason, and encourages believers to utilize both in their quest for knowledge and understanding.
Narrated Said bin Al-Musaiyab: Abu Huraira said, “I heard Allah’s Apostle pronouncing, ‘There is none born a number of the off-spring of Adam, but Satan touches it.
A baby therefore, cries loudly at the time of start because of the touch of Satan, besides Mary and her toddler.” Then Abu Huraira recited: “And I searching for safe haven with You for her and for her offspring from the outcast Satan” (Qur’an 3.36)
This Hadith has been published and some of questions have been requested concerning it.
1. Do you think there’s no scientific purpose for why the newborns cry? According to clinical science a brand new born toddler has to cry otherwise mind will not get oxygen at once and this can convey critical complications later. When the infant is within the womb it doesn’t breath through the nose but via umbilical twine, so when it comes out there is no oxygen getting into via the nostril for the reason that toddler doesn’t understand a way to breath so the nurse will hit their tiny buttocks and they will respond to the pain will a yell which robotically opens the nose and the lungs start pumping oxygen. In some instances, babies born at domestic, into a quiet, heat surroundings (mainly at some stage in water start) every so often do now not cry and no complications may also manifest in the ones instances. Babies want to be monitored handiest underneath such circumstances. Therefore, there is pure technological know-how involved for toddlers crying. It isn’t Satan’s contact that makes them cry.
There is no reason why the medical purpose and the contact of Satan can’t move hand in hand. Let’s say, if a person says that Allah reasons rain and every other man or woman says that evaporation and the whole process related to it reasons rain, we can’t say that simplest one in all them is accurate; both might be accurate in saying so. Allah reasons rain and evaporation is the technique via which it happens.
Satan runs inside the body of Adam’s son (i.E. Man) as his blood circulates in it.
Satan’s touching is an unseen event. We understand that he is living in son of Adam like blood yet we cannot see it or sense it. However, we don’t know when Satan enters the human body. It could either be at time of start or even as the kid remains within the womb or in a while. Since it’s miles from the unseen, speculating gained’t be beneficial. There is another Hadith that gives us with further information of Satan.
“If absolutely everyone of you rouses from sleep and plays the ablution, he need to wash his nose by way of placing water in it after which blowing it out thrice, due to the fact Satan has stayed inside the top a part of his nostril all the night time.”
Some humans attempt to ridicule this Hadith. However, that isn’t always our challenge on this paper. If they find issues in accepting that Satan is an unpleasant creature and that his deeds are unpleasant as properly, then they would no longer try to guard Satan by means of mocking such narrations.
Satan’s touch (or his preliminary access into the human probable via the nostril) whilst the kid enters the arena, may want to reason the clinical conditions stated. For someone to locate the Hadith to be towards science, they would must have visible Satan in individual and persuade others that Satan isn’t always how he has been defined with the aid of Allah and His Messenger (ﷺ).
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The 2nd question requested regarding the Hadith is as follows:
2. There are a few infants that don’t cry at the time of delivery. Will they arrive underneath the category of Mary and Jesus? I.E, They do not cry, is it due to Satan now not touching them?
The Hadith states that a child that cries is because of the contact of Satan. It does now not say that Satan’s touch usually reasons a cry. There is a huge difference in each! A toddler cries while it falls down even as playing. However, this doesn’t imply that each one children will cry after they crumple; a few don’t.
Another query touching on the Hadith is as follows:
three. Why Mary and Jesus alone were exempted from Satan’s touching and (most likely did now not cry)? This question is vital, due to the fact, as according to the hadith, even prophet Ibrahim became no longer excluded from Satan’s touching. And why Mary and Jesus by myself? Don’t you watched this hadith makes discrimination among distinct prophets?
The cause why Lady Maryam changed into not touched by using Satan is due to the fact she turned into dedicated via her mom to the carrier of Allah. Her reason in existence become to live faraway from worldly activities and only commit herself to the worship of Allah and for this reason Allah kept her faraway from Satan. Here is what her mother had stated whilst she conceived her:
When the spouse of ‘Imran stated, “My Lord, indeed I actually have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”
Prophet Eisa (عليه السلام) changed into no longer touched by using Satan due to the fact the Qur’an explicitly says so.
But whilst she delivered her, she stated, “My Lord, I actually have brought a woman.” And Allah was maximum understanding of what she delivered, “And the male is not like the female. And I have named her Maryam, and I are seeking shelter for her in You and [for] her descendants from Satan, the expelled [from the mercy of Allah].”
The prayer was answered. The Hadith of Satan not touching them is quoted inside the commentary of this verse with the aid of Ibn Kathir as well.
As to the discrimination argument, there may be none due to the fact all messengers of Allah were out of the reach of Satan’s impact of their lifestyles. Since all messengers of Allah have been now not capable of be prompted with the aid of Satan of their lives, Prophet Eisa and Maryam (عليهم السلام) could were protected through Allah from Satan despite the fact that the prayer changed into not made. However, since the prayer became made, the extra safety turned into furnished to them and that was the touch of Satan on the time of start.
On a facet be aware, one need to not question such issues and points related to discrimination among prophets because they had been all messengers of Allah. Prophets have been given functions, qualities and miracles by using Allah and therefore to say that one messenger received such and such a miracle whilst the other received such and such and consequently this messenger has been discriminated against might now not be a sensible grievance.
Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) stated that his partner Satan became a believer. We are not instructed whether or not the equal passed off with any other messenger as nicely. Asking unnecessary questions at useless locations and activities ends in confusions and doubts.
Since the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is not with us any extra to reply the questions without delay, we must stay content with what has been told to us and such regions now not informed to us should not be speculated upon.
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Another query asked is as follows:
four. Don’t you suspect this hadith contradicts another ahaadith said via each Bukhari and Muslim in which the prophet said that every and each infant is born in a country of Fitrah?
The baby is still born on Fitrah. This question indicates a lack of understanding of the term ‘Fitrah’. Satan’s touch does not convert the child closer to a false or a corrupted faith, neither does it force the child toward the worship of a false deity or some other deviated notion. The Hadith that has been spoken of in this query itself clarifies this, if study in complete.
“No baby is born besides on Al-Fitrah (Islam) after which his parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian, as an animal produces an ideal younger animal: do you notice any a part of its frame amputated?”
Lastly, it’s been asked whether or not making du’a (prayer), as referred to in some other Hadith, can save you from the touch of Satan.
5. You quoted a hadith from Volume 1, Book 4, Number 143: Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas, in which prophet said “If anyone of you on having sexual relations together with his spouse said ‘In the name of Allah. O Allah! Protect us from Satan and additionally protect what you bestow upon us (i.E. The approaching offspring) from Satan, and if it’s miles destined that they ought to have a infant then, Satan will in no way be capable of damage that offspring. “My query is this: Are you announcing that toddlers born within the above circumstances won’t cry?
The question would now not were asked if the Hadith had been examine nicely. The du’a made by means of the figure is for the mother and father as nicely.
Since the parent makes du’a for safety from Satan, who has already been touched by way of Satan at his own birth, how can one assume that the protection of the child from Satan approach protection from his touch at the time of start?
Harm because of Satan isn’t always handiest limited to touching at the time of start. Satan now not being capable of damage him speaks of a larger context i.E. Satan could no longer be able to motive him problems in lifestyles which could flip him far from the true faith.
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Questions & Answers Why Do Babies Cry in Their Sleep Islam?
Q: Why do babies cry in their sleep according to Islam?
A: Islam does not provide a specific answer to why babies cry in their sleep. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, primarily focuses on matters of faith, worship, morality, and social ethics rather than specific physiological or psychological behaviors of infants.
Q: Does Islam provide any guidance on how to deal with a crying baby during sleep?
A: While the Quran does not address this specific issue, Islam emphasizes the importance of caring for children. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to respond to the needs of their infants, including soothing them when they cry, in order to ensure their well-being and development.
Q: Is seeking knowledge about the reasons behind babies crying in their sleep encouraged in Islam?
A: Yes, Islam encourages believers to seek knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Exploring the reasons behind certain phenomena, such as why babies cry in their sleep, is a part of that pursuit of knowledge. Muslims are encouraged to study the natural world and engage in scientific inquiry to gain a better understanding of various phenomena.
Q: How should Muslim parents approach the issue of their baby crying in their sleep?
A: Muslim parents are encouraged to respond to their baby’s needs with love, patience, and compassion. They should attend to their baby’s crying by checking if the baby needs to be fed, changed, or comforted. Creating a safe and soothing sleep environment and establishing a consistent bedtime routine may also help promote better sleep for the baby.
Q: Does Islam provide any specific practices or remedies to help soothe a baby during sleep?
A: Islam does not prescribe specific practices or remedies for soothing a baby during sleep. However, Muslim parents may find comfort in reciting soothing Quranic verses or engaging in gentle, calming activities such as softly singing lullabies or reading bedtime stories to their baby.
Q: Is it permissible in Islam to use sleep training methods to help a baby sleep better?
A: There are various sleep training methods available, and opinions on them may differ among Islamic scholars. While Islam encourages responding to a baby’s needs promptly, some scholars may consider gentle sleep training methods that promote healthy sleep habits as permissible. It is advisable to consult with knowledgeable scholars to seek guidance on specific sleep training practices.
Why Do Babies Cry in Their Sleep Islam? – In conclusion, Islam does not provide a specific explanation for why babies cry in their sleep. The Quran, as the holy book of Islam, primarily focuses on matters of faith, worship, morality, and social ethics rather than specific physiological or psychological behaviors of infants.
However, Islam encourages believers to seek knowledge and understanding of the world around them, including the reasons behind various phenomena.
When it comes to dealing with a crying baby during sleep, Islam emphasizes the importance of caring for children and responding to their needs. Muslim parents and caregivers are encouraged to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their infants, attending to their cries and soothing them as necessary to ensure their well-being and development.
While Islam does not prescribe specific remedies or practices for soothing a baby during sleep, Muslim parents may find comfort in engaging in gentle and loving actions, such as reciting soothing Quranic verses, singing lullabies, or reading bedtime stories.
Ultimately, Islam encourages believers to approach the question of why babies cry in their sleep with an open mind and to seek knowledge and understanding through observation, research, and consultation with experts in the field.
By combining faith and reason, Muslims can strive to provide the best care and support for their infants, fulfilling their responsibilities as parents and caregivers in accordance with Islamic teachings.
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