When Does Suhoor Start? Ramadan is an opportunity to be blessed to belong to this Muslim community. It is the 9th month in Ramadan is one of the most significant in the lunar calendar.
It’s an important holiday for Muslims that allows us be blessed, increase your worship frequency, ask for forgiveness and strengthen relationships with our families and communities. It’s done to improve the morale of Muslims.
When it comes to Ramadan, Muslims must refrain from certain actions during the morning hours (like eating or drinking) and also increase other activities (like prayer in the evening and also donating to charities and sharing meals).
Similar to all religious rituals in Islam it is vital to observe Ramadan according to the guidelines set forth by the Qur’an and the Sunnah and also observe the month (and each aspect of it) in the correct way.
Before beginning our daily fast it is advised that we take a meal before fasting called suhoor. Ideally, eating suhoorlessens our appetite all day long, allowing us to retain the motivation and endurance required to finish the fast with the hope of success, God willing.
Because it is an important occasion, it is essential to think about how we observe this suhoor. In the lead up to when Ramadan will be upon us (or the time it is due) we should be conscious of the rules that must be followed for observing Suhoor.
If you are new to fasting, it could be beneficial to speak with fellow Muslims to get advice regarding how to do the process. To assist everyone else in adhering to the suhoor here are some suggestions which could prove helpful.
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It’s the Do’s and a Few Don’ts
Don’t consume suhoor. Don’t believe it’s a show of faith or strength to escheat the food.
The most powerful man in the world The prophet Muhammad Peace and Glory be upon his advice to the Muslims to eat suhoor. This was his practice as well as the tradition of the early Muslims thus it is not advised to stay clear of it.
If we are consciously doing this, we are denying ourselves the chance for being blessed as well as experience an enlightened and wholesome fast. The idea was confirmed by Anas ibn Maalik. Allah be with his work. He said that the Prophet had said:
“Eat suhoor because within the suhoor there is a blessing.” ( Bukhari #1923; Muslim #1095)
An additional companion Jabir could Allah be pleased with him, claimed that the Prophet’s peace and blessings to him said:
“Whoever wants to be quick, he should eat something to satisfy Suhoor.“ (Sunan in Ahmad #14533)
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Begin your suhoor by mentioning the name. Allah.
As we eat at mealtime, we begin with the words “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah). It is believed that the Messenger of Allah instructed that we should say it every meal, and that includes suhoor. He said:
“When you or someone else consumes food, the person serving you must make a mention of the name of his guest to Allah. If he doesn’t mention the name of Allaah at the beginning during his meal, the meal should be concluded by saying “Bismillaahi Fi anawwalihi Akhirihi (in The names and titles of Allaah both at the start and at the end).” (Tirmidhi #1859; Abu Dawood #3767)
Do not be like other religious groups and consume suhoor.
Our Prophet said:
“The primary difference in our fast compared to the People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians) is the fact that we eat suhoor.” (Sahih Muslim)
Be constant, but don’t consider that your speed is insufficient when you don’t meet the requirements due to a cause.
Many who are studying Islam determine suhoor as mustahabb or extremely promoted. There are rewards to be earned by engaging in it, but there is no punishment to ignore it. Yes, the suhoormeal aids us in many ways, but it shouldn’t be regarded as an obligation of faith that’s required. There were times when Muslims were hungry and were unable to eat suhoor, thus it’s not an obligation to fast.
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You must hold off on the timing of suhoor until you’re close to the time of Fajr. Do not eat or drink when you’re hungry or thirsty, even if the time to pray Fajr prayer hasn’t arrived.
In the Quran, Allah commands the Muslims to:
” >”… enjoy a food and drink until you can see that the White Thread (the light) of dawn visible to you as distinct stark contrast with the darker thread (the darkness of the night). Finish your Sawm (fast) until it’s darkness . ” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:187)
Allah wants to relax His worshipers. If the day of Fajr isn’t yet here, you can still enjoy a meal or drink.
Zayd bin Thabit Zayd bin Thabit Zayd bin Thabit, may Allah be satisfied with him, said:
“We could have an suhoorwith God’s messenger. Then we went to prayer. Anas asked, “How long time was it to complete the adhan (call to pray) and praying in addition to suhoor? He replied”The time it takes for fifty verses require (to be read aloud) )”’ (Bukhari #1921).
We must take a bite of suhooruntil it’s near Fajr time. Make sure you have plenty of time to eat one bite. Imam Ahmad was recorded by Abu Dharr saying Allah’s Messenger had said:
“My ummahwill always be awestruck, should they can’t resist breaking the fast and with delay in their suhoor” (Musnad taken from Ahmad #20805).
In the past however the writers of certain prayer calendars would declare an appropriate time when it was appropriate for Muslims to eat meals during Ramadan (called imsak in Arabic) and state that they were simply advising people to be cautious. But this is contrary to the tenets of the Sunnah. Bukhari (#1919) along with Muslim (#1092) informed Ibn ‘Umar and ‘Aisha that Bilal Rabbah was the one who was known in calling for the adhan at night. Ibn Umm Maktum, may Allah be pleased with all of them, called the adhan to pray to pray for Fajr prayer. Allah’s Messenger Allah peace and peace be with him said:
“Eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktum gives the adhan. He doesn’t disperse the adhan until”the actual dawn.” (Bukhari, #824)
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Ibn Hajar comments on this subject within Fath al-Bari (4:199) in the following way:
“One among the more offensive innovations that has been introduced in recent years involves offering the second adhan around 20 minutes prior to Fajr on Ramadan and lighting candles (which means that it’s not permissible to consume alcohol or eat) for those who like to go on a fast. The people who invent the idea claim that they’re being cautious in regards to the act of worship.”
In the tradition, there are two adhans during prayer. Fajr prayer. The first one is shortly before dawn comes. The intention is to awake people who are asleep and also to remind those doing an evening prayer to relax before Fajr as well as drink suhoor if they are planning to fast the next day. Another call will be broadcast at the time of Fajr for participants to prayer.
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Consume nutritious and safe foods appropriate for the suhoor. However, don’t be frightened by any food product permitted to be served because it’s of poor quality or because we don’t like it.
There are numerous diverse cultures with specific foods that they prefer to consume for the suhoor ritual but the final decision is entirely up to each person.
The foremost thing to keep to be aware of is the fact that what we select to eat must be healthy for us, as well as conform to the Halal standard. Suhoor is recognized by drinking a small amount of water.
However, taking more water than recommended (enough to adequately hydrate) is recommended. Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah with peace and blessings on his feet, said:
” Suhooris a delicious food, so don’t skimp it even if you only drink water in a glass. Allah and His angels shower blessings on anyone who takes a bite from Suhoor.” (Sunan in Ahmad #11003)
Dates are a well-loved food that is closely associated with Ramadan. A lot of Muslims incorporate dates into their meals, especially in the month of Suhoorand when there is a time between prayers ( iftar). As per the Messenger of Allah: Allah declared:
“The most efficient choice for those who are a believer is dates.” ( Sunan of Abu Dawood #2345)
In Ramadan people who fast may be exhausted from the long hours of praying at night as well as the dedication to fasting throughout the day. Dates are a rich source of sugars which provide energy as well as being rich in minerals, including manganese, copper, and potassium, as and calcium. They are easy to digest and they’re a good sources of fibre. This makes them a fantastic snack to eat between meals or after fasting.
If you’re looking for a healthy and tasty food items to serve with suhoor, take a look at Powerhouse oatmeal. It’s a favorite at our house!
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Be aware of your health issues prior to fasting or deciding on the right food. Do not put your health in danger.
As we’ve already mentioned, that dates are advised to treat suhoor but this is for those in good health who can safely fast. Make sure you consider your health concerns when making your meals or deciding if you’re capable of fasting, particularly in the case of chronic illness like cancer, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Talk to your spiritual guide for advice, as well as talking to your doctor and/or dietitian.
It is crucial to make hydration your primary concern.
Drink water during suhoor. Our bodies, made up of 65 to 70% water, require it to function properly. Doctor is Dr. Alaa Abdallah Ashour of the Ministry of Public Health in Qatar recommends drinking 8 to twelve cups of fluid in the times of Iftar and the suhoor.
Remember that certain fruits and vegetables that are naturally hydrating, such as cucumbers, peaches along with watermelon and oranges. You should consider including them in your diet since they could be counted towards the daily intake of water.
But, it is important to avoid food items that can cause dehydration such as food items that are extremely sweet or salty, such as asparagus, preserved and cured meats, coffee that is too much (caffeine) dry food items, and foods that are spicy. They can cause you to lose more fluids via sweating and urination.
All family members into suhoor.
Our Prophet God’s blessings, and peace be upon him would awaken his family. They usually shared meals through sharing meals.
Prepare meals ahead of time.
Although it is not advisable to delay eating suhoor too long, you can make the food you require to prepare for suhoor in advance. Food preparation is popular nowadays, and there are plenty of instructional videos on how to prepare meals fast and in advance. Be sure to include your family members in the meal preparation and a menu plan.
Do you have some options for quick alternatives.
There is a good chance that you will encounter at least once when the alarm clock does not sound or you hit the snooze switch accidentally. To be ready for these circumstances, make sure you have some food in your kitchen that can eat quickly and without cooking. Water and dates are surely, the best options however you could also store any prepared fruit, breakfast cereals, prepared meals and healthy meals to eat in the event of being in the late hours.
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You can eat whatever you want as long as it’s legal and not excessive.
Certain Muslims mistakenly believe that if they eat too much throughout the month of suhoor it causes them to feel hungry during the daytime. Do not overindulge yourself in your meals during suhoor, or the time to consume when it is time to eat iftar. This could have adverse effects which can cause you to feel tired and sick throughout the day.
Additionally, Muslims should be a living a moderate lifestyle. Food consumption that is excessive has not just negative effects on your body, but affect our spiritual health. If we indulge in a frenzied intake of food and drinks, we commit a sin Allah doesn’t like. Allah confirms this In the Quran,
“…eat or drink but not in excess He is not a fan of those who drink heavily.” (Surah Al-Araf, 7:31)
“The messenger of Allah Peace and blessings be upon him” declared:
“The Adam’s Son Adam isn’t able to fill a container bigger than his stomach because it’s sufficient to take only a couple of bites to get an easier back. If he’s not able to achieve that, and is not able to accomplish it, he may fill it by using three-quarters of the food he eats or a third of his drink and one third of his breath.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi #2380)
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Don’t forget to close your suhoor with prayers and offering thanksgiving.
The Islamic tradition is to sincerely thank Allah for food and drinks after our meals. Abu Umama, may Allah be pleased with him, said that after the meal was finished, The Prophet, peace be upon him and peace to Allah to him was to say:
” Laa muwadda ‘wa laa mustaghni’, ahu Rabbanaa (Allah be glorified through a an abundance of lavish, beautiful and well-deserved praise). He is the All-Sufficiency One. and is also Our Lord.” (Bukhari #458)
Ramadan and all the other rituals associated with it offer an excellent opportunity for Muslims to strengthen their faith. It is crucial to remain conscious about suhoorwith the aim of praising Allah and reaping the benefits of the food we eat.
We need to acknowledge Him in the meal we consume, and be grateful to be in the position to enjoy another Ramadan. It is also important to express gratitude to those who cook the sushoorand diverse meals.
May Allah make us grateful servants. Ameen.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram
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