Alhamdulillah Meaning – everything. to praise or acknowledge an object is to indirectly praise and praising Allah for being its real creator. The most common translation is praise be to Allah.
lHmd llh rb l`lmyn : alhamdulillahi rabbi al alameen
All praise and gratitude be due to Allah God of Almin (mankind Jinns, jinns and everything else that is
Hamdullah (also known as hamdulilah is the abbreviated version of the phrase Alhamdulillah. It is an incredibly significant Arabic word, which can translate to “All praise is due to Allah”.
LHamdu lilWhi Hamdan lilWhi , praise to God! Praise be to God! Thank God!
Alhamdulillah for everything arabic
lHmd llh `l~ kl shy – alhamdulillah ala kulli shaei
Alhamdulillah jawi
Segala puji bagi Allah
Suggested Read: What Are Vices And Virtues? Surah Dua, How To Perform Salatul Tasbih? And Wudu Dua

Alhamdulillah Meaning -Alhamdulillah (lHmd LH) can be described as an Arabic phrase that means “Praise to Allah” or “All praise belongs to Allah.”
“Al-Hamdu Lillah” (all praise and gratitude go to Allah) is that all praise and thanks must be given to Allah and only Allah, not to any of the things that are worshipped in lieu of Him and neither is any of His creations.
The phrase is first mentioned in the very first verse of the first surah in the Qur’an.
Al-Hamdu li -Llahi Rabbi l-‘Aalameen
‘Praise be to Allah’
Meaning, He is highly praised for His qualities of Lordship and Deity:
The God of the Worlds.’
He is highly praised because of his Mercy quality:
‘The Most Merciful – the Most Gracious.’
The praise is due to his Sovereignty quality:
‘Sovereign of the Day of Judgement’
Alhamdulillah Meaning – The initial letters Alif as well as Lam in front of the word Hamd are used to describe the various forms of thanksgiving and gratitude to Allah the Most High.
A Hadith said that, O Allah! The entire Al-Hamd era is due to You. All ownership is Yours and all kinds of goods are in Your hands and all things are Yours.
(source Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
Hafs reported that Umar had stated to Ali “We are aware of La Allah ilaha illallah Subhan Allah as well as Allahu Akbar. What is Al-Hamdu Lillah” `Ali stated, “A statement that Allah was pleased with for Himself and was happy to be pleased with Himself and would prefer to repeat it. It is Additionally, Ibn `Abbas said, “Al-Hamdu Lillah is the expression of praise. If a servant makes Al-Hamdu-Lilah, Allah says: ‘My servant has been praised by me.” Ibn Abi Hatim recorded this Hadith.
(source Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
Definition: A phrase Muslims frequently use in conversations which means “Praise be to Allah.”
In everyday conversation, it simply signifies “Thank to Allah!”
Pronunciation: al-ham-doo-li-lah
In What Situation We Should Say Alhamdulillah.
The word “alhamdulillah” is used in Islam, Alhamdulillah is used in the following scenarios:
- After having a sneeze.
Alhamdu lillahi
All praise to be Allah.
Suggested Read: Travel Dua, Morning and Evening Duas, Ghusl Dua , Entering House Dua and Dua For Wake Up

Alhamdulillah-hillathee ah-yana ba’da ma ama tana wa ilayhi nushoor.
Alhamdulillah Meaning – Thank you and praise to Allah who has granted us life , after been able to give the gift of Death (sleep) and that our last return (on day of Qiyaamah, the Day of Qiyaamah End of the World) is due to Allah.
After eating, you can do good acts.
Answer in response to “How are you?”
Keifik? or Keifilhal?
Alhamdu lillahi
Thank you Allah Thank Allah! I’m fine.
In general, when an Muslim would like to thank Allah Almighty, he/she chants
Alhamdulillah (lHmd llh).
Prophet of Sallahu alayhi wa salam declared: “I will teach you something.
After every prayer, repeat 33 times ‘Subhanallah’ 33 times ‘Alhamdulillah And 33 times, ‘Allahu Akbar. ‘ Almighty Allah will grant you rest.”
Al-hamudu Lah Thank you to Allah the Lord the llh
Praise be to Allah. This should be said at any occasion, and particularly when you’re having a sneeze. Abu Huraira relates his belief that Prophet Muhammad would Allah blessing him be his peace, stated”When one who is sneezing, you must declare “Al-hamdu lillah”, and his companion or brother (who listens) should reply by saying “Yarhamuka Allah”, (Allah be merciful to you).
Suggested Read: Dua Leaving House, Dua of Forgiveness, Dua of Taraweeh, Dua of Musa Alayhi’salam, Dua For Success, Dua For Marriage , Dua For Rain, Dua For Parents, Powerful Dua and Dua For The Sick

Healing Our Problems With Alhamdulillah:
Alhamdulillah Meaning – In the modern world we witness a lot of people living in adversity and in permanent emotional turmoil and hurt. There is nothing that can soothe our souls that are suffering. Evil selves and our egos have dominated our true selves totally. I ask Allah to open our hearts to the power and wisdom in this great Kalima.
Allah (SWT) has promised in His holy book believers then be aware that you will be testimonies.
“And surely, we’ll challenge you with something like anxiety, hunger, loss of lives, wealth and fruits, yet we will give happiness for A-Saabiroon (the Patient).
Who, when struck with the affliction, says: “Truly in the name of Allaah we belong, and, truly that to Him we will return.’
They are the ones who is the Salawaat (i.e. who are blessed and who will be accepted as a forgiveness) from their Lord and (they are the ones who) receive His Mercy and it is these who will be the ones to guide them” – [al-Baqarah 2:155-157]
He is, without doubt, the best teacher of all. He is constantly teaching the concept of Alhamdulillah to the believer from the beginning to the point of no return. until a believer breathes his final breath.
Gratitude Increases Blessings of Allah:
Alhamdulillah Meaning – “And be reminded of the day when our Lord said, “If you are grateful I will surely boost your favor. If you do not acknowledge the truth, I will punish you severely.” Quran Chapter 14, Verse 7,7.
The easiest method to be grateful is to overcome difficulties and to attract God’s favors. Allah.
A Weapon to the Attacks of Shaitan:
Shaitan’s principal tool is to cause people to be ungrateful to Allah. It is simple if people are ungrateful.
“Then, I will definitely come to them from behind and before them, from the right-hand and left-hand sides, and You (Allah), shall not find most people thankful.” They will then come from behind and before them. (Al-Araf 7.17. )
Love for Allah is the key for Success both in worlds:
The love of Allah and RasoolAllah’s love is the core of Islam spirituality. Love is only love in the case of unconditional love. Being a victim of conditions, complaining, or blaming can make it selfish. The greatest self-sacrificing emotion. It’s similar to a river that flows without expectation from other people. It is only able to share. It is free from the necessity of asking Creation.
One who has tasted the joy of Alhamdulillah is aware of how insignificant it is to inquire from His creation , when He is everywhere and all that surrounds us! Look Him in the eyes that are full of love. Only to be in the condition of Alhamdulillah to take in the divine love of Allah and take nourishment from it.
How To Be More Thankful in Life:
1. Correct your intent: Do everything only for the benefit of Allah only. Thanks Him for His excellent health and the opportunities. See the Barakah flowing , and the life in Dunya is transformed by this attitude of gratitude. Anything can be transformed into Ibaadat simply by altering the intent and being thankful to Allah.
The narration is based by basis of the Amiral-Mu’minin (Leader of Believers) Abu Hafs ‘ ‘Umar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) who claimed”I have heard Allah’s Messenger Allah (peace be with him) Say:
“Actions are based on intent, and all is going to get what they wanted. Anyone who migrates with a purpose to serve Allah and His Messenger The migration will be in the name of Allah and His Messenger. And for those who migrate to gain worldly gain or to get married to an unmarried woman, the reason for his departure will be the benefit of what the reason for which he moved.”

– Related by Bukhari & Muslim
2. Remember Allah day and night:Do lots of Zikr and be grateful to Allah. It is the Attitude to Gratitude (Alhamdulillah) will be your best way to achieve the success you can achieve for both realms. Create the morning and evening Azkar an everyday routine. It’s not just a way to bring blessings but also safeguard us from Shaitan’s attacks.
3. Be thankful towards Family as well as Friends: Being grateful to the creator is essential also. It’s like thanking Allah in a way.
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and peace be with him stated, “Whoever does not thank people hasn’t been sincerely thanked by Allah.
In the End
If we do not consider the connection between physical and mental health, we’re missing a crucial aspect in the picture of our personal health. As with many health conditions, practicing prevention is better than searching for an answer.
So, the best way to prevent having negative feelings and emotions affecting our bodies is to apply the wisdom are taught throughout the Qur’an and Hadith. It is recommended that we say “Alhamdullilah” for what we have “Insha’Allah” for what we want to accomplish; and “Subhana’ Allah” when we encounter something new or astonishing. It is important to remember to say”Astaghfir’Allah” whenever we get angry or get weak, and lastly, “Allahu Akbar” when we have to face the difficulties of life.
Start With Bismillah, End With Alhamdulillah

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