Fast of hands
Fast of hands is that they only be used for virtuous acts such as touching the Holy Quran in a state of purity and shaking hands with pious people. The Noble Rasūl has said, ‘When two persons who love each other for Allah shake hands and recite Ṣalāt on Rasūl their previous sins are forgiven before they leave.’ (Musnad Abī Ya’lā, pp. 95, vol. 3, Ḥadīš 2951)
If possible, stroke the head of an orphan affectionately as one will be rewarded for every single hair he strokes (boys and girls are considered orphans as long as they are minors. As soon as they reach puberty, they will no longer remain minors. A boy may reach puberty between the age of 12 and 15 while a girl between the age of 9 and 15).
Beware! Never misuse your hand in oppressing someone, taking bribery, stealing, playing cards, flying kites and shaking hands with women (one should avoid shaking hands even with a young attractive beardless boy in case of lust, but do not hurt him, evade him with proper strategy).
May my hands always stretch out towards good Save me from cruelty and oppression, Yā Rab My sins have ruined me, bringing trouble for me Save me from Hellfire for Prophet’s sake, Yā Rab Not a single virtue is in my book of deeds, Almighty! I have pinned all my hopes on Your mercy, Yā Rab
Fast of feet:
Fast of feet implies using feet for permissible and good acts such as walking to Masjid or the shrines of saints visiting scholars and pious people, attending Sunnaĥ Inspiring Ijtimā’, calling people to righteousness, travelling with Madanī Qāfilaĥs in the company of righteous people and helping the needy. If only we would ever walk towards Makka-tul-Mukarramaĥ – and Madīna-tul-Munawwaraĥ -, Minā, ‘Arafāt, Muzdalifaĥ and perform Ṭawāf and Sa’ī. Never misuse feet in walking towards cinemas, bad company, playing or watching chess, ludo, cards, cricket, football, videogames, table football etc. If only we would walk towards Madīnaĥ uttering the word ‘Madīnaĥ.’
May I always tread the path of good
May my feet never turn towards sins, Yā Rab
May I go to Madīnaĥ again and again
And meet my death in Madīnaĥ, Yā Rab
May I be laid to rest in Baqī’ Pāk
For the sake of Ghauš, Razā and Ziyā, Yā Rab
Dear Islamic brothers! In fact, we can attain the real blessings of fast when we make all of our body-parts fast, otherwise we will not gain anything apart from thirst and hunger as Sayyidunā Abū Ĥuraīraĥ has narrated that our Beloved Rasūl has said, ‘There are many people who attain nothing but thirst and hunger from their fasts and there are many people who acquire nothing from their Ṣalāĥ except staying awake.’
(Sunan Ibn Mājaĥ, pp. 320, vol. 2, Ḥadīš 1690)
Therefore, those who do not prevent their body parts from committing sins despite fasting, fail to acquire the real spirituality of fast and those who stay awake till late night gossiping, chatting or playing different games, get nothing but the loss of their health and time in addition to causing difficulty for their Hereafter.
Allah are those that continue, even if they are few.” )His Messenger told ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Amr bin al-‘Aaṣ, “Fast as did Prophet Dāwūd, and no more than that. He would fast one day and break his fast one day.” ‘Abdullāh said, “But I can do better than that.” The Prophet replied, “There is no fast better than that.” (Aḥmad and al-Bukhāri) He thus negated any virtue to fasting more than every other day. And he said, “The most beloved fast to Allah is the fast of Dāwūd. He fasted one day and would break his fast one day.” (Al-Bukhāri and Muslim)
We ask Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, to accept our fasts and all good deeds, our efforts and intentions. O Allah, help us to remember You, be grateful to You and worship You well. And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet, Muḥammad, and on his family, his companions and sincere followers until the Day of Recompense.