Verbs That Start With V -Are You Looking At The Different List of Verbs Where Each Verb Starting With the Letter V? If So, Then We Sure You Are Lucky Person Because You Will Get Many Verbs List Names Which Beginning With V.
You Know That Verbs Is More Essential for Every Situation. Such as When You Need to Make a Sentence or You Can Try to Speak Then You Must Need to Use Verbs.
So, We Seem It’s More Essential to Learn About the Verbs List and How It Works. Keep Reading Whole Segments for Learning Better About Verbs That Start With V and Make a Note for Learning Future Times.
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The List of Verbs That Start With V –
Verbs That Start With V:
Verbs Are the Most Powerful and Versatile Word in the English Language. In This Part, We’ll Examine Some Verbs That Start With “V”. Let’s See How Many of These Words You Know!
- Vacation Verbalize Value
- Vacillate Vaccinating Vend
- Vanquish Validating Veto
- Vocalize Volunteer View
- Vindicated Vulcanized Vouch
- Voyage Verbalize Veiling
- Vandalize Voiceover Vowing
- Vellicate Voted Validate
- Ventilate Vanquish Vanish
- Positive Verbs That Start With V:
- Validate Vernate Vary
- Vamper Vocalize Vaunt
- Ventilate Vitalize View
- Voyage Vamper Verify
- Venture Vocalize Voice
- Action Verbs That Start With V:
- Validated Valued Viewed
- Verified Visited
- Irregular Verbs That Start With V:
- Vex
- Phrasal Verbs That Start With V:
- Verge on Vote Out Vote in
- Vouch for Veg Out
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Spanish Verbs That Begin With V:
- Variar Violar Venir
- Vaticinar Volver Vagar
- Ventear Vindicar Vestir
- Verraquear Valorizar Vetar
- Vapulearse Vagar Vertir
- Visualizar Vender Vedar
- Vincular Vitorear Vestir
French Verbs
- Vagabonder Vaporiser Valeter
- Villegiaturer Vaticiner Veiller
- Visionner Violer Vaincre
- Verglacer Vivoter Victimer
- Vituperer Voliger
Transitive Verbs
- Vacuate Valance Vacate
- Venditate Vapor Van
- Venture Verify Vent
- Vindicate Versify View
- Vitrificate Visage Volow
Intransitive Verbs
- Vaporize Voyage Vigil
- Vegetate Vague Void
- Vernate Vamp Vouch
Verbs That
Verbs that belong to the English language are among the most important components of speech. This list of vocabulary contains the examples of verbs that begin with the letter “V.. These words can be spelled out in accordance to length.
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Verb words
- 3-Letter Verbs
- 4-Letter Verbs
- 5-Letter Verbs
- 6-Letter Verbs
- 7-Letter Verbs
- 8-Letter Verbs
- 9-Letter Verbs
- 10-Letter Verbs
- 11-Letter Verbs
- 12-Letter Verbs
- 13-Letter Verbs
- 14-Letter Verbs
- 15-Letter Verbs
4 word
5 word
6 word
7 word
8 word
9 word
10 word
Sure, here are some 11-letter verbs starting with V:
- victimizing
- vulcanizing
- vanquishing
- vaporizable
- verbalizing
- vulgarizing
- vagotomized
- vandalizing
- vasectomize
- vectorizing
Here are some 12-letter verbs starting with V:
- vacillating
- vacillation
- vacillators
- vacillatory
- vacuolation
- vacuousness
- vacuumising
- vacuumizing
- vagabondage
- vagabondish
Here are some 13-letter verbs starting with V:
- vindicationally
- vindictively
- virgatologically
- vibrationally
- viscometrically
- vindicatively
- vitrescible
- vitrifiable
- vitriolated
- volatilization
Here are some 14-letter verbs starting with V:
- vandalizingly
- vascularization
- ventriloquistically
- vernalizationally
- vexillologically
- victimizers
- vulcanizationally
- vulcanizers
- vascularizable
- ventriloquy
Here are some 15-letter verbs starting with V:
- visualizability
- victimistically
Here are some common verbs that start with V:
- value
- vary
- visit
- verify
- visualize
- volunteer
- ventilate
- validate
- vanquish
- venture
Here are some positive verbs that start with V:
- validate
- value
- visualize
- volunteer
- vindicate
- verify
- ventilate
- vanquish
- venture
- vitalize
Here are some Verbs That Start With V and their definitions:
- value: to estimate the worth of something
- vary: to change or differ
- visit: to go to see someone or something
- verify: to prove that something is true
- visualize: to form a mental image of something
- volunteer: to offer to do something without being asked
- ventilate: to provide fresh air to a place
- validate: to confirm the truth or accuracy of something
- vanquish: to defeat or conquer someone or something
- venture: to take a risk or chance
- vitalize: to give new life or energy to something
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Here are some aggressive verbs starting with V:
- vandalize: to deliberately destroy or damage property
- vex: to annoy or irritate someone
- violate: to break a law or rule
- vindicate: to prove someone’s innocence
- vilify: to speak evil of someone
- vilify: to make someone look bad or evil
Here are some example sentences with V-verbs:
- The thief vandalized the car by scratching the paint and breaking the windows.
- The teacher vexed the students by giving them a difficult test.
- The police violated the suspect’s rights by searching his home without a warrant.
- The lawyer vindicated the defendant by proving his innocence.
- The journalist vilified the politician by writing a negative article about him.
- The bully vilified the smaller child by calling him names and pushing him around.
Here are some verbs with the letter V and their three forms:
- Present: value, vary, visit, verify, visualize, volunteer, ventilate, validate, vanquish, venture
- Past: valued, varied, visited, verified, visualized, volunteered, ventilated, validated, vanquished, ventured
- Past Participle: valued, varied, visited, verified, visualized, volunteered, ventilated, validated, vanquished, ventured
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Final Thoughts:
Verbs That Start With V – We Hope You Got This Post to Be Effective and Educational. If So, Please Share It With Others Who Might Benefit From the Information Presented Here, and if You Desire to Know More and More Verbs List Then Please Go to Our Site and Check the Verbs List for Learning a to Z Verbs
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