Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary) – Verbs That Start With U – Learning Drives . The verbs comprise one of the important elements of speech. They are the words used to symbolise an act.
Verbs can be found in all tenses and moods and must be connected to the subject of the sentence. The most used verbal form is referred to as the infinitive.
Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary) – If you’re just starting out or searching for the most complete list of verbs beginning with U, this article will give you several lists of verbs with each verb beginning with the letter N. Do not waste your time reading it, simply browse through it to learn more information about the verbs listed.
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Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary)
- Unbalance
- Uncover
- Undermine
- Undertake
- Unearth
- Uninstall
- Unravel
- Upsell
- Update
- Utilize
- Uncorked
- Underlies
- Understanded
- Undone
- Unifying
- Unlock
- Unsettling
- Upraised
- Utilizing
- Unveiled
- Uncurled
- Underline
- Upgush
- Uphang
- Uphasp
- Upheave
- Urge
- Urinate
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Positive Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary) –
Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary) – The blog portion will look at positive verbs that start with that U letter. The purpose in this section is to present an exhaustive list of verbs that have positive beginnings with the letter U.
- Unburden
- Underbear
- Unfetter
- Upcheer
- Upstand
- Utilize
- Understand
- Undertake
- Upgrade
- Uphold
- Utile
- Utilize
Action Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary) –
- Upgraded
- Used
- Unified
- United
- Uploaded
- Urged
- Unearthed
- Unified
Irregular Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary)
- Unbuild
- Unclothe
- Undercut
- Underdo
- Undershoot
- Underspend
- Underwrite
- Undo
- Unhold
- Unknit
- Unspeak
- Unspin
- Uphold
- Uppercut
- Undersell
- Undershoot
- Understand
- Undertake
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Phrasal Verbs Starting With U:
- Use Up
- Usher in
Spanish Verbs That Begin With U:
- Ultimar
- Unificar
- Untar
- Urgir
- Uncir
- Ulular
- Uniformar
- Urbanizar
- Utilizar
- Urbanizar,
- Unisonar
French Verbs Beginning With U:
- Ululer
- Urbaniser
- Usurper
- Utiliser
- Urbaniser,
- Ulcerer
- Utiliser.
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Transitive Verbs Starting With U:
- Understand
- Underwork
- Universalize
- Unload
- Unbeguile
- Unbend
- Upbraid
- Uproot
Intransitive Verbs Starting With U
- Umpire
- Unbend
- Uncongeal
- Undercry
- Undersail
- Undulate
- Unmoor
- Untappice
- Upflow
- Upthunder
- Use
Verbs That Start With Un:
- Unauthorize
- Unbag
- Unbecome
- Unbed
- Unbethink
- Unbewitch
- Unbolt
- Unbone
Verbs that start with the letter U.
Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary) – The 411 verbs that start by the letters U. Verbs that belong to the English language form part of the fundamental components of speech. This list of terms contains examples of verbs that start with U. U. Words are not rearranged according to length.
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Verb words
- 3-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 4-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 5-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 6-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 7-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 8-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 9-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 10-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 11-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 12-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 13-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 14-Letter Verbs Starting With U
- 15-Letter Verbs Starting With U
3 letter verbs that begin by U.
4 letter verbs that begin by U.
5 letter verbs that begin by U.
6 letter verbs that begin by U.
7 letter verbs that begin by U.
8 letter verbs starting with the letter U
9 letters of verbs which start with the letter U.
10 letter verbs that begin by U.
11-letter verbs
- undercharge
- unchristian
- underexpose
- undervalued
- unbarricade
- unmechanize
- unblindfold
- underpraise
- unvulgarize
- unfeudalize
- unestablish
12-letter verbs
- unproselyte
- underfurrow
- unsolemnize
- unprinciple
- unauthorize
- understroke
13-letter verbs
- unequalized
- unequalizes
- unobjective
- uncivilized
- uncomplexed
- unequivocal
- unimmunized
- usquebaughs
14-letter verbs
- ultramarine
- ultramodern
- ultrapurely
- ultrapurity
- ultrariches
- ultrarights
- ultrasecret
- ultrasimple
- ultraslowly
- ultrasonics
- ultrasounds
15-letter verbs
- ultravirile
- umbellately
- umbellulate
- umbilically
- umbilicated
- umbriferous
Here are some common verbs that start with the letter “u”:
- unite
- use
- understand
- unlock
- uphold
- unseal
- utter
- unite
- unfasten
- underline
Here are some positive verbs that start with the letter “u”:
- unite
- uplift
- understand
- use
- unify
- uplift
- uphold
- utter
- unify
- use
Here are some verbs that start with the letter “u” and their definitions:
- unite: to join together into a single unit
- use: to put something to practical or beneficial purpose
- understand: to grasp the meaning of something
- unlock: to open something by removing a lock
- uphold: to support or defend something
- unseal: to remove the seal from something
- utter: to say something aloud
- unify: to combine into a single unit
- unfasten: to make something loose or free
- underline: to mark something with a line underneath
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Here are some aggressive verbs that start with the letter “u”:
- upbraid: to scold or criticize someone harshly
- uproot: to tear something up by the roots
- upset: to make someone angry or upset
- undermine: to weaken or destroy something slowly and gradually
- unnerve: to make someone feel anxious or nervous
- unseat: to remove someone from their position of authority
- unsteady: to make someone or something unstable or shaky
- unnerve: to make someone feel anxious or nervous
- unnerve: to make someone feel anxious or nervous
Here are some example sentences with U-verbs:
- The two countries united to fight against the common enemy.
- The teacher used a variety of teaching methods to help the students understand the material.
- The police officer unlocked the door to the suspect’s apartment.
- The judge upheld the decision of the lower court.
- The clerk unsealed the envelope and read the contents.
- The witness uttered a curse word in anger.
- The countries unified their forces to defeat the enemy.
- The workers unfastened the bolts on the old bridge.
- The teacher underlined the important points in the text.
Here are some verbs with the letter “u” and their three forms:
- Present: use
- Past: used
- Past participle: used
- Present: understand
- Past: understood
- Past participle: understood
- Present: unite
- Past: united
- Past participle: united
- Present: unlock
- Past: unlocked
- Past participle: unlocked
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I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Verbs That Start With U (English Vocabulary)
Do you think you agree? Would you be willing to let any of these “u” verbs to be used in your next short poem or story? It could be a great method of taking over certain of the less commonly used verbs we typically take for granted, and to help convey your message or moral more effective.
While you’re at it, why not incorporate an alliteration? Try pairing one of these verbs with an “u” noun. For more information on that take a look at this list of adjectives beginning with “u.” Since “u” is a thing of the past, it is advisable to examine some verbs that begin with “v.”
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