Verbs That Start With S (English Vocabulary) – In this article you will be able to learn about the various types of verbs. In this article, we’ll examine the entire list of verbs where every verb begins by a S.
To illustrate we will look at positive verbs irregular verbs, spanish Verbs along with French verbs, as well as actions verbs Phrasal Verbs and more.
We think this post is very informative for anyone who wants to know more about verbs beginning with S. If you’re searching for the complete listing of the verbs we suggest you go through our previous article on understanding verbs that start with alphabet A to R.
In this article In this post, we will provide our only verb list which includes all verbs that begin in S. This implies that you have to explore all the different segments of verbs to enhance your comprehension of verbs. continue reading this post to learn more regarding the various forms of vocabulary.
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Verbs That Start With S (English Vocabulary)
Verbs That Start With S (English Vocabulary) – Hey! What’s your question? If the query you’re seeking refers to “verbs starting with s” then we’ll tell you it’s a great segment to understand how to identify verbs, where each verb begins with letters S.
- Sail
- Savor
- Scamper
- Score
- Scrap
- Share
- Shove
- Shuffle
- Scare
- Scatter
- Scribble
- Scrub
- Seal
- Signal
- Sin
- Sneeze
- Sniff
- Squeeze
- Stain
- Subtract
- Succeed
- Suspect
- Suspend
Positive Verbs Starting With S:
Verbs That Start With S (English Vocabulary) – Hey! “positive verbs starting with ” This is the question you’re asking yourself? If so, then we are happy! Below you’ll find a wide range of positive verbs starting with S.
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- Salute
- Sanctify
- Save
- Script
- Seem
- Serve
- Shelter
- Sister
- Smooth
- Socialize
- Sparkle
- Square
- Stun
- Save
- Savvy
- Sense
- Sentinel
- Simplify
- Sinew
- Snuggle
- Soa
- Squire
- Stable
Action Verbs Starting With S:
- Secured
- Selected
- Solved
- Sold
- Stimulated
Phrasal Verbs Starting With S:
- Screw Up
- Set Out
- Sort Out
- Stand Back
- Stoop to
- Switch Off
- Sell Off
- Set Aside
- Settle for
Irregular Verbs Starting With S:
- See
- Seek
- Sew
- Shake
- Shoe
- Shoot
- Sit
- Skywrite
- Smell
- Smite
- Spill
- Spin
- Stick
- Sting
- Swear
- Sweat
- Shear
- Shoot
- Sink
- Sneak
- Spit
- String
Spanish Verbs Starting With S:
- Saber
- Sacrificar
- Salir
- Saltar
- Salvar
- Santiguar
- Secuestrar
- Seguir
- Sentenciar
- Soler
- Suceder
- Sustituir
- Sanar
- Sembrar
- Secuestrar
- Serializar
- Simpatizar
- Sofocar
- Substraer
- Soterrar
- Solaparse
- Solear
French Verbs Starting With S:
- Saccager
- S’accoutumer,
- S’arc-bouter
- S’averer
- Sauner,
- Schloffer,
- Se Biler,
- Se Chicorer,
- Se Conduire
- Se Coucher
- Se Donner
Verbs That Start With Sa:
- Sacrificed
- Sagged
- Sat
- Savoring
- Sayed
- Sanding
Verbs That Start With Si:
- Sighting
- Silenced
- Sink
- Sinning
- Sidled
- Signify
- Sipping
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Verbs That Start With S (English Vocabulary)
386 verbs that begin with S. Verbs in the English language are among the primary elements of speech. This list of terms contains instances of verbs that begin with the letters S. Words aren’t spell-checked by length.
Common verbs that start with S
- say
- see
- sell
- send
- set
- sew
- shake
- shave
- shout
- sing
Positive verbs that start with S
- smile
- succeed
- satisfy
- sing
- savor
- share
- support
- smile
- stand
- sparkle
Aggressive verbs that start with S
- shove
- stab
- shout
- swear
- snarl
- strike
- shoot
- scream
- sulk
- sully
Example sentences with S-verbs
- She sang a beautiful song at the concert.
- He shook his head in disbelief.
- The soldiers shot at the enemy.
- The sun shone brightly in the sky.
- The students sat in silence.
Verbs with letter S and their three forms
- Swim (infinitive)
- Swam (past tense)
- Swum (past participle)
- See (infinitive)
- Saw (past tense)
- Seen (past participle)
- Sing (infinitive)
- Sang (past tense)
- Sung (past participle)
Verb words –Verbs That Start With S (English Vocabulary) –
- 3-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 4-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 5-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 6-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 7-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 8-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 9-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 10-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 11-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 12-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 13-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 14-Letter Verbs Starting With S
- 15-Letter Verbs Starting With S
3 letter words for verbs that begin with the S.
4 letter words for verbs that begin with the S.
5 letter words for verbs that begin with the S.
6 letter words for verbs that begin with the S.
7 letter words for verbs that begin with the S.
8 letter words for verbs that begin with the S.
9 letter verbs and words which begin with the S.
10 letter words for verbs that begin with the S.
11-letter verbs starting with S
- sabotage (verb): to deliberately destroy or damage something in order to hamper or defeat an enemy or opponent.
- sanction (verb): to impose a penalty on (someone) for breaking a law or rule.
- scatter (verb): to spread or distribute something over a wide area.
- scream (verb): to cry out loudly in pain, fear, or excitement.
- scrutinize (verb): to examine something very carefully.
12-letter verbs starting with S
- sacrifice (verb): to give up something that you want or value in order to get or achieve something else.
- satisfy (verb): to meet the needs or expectations of (someone).
- sensationalize (verb): to present something in a way that is designed to attract attention and excitement, often at the expense of accuracy.
- separate (verb): to divide or set apart (two things or people) from each other.
- stabilize (verb): to make (something) stable or firm.
13-letter verbs starting with S
- subsequent (adjective): happening or coming after something else.
- substantial (adjective): large or important in amount or quantity.
- surveillance (noun): the careful observation of someone or something, especially by government or police agencies.
- synthesize (verb): to combine two or more things to form a new whole.
- systematize (verb): to arrange or order (something) in a systematic way.
14-letter verbs starting with S
- substantially (adverb): to a great extent or degree.
- sympathize (verb): to feel or express sympathy for (someone).
- synchronize (verb): to make (two or more things) happen at the same time.
15-letter verbs starting with S
- subsequently (adverb): after something has happened or been done.
- systematization (noun): the process of organizing or arranging something in a systematic way.
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Last Thoughts:
Verbs That Start With S (English Vocabulary) – We’re looking at this article as an excellent read for anyone who is just starting out and wants to enhance their communication skills as well as their English vocabulary. We think this website is ideal for studying vocabulary. We have put together a large article about vocabulary.
In the final paragraph of this post, we’d like you to share this article to assist others who want to enhance their speaking skills.
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