Verbs That Start With R (English Vocabulary) .Verbs are one of the most important words for writing or speaking about certain things. If you’re planning to write sentences, you’ll require verbs. Without these, you won’t be able to create any sentences.
It is essential to be aware of the different kinds of verb names. We recommend that you go to this website and browse through it, you’ll encounter a wide variety of verbs.
In our previous article we discussed the list of A-Q Verbs. Now we will discuss the next letters like verbs beginning by the letter R. It is our hope you read carefully throughout the article.
Then there is a good chance that you will find positive verbs and action verbs Spanish Verbs French Verbs as well as Phrasal Verbs It is comprised of all verbs that begin with R. So, if you want to increase your proficiency in speaking read the article, and then enjoy this article.
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Verbs That Start With R (English Vocabulary)
Verbs That Start With R (English Vocabulary) These are the 26 words which begin with the letter R. We’re sure that it will aid you in improving your knowledge and learn about the various objects.
Raid | Record | Raged |
Raise | Refer | Radiate |
Rasp | Refer | Ruin |
Rally | Reason | Reunite |
Rasp | Ravish | Repair |
Raises | Ranches | Rejoice |
Raiding | Rebuke | Remolding |
Rapping | Reckons | Reproduce |
Rationed | Refers | Remolding |
Positive Verbs Starting With R:
Radiate | Respect | Receive |
Reach | Reveal | Reciprocate |
Reason | Rig | Renew |
Refine | Rise | Roll |
Remedy | Rouse | Renovate |
Action Verbs Starting With R:
Reconciled | Rebuilt |
Recorded | Referred |
Irregular Verbs Starting With R:
Read | Regrow | Rehang |
Rebuild | Rerun | Resell |
Reave | Relearn | Relight |
Recast | Resit | Ride |
Phrasal Verbs Starting With R:
Raffle Off | Rough Up | Reel in |
Rail at | Revel in | Reflect on |
Rake Up | Result in | Roll Out |
Run Off | Rub Off | Run Through |
Spanish Verbs Starting With R:
Rechazar | Resistir | Racionar |
Recordar | Recluir | Rapar |
Regular | Remediar | Reanudar |
Renovar | Referir | Rebotar |
Retocar | Rastrillar | Rebanar |
Radiografiar | Raptar | Reafirmar |
French Verbs Starting With R:
Rancir | Rebattre | Radiner |
Rabattre | Recolliger | Raccorder |
Raccutrer | Rediriger | Remedier |
Raconter | Raboter |
Verbs That Start With Ra:
Range | Ranking | Ranted |
Ranks | Rapping | Rationing |
Verbs That Start With Ri:
Rid | Rigidly | Ripple |
Riddle | Rind | Ring |
Rile | Riprap |
Verbs That Start With R (English Vocabulary)
Verbs That Start With R (English Vocabulary) – Three hundred and forty-six verbs that start with the letter R.. Verbs that belong to the English language are among the main elements of speech. This list of words contains instances of verbs beginning with an initial R. Words aren’t spell-checked by length.
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Verb words
- 3-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 4-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 5-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 6-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 7-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 8-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 9-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 10-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 11-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 12-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 13-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 14-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- 15-Letter Verbs That Start With R
3 letter verbs that begin with the letter R.
4 letter verbs that begin with the letter R.
5 letter verbs that begin with the letter R.
6 letter verbs that begin with the letter R.
7 letter verbs that begin by R.
8 letter verbs that start in the letters R.
9 letter verbs that begin with the letter R.
10 letter verbs that begin with the letter R.
11-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- rearrest
- redistribute
- reappear
- reacquaint
- reemphasize
- reexamine
- reinsert
- reintegrate
- reiterate
- reinterpret
12-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- rearrange
- reallocate
- recapitulate
- reclassify
- reconsider
- reconstruct
- redecorate
- redistribute
- reemphasize
- reinvestigate
13-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- rearticulate
- rebroadcast
- recapitalize
- recertify
- reconsolidation
- recrystallize
- redecorate
- reemphasize
- reimplement
- reinitialize
14-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- reenactment
- reevaluation
- reexamination
- reestablishment
- reexamination
- reimplement
- reinitialize
- reintegration
- reintervention
- reinvestigation
15-Letter Verbs Starting With R
- recharacterization
- reclassification
- reconfiguration
- recrystallization
- reidentification
- reimplementation
- reintegration
- reintervention
- reinvestigation
- reorientation
Common Verbs That Start With R
- reach
- read
- run
- rise
- rest
- relax
- remove
- repeat
- require
Positive Verbs That Start With R
- rejoice
- relax
- relieve
- renew
- repair
- respect
- respond
- reward
- rise
Verbs Starting With R Their Definition
- reach: to go to or arrive at a place
- read: to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words
- run: to move at a speed faster than walking
- rise: to move upwards
- rest: to stop moving or working
- relax: to make or become less tense or worried
- remove: to take something away
- repeat: to say or do something again
- require: to need or have to have something
Aggressive Verb R & Examples
- rage: to be very angry
- rally: to gather together for a common purpose
- ravage: to destroy or damage something severely
- rebel: to refuse to obey authority
- rebuke: to criticize someone severely
- recoil: to move back suddenly in fear or surprise
- redeem: to rescue someone or something from a difficult situation
- resist: to refuse to obey or accept something
- retaliate: to attack someone in return for an attack they have made
Example Sentences With R-Verbs
- I reached the top of the mountain after a long hike.
- I read a book about the history of the Roman Empire.
- I ran to catch the bus, but I missed it.
- The sun rose over the horizon.
- I rested for a few minutes after a long day of work.
- I relaxed on the beach after a stressful week.
- I removed the stain from the shirt.
- I repeated the instructions to make sure I understood them.
- The teacher required us to turn in our homework on time.
Verbs With Letter R and their Three Forms
- Present: reach, read, run, rise, rest, relax, remove, repeat, require
- Past: reached, read, ran, rose, rested, relaxed, removed, repeated, required
- Past Participle: reached, read, run, risen, rested, relaxed, removed, repeated, required
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Read and Read Some More :Verbs That Start With R (English Vocabulary)
Verbs That Start With R (English Vocabulary) – There are several words that are above in this list of words that begin with “r” on Learning Drives by Your Dictionary and additional “r” words representing multiple aspects of speech. Once you’ve learned about “r” verbs and other words, you can discover the letters that are following.
Find words that begin with the letter “s.” Once you’ve completed the alphabet, you’ll be capable of writing with new enthusiasm. Test your new abilities in the field of language arts with these writing exercises that are fun and engaging. You never know what you’ll in a position to achieve?
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