Nouns That Start With A (English Vocabulary) – The letter A is at the top spot. It’s the letter that begins the alphabet, and typically the first letter on the vowel list E, A E A, E, I U as well as the occasional letter Y.
It’s also among the most commonly used letters of the English language with E is now the most frequently utilised.
The words beginning with the letter A are available in many different styles and are seemingly endless. Below, there are a handful of well-known ones that can improve your vocabulary.
What is an Noun?
A noun is typically defined as a person, idea, object, or place. They’re typically accompanied by phrases: “a,” “an,” and “the.” One of the primary usages of a word is as the primary element in an expression. For example, “The rose smells pretty.”
Nouns can also be the sentence’s subject. In this scenario they’re usually utilized after the verb to make the statement. For example, “He tossed the ball.” Nouns can also be named like cities, states and people buildings as well as books, countries, and countries.
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50 Nouns Starting with the letter A.
Nouns That Start With A (English Vocabulary) – You’re ready to have some pleasure. Make sure you’re prepared to improve your Scrabble abilities and master your Words With Friends competition.
With these words you can also improve your alliteration game. Maybe that story could be about an aardvark who has a large ambition called Andy.
Don’t hesitate any longer to access this list of 50 adjectives which begin with the letter A:
- Alaskan is an individual born in Alaska.
- The word “affect” is an emotion or feeling
- Average Common or Standard
- Aardvarkis an enormous burrowing
- Azure – a light, purplish-blue color
- Agility– mental or physical speed
- Agreementin negotiating an agreement
- The ability to attract attention is the capability to attract the attention of
- Audio– Anything connected to audio
- Automated – any thing that has the ability to move
- Abilityis an ability that is unique or talent
- Awardsare an award for your hard work
- Anecdote is a fun and short story
- Angeris a deep feeling of displeasure
- Axis an instrument that comes with handles with blades
- The word “apathy”is the lack of interest or emotion
- The absence of HTML0 is a slack in something,
- Abyss is a deep, unaccessible gap
- Address is the physical address of an item
- Adolescence is the time period that occurs between puberty and adolescence.
- Ailment may be a mental or physical disease
- Argentina is an unincorporated country located in South America
- Aisle – a passageway between different sections
- Attraction is the process of appealing to an object or an individual
- Ambiance is the feeling or sensation of a space
- Anxiety: an attribute that makes you appear heavy.
- Assault– a conduct that results in physical or verbal injury
- altitude refers to the height above the level of the Earth
- Adventure is an exciting adventure, which typically is accompanied by risk.
- Anerial an antenna for radio specifically one that is suspended in the air.
- Axisis an imaginary or real line through which something is turned
- Athlete A person who has been trained or has the ability to play sports.
- Aquarium can be described as an aquarium that houses marine animals and plants
- Aqueduct can be described as a canal used to transport water over long distances
- An amateur is someone who isn’t proficient in a particular ability
- Alpaca is a South American animal related to the llama. It has the long
- Authorityis someone who is an expert in their field of knowledge
- Avalanche Avalanche: an enormous volume of an item that is suddenly visible
- acceptance can be described as the action of accepting an item in exchange for it.
- Anchor is an object that is positioned in the water to halt the motion of vessels
- Argument is a dialogue between two individuals who have opposing views
- Aztec can be described as part of an Amerindian people who live in the region which is now Mexico
- Apricot is a tiny yellowish-orange-colored fruit that is closely associated with the peach.
- Accommodation is a term used to describe something that could fulfill the needs of a specific specification
- Acquaintance Someone has only been casually acquainted with, but not as deeply as a close friend
- Antidoteis an expression used to denote something employed to combat the negative situation to make it better
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Animal Names, Plants, Places, And Things That Start With A
Here are some frequently used words that begin with the letter A, which are the names of plants, species areas, and many other things.
Food, Flora, & Fauna
Nouns That Start With A (English Vocabulary) – Here are nine terms starting with”A “A” which refer to the food or flora
- Agave
- Ape
- Algae
- Aloe
- Animal
- Apple
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Aphid
The following are the eight terms that begin with the letter “A” which describe the animal or an element or component of an animal..
- Aardvark
- Abalone
- Akita
- Albatross
- Alligator
- Anaconda
- Ant
- Antler
These are the words that start with the letter “A” which describe an area.
- Acropolis
- Adirondacks
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- Airport
- Alabama
- Albania
- Albany
- Albuquerque
- Algeria
- Algiers
- Andorra
- Angola
- Antarctica
- Area
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Asia
- Atlantic
- Atoll
- Auditorium
- Australia
- Austria
Below are 24 words which begin with letters “A” which refer to the person or a portion of a person:
- Abdomen
- Accountant
- Acrobat
- Actor
- Actress
- Adjunct
- Adolescent
- Agent
- The agronomist
- Alien
- Amateur
- Amazon
- Ambassador
- American
- Ankle
- Archaeologist
- Architect
- Arm
- Armpit
- Arsonist
- Artist
- Assemblage
- Attache
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Words that Start with A Country:
Afghanistan | Argentina |
Albania | Armenia |
Algeria | Australia |
Andorra | Austria |
Angola | Azerbaijan |
Antigua and Barbuda |
A List of Good Words Beginning with the letter A.
Amazing | Assuasive | Artful |
Aromatic | Awe-inspiring | Avid |
Ace | Achiever | Adore |
Appreciative | Assuring | Award |
Artistic | Athletic | Awe |
List of Inspiring words beginning with A
Artful | Adept | Admirably |
Achiever | Ambitious | Active |
Accomplish | Attentive | Appreciable |
Authentic | Alert | Accepting |
Short Words – List Beginning with A:
Act | Ant | Art |
Aid | Aim | Arc |
Add | Ace | Age |
Abs | All | Amp |
Additionally | Area | Arch |
Airy | Ally | Auto |
Afar | Ajar | Atop |
List of Action Words Beginning with A
Act | Absorb | Accept |
Adjust | Adopt | Be sure to inform |
Applaud | Approach | Ask |
Alter | Attach | Attend |
Answer | Assist | Then, Accuse |
Types of Nouns
In addition to their many and important purposes There are more than ten kinds of nouns. Names are usually suitable nouns (e.g. James, Cleveland, Oklahoma, America, and the Pentagon).
This is why you might read an article such as that: James moved to the city of Cleveland with his wife 2 years ago.
Also Read: List of 150 Examples of Homophones
Make Your Own Word List
Extend beyond nouns by acquiring the vast collection of words starting with the letter which is the first letter in the alphabet. Explore words that start with “a” on where you can quickly and easily save your own customised word lists.
The simple search field that appears on the screen lets you create your own unique vocabulary. You can look up words that have the amount of letters you wish to study, as well as words that begin or end with particular letters. You’ll be on the way to broadening your vocabulary in just a few minutes.
Also Read: English Exercises PDF Free Download
Two letters which begin by the letter A.
3 letter words that start with the letter A.
Four letter words that start with the letter A.
5 word combos that start in A.
Six word Nouns That Start With A
seven word-Nouns That Start With A
Words with seven letters beginning with the letter A.
The words with 7 letters which begin with Aare against draw
Eight letter Nouns That Start With A
The eight letters of words beginning by the letter A stand for affected, audience,
Nine letter Nouns That Start With A
The 9 letters beginning by the letter A stand for associate with adventure,
Words with ten letters Nouns That Start With A
Words that contain 11 letters starting in A.
Words containing 12 letters starting with the letter A.
Words containing 13 letters beginning with the letter A.
Words that contain 14 letters beginning in A.
Words that contain 15 letters starting with the letter A.
Review of what we’ve recently learned
Nouns that begin with the letter A
Also Read: Describing Words Good – Learn Islam
Adverbs that Begin with List
Here are some adverbs that begin with the letter A:
- abruptly (in a sudden or unexpected way)
- abundantly (in a plentiful or ample way)
- acceptably (in a satisfactory or agreeable way)
- accurately (in a correct or precise way)
- actively (in a vigorous or energetic way)
- admirably (in a way that deserves admiration)
- adorably (in a way that is very attractive or appealing)
- adroitly (in a skillful or clever way)
- affectionately (in a loving or fond way)
- affordably (at a price that is within one’s means)
Here are some more examples of adverbs that begin with the letter A:
- agonizingly
- agreeably
- amazingly
- amusing
- anxiously
- apparently
- apprehensively
- ardently
- artificially
- arrogantly
Nouns Beginning with the letter A (Animals)
- 3 Letter Words
- 4 Letter Words
- 5 Letter Words
- 6 Letter Words
- 7 Letter Words
- 8 Letter Words
- 9 Letter Words
- 10 Letter Words
- 11 Letter Words
- 12 Letter Words
- 13 Letter Words
- 14 Letter Words
- 14 Letter Words
Nouns That Start With A – Here are some examples of 3-letter words, 4-letter words, 5-letter words, 6-letter words, 7-letter words, 8-letter words, 9-letter words, 10-letter words, 11-letter words, 12-letter words, 13-letter words, and 14-letter words:
3-letter words:
- cat
- dog
- hat
- sit
- yet
- run
- eat
- air
- art
- day
4-letter words:
- home
- tree
- land
- love
- door
- fish
- book
- bird
- play
- walk
5-letter words:
- school
- family
- friends
- country
- water
- house
- happy
- music
- animal
- people
6-letter words:
- beautiful
- computer
- important
- delicious
- interesting
- wonderful
- amazing
- incredible
- enormous
- fantastic
7-letter words:
- imagination
- communication
- congratulations
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
- celebration
- imagination
- congratulations
8-letter words:
- transportation
- communication
- congratulations
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
- celebration
- imagination
9-letter words:
- international
- congratulations
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
- celebration
- imagination
10-letter words:
- congratulations
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
- celebration
- imagination
11-letter words:
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
- celebration
- imagination
12-letter words:
- congratulations
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
- celebration
13-letter words:
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
- celebration
14-letter words:
- congratulations
- determination
- opportunity
- responsibility
- satisfaction
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Frequently Asked Questions About words that begin with A
With QuranMualim you’ll not have any issues understanding nouns that begin with the alphabet (A-Z). If you’re not certain about what the benefits of this blog post about Nouns That Start With A Contact us through the comments on our blog.
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- Is Any Singular or plural?
- I Agree Synonym – QuranMualim
- List of 150 Examples of Homophones
- English Exercises PDF Free Download
- Describing Words Good – Learn Islam
- Other Words For Looking – QuranMualim
- Other Words For Different – QuranMualim
- Another Word For Amazing – QuranMualim
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