Understanding Ramadan Fasting: The Arabic word used to describe abstinence is known as “sawm” in the Quran. Sawm literally means “to not eat or drink”. The chapter Maryam in the Quran declares the Quran states that Mary was the mother of Jesus. Jesus declared
“I have made a promise to observe the “sawm” (fast) in for the praise of God the Merciful. Today I will not speak to anyone.” [Quran 19:26]. According to Shariyah sawm is the word that is used to exclude all things which are forbidden during fasting. It begins from the time of dawn to sunset and be able to practice this in the context of the ritual of fasting.
Functions of Fasting
The Quran states in the chapter 2, verse 183 in chapter 2 verse 183, the Quran states, “O you who believe that fasting is mandatory to you, as it was done by the people before you, in order to master the art of Taqwa (piety)”.
Taqwais a significant word in the world of spirituality and ethics within the Quran. It is the entire Islamic morality and faith. It is an aspect of the daily life of an Muslim who is in touch with God each day. Taqwa means an individual who tries to do the righteous one and refrain from doing wrong things in order to honour God.
Taqwa is a form of righteousness as well as piety and a belief of God. Taqwa requires perseverance and patience. Fasting can help develop patience and by demonstrating patience, you can reach the highest point on the ladder of taqwa.
(SA) declared that the prophet (SA) declared that the practice of fasting is a type of protection. It protects a person from sinful and lustful desires. The followers of Jesus were seeking to remove the evil spirits out of his body and remove the bad spirits, he was said to have said “But such a spirit can’t be eliminated except through prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21).
The words from Imam Ghazali, Fasting can bring about transcendental quality known as an samadiyyah (freedom free from necessity) in a human being. Imam Qayyim believed that fasting was a way to liberating the soul of human beings from the shackles of desire and allowing the acceptance of the self-centered Self.
Imam Shah Waliullah Dahlawi (d. 1762 C.E.) believed that fasting was an effective method to reduce the potential of the bestial aswell to enhancing the angelic aspect of humans. Maulana Mawdudi (d. 1979 C.E.) said that fasting for an full month throughout the year helps individuals and the Muslim community as a whole, to be confident and self-confident. self-control.
Fasting is Obligatory
In the year the second year, Hijrah, Muslims were required to observe a fast in Ramadan. Ramadan every year, according to the preceding verse (Al-Baqarah 2:183]. The Quran also declares “The Months in Ramadan will be the time which the Quran is revealed to us.
The Quran that provides human being’s instructions and clear indicators of direction and distinction. So, anyone who observes this month Ramadan should fast …” within Al-Baqarah 2:184[Al-Baqarah 2:184Al-Baqarah 2:184.
The prophet Muhammad (SA) explained the matter further in a series of his claims in the work of the Book of Hadith. It was stated in the words of Imam Al-Bukhari as well as by the Imam Muslim based on Ibn Umar that the Messenger of God declaredthat “Islam is based on five pillars.
They prove the existence of only one God, God in the world. Muhammad was chosen to be God’s Messenger to God and has been practicing prayers and making the zakah as well as making the journey toward Hajj The Sacred House ( Hajj) and eating a fast during the month, which is known as Ramadan.”
The entire Muslim world is unanimous about how important it is to fast in the month known as Ramadan and considers it a requirement for everyone who is physically able (mukallaf).
Rules of Fasting
Who must hurry?
Muslims all over the world are eagerly anticipating Ramadan because it’s a chance to feel more well-being as well as inner tranquility.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan is a requirement for all adult Muslim whether male or female who is in puberty. fit and healthy, not sick or traveling.
It might be a brief-term disease that one hopes to heal quickly. It is not recommended to be fasting during the time of sickness, but it is recommended that they be able to fast after Ramadan in order to compensate for for the missing days.
Patients suffering from a chronic illness and do not expect an improvement in their health, are permitted to refrain from fasting but they are required to make fidyah that is, giving one daily meal for each day that they don’t give up to an less fortunate individual. Instead of eating every day, it is possible to give a similar amount to someone who is in need.
Women experiencing menstrual bleeding, or bleeding after birth, aren’t allowed to fast, but they may extend the period of fasting in the course of Ramadan. Women and mothers that are breastfeeding children are able to delay their fasting until an earlier date, in the event that they are capable of doing so.
A trip built on Shariah. Shariah is any travel that is more than your home town which is at least 48 miles or even 80 km. The purpose behind the trip must be a spiritual motive. Avoid travel that is unnecessary during Ramadan that makes one avoid fasting.
If you can you should try to alter their travel plans during Ramadan in order to remain in a fast and not travel except when absolutely necessary. If a traveler is not able keep the strict fasts throughout Ramadan must make up the missed days as quickly as it is feasible following Ramadan.
Fasting according to the Sunnah
1 – Take sahur (pre-dawn meal). Sahur is often referred to as Sunnahand the user could receive a huge reward and blessing if you drink Sahur. Sahur is most effective at sunrise. The best time to perform Sahur is 30 minutes prior to dawn, or the time when you are ready to pray Fajr prayer.
2. Make sure to eat Iftar (break-fast) immediately after sunset. Shariah insists that sunset happens when the sun’s disk is less than the horizon before it completely disappears.
3. 3. While fasting, you should avoid all conversations that are slanderous and behaviors. Avoid arguments, having disagrees with others, have an arguments or use slurs in any act that is forbidden. Make an effort to control your morals and ethics, in addition to getting disciplined in your mind and body. Additionally, do not make a show during the time you’re fasting by chatting about it in a way that is too loud or if you have empty lips or a stomach full of food or if you display an unruly disposition. Anyone who fasts needs to be a decent character with positive attitudes and a well-mannered attitude.
4. While fasting, do acts of charity and kindness to the people around you. You should also increase your dedication to studying and reciting the Quran. Every person should try to read the complete Quran at least once during the whole period of Ramadan.
Things that affect the speed
It is crucial to stay clear of taking any action that could render your fast unproductive. Things that could invalidate your fast and require the practice of qadaa’ (making up for these days) are:
1. Drinking or eating food, or smoking cigarettes in a planned way, or eating or drinking something that is not nutritious through the mouth or nose.
2. Be aware of your efforts to make your body cause you to vomit.
3. Menstrual bleeding begins or post-childbirth may occur in the last moments prior to sunset.
4 – Sexual contact, or any other sexual exchange (or masturbation) that triggers an Ejaculation (in the male)) as well as vaginal secretions (orgasm) for women.
5 5. Drinking, eating, smoking or smoking cigarettes, or engaging in sexual encounters during the time following Fajr (dawn) under the false impression there is no Fajr time, but. Similar to doing these things before Maghrib (sunset) under the false belief that it’s Maghrib time.
Sexual intercourse during fasting is forbidden. Any person who is involved is required to perform both Qada’ (make up the fasts) and Kaffarah (expiation through eating the same food for 60 days in the wake of Ramadan or providing 60 hungry people each day that the fast is broken this way).
According to imam Abu Hanifah, eating and/or drinking alcohol in a controlled fashion during fasting is believed to be part of the exact similar Qadaa’ and the kaffarah.

Things that aren’t untrue in Fasting
Making use of a miswak to clean your teeth will not impact the fasting
When fasting, the following items are permissible:
1. A shower or bath. When the bath or shower is ingested without intention, it will not result in a violation of fast. According to a most experts swimming is permissible while fasting, but it is recommended to stay clear of diving because it could cause the water to enter the mouth or nose and to enter the stomach.
2. Contact lenses are used to apply perfumes and applying drops to the eyes.
3 – Injecting or examining the blood.
4. By using miswak (tooth-stick) or a toothbrush (even by using tooth paste) and cleaning your mouth and the nostrils by using water, making sure there isn’t excessive (so that you avoid swallowing water).
5. Smoking, drinking or eating in a manner that is not meant to be, i.e., forgetting the fact that you are fasting. It is important to end the activity when they remember and continue the fast.
6. Being awake during the day and dreaming of a wet one does not necessarily mean that anyone is speeding. Also, if someone has sexual encounters at night but is unable to make Ghusl (bathe) before the time of dawn, they might start to fast and make Ghusl following. Women who stop menstrual flow at night could begin fasting even if they haven’t had a Ghusl created yet. In all cases, it’s recommended to shower (ghusl) is necessary and fasting remains valid even when bathing is not required.
7 Kissing between husbands as well as wives is allowed while fasting, however it is important to avoid it in order to ensure that there isn’t any other thing that is forbidden during fasting.
Conditions for Fasting to Be Valid
There are two main aspects to fasting.
1. The objective (niyyah) of fasting. You must make a sincere commitment to fast in honor of God every day prior to dawn. The intention is not to be stated in words, however, it should be carried out by a sincere heart and with a clear head. Some jurists hold the view that the intention should only be stated one time throughout the entire month and does not need to be repeated each day. It is however recommended to create daily a new intention to gain the benefits of the quick.
2. The abstention from dawn to dusk of any item that is not compatible with fasting, as explained in the preceding paragraph.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram
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