Umrah Guide Book | Most important point in The Mecca

In this Article We will learn about Umrah guide book | Most important point in The Mecca . There are some Most important points in The Mecca:

  • Sa‘y 7 times
  • The Holy Kaaba
  • Masjid Taneem
  • Mina (Makkah)
  • Zamzam water
  • Maqam Ibrahim
  • Safa to Marwa History
  • Black Stone In Kaaba
  • Black stone in kabah
  • Jabal al-Nour In Makkah
  • Great Mosque of Mecca 
  • Talbiyah- Masjid al-Haram.
  • Abraj Al-Bait Towers in makkah

Please describe how Umrah is performed? Answer:

In Arabic, the word Umrah is derived from al-I‘timar, which means a visit. Here it means paying avisit to Ka‘bah, performing Tawaf (7 rounds) around Ka‘bah, Sa‘y (walking between As-Safa and Al-Marwah 7 times) and then shaving one’s head hair or cutting them short. Actions of Umrah are putting on Ihram clothes, Intention (Ni-yyah) at Meeqat, Tawaf, Sa‘y, shaving or cutting hair of headand coming out of Ihram. The details of Umrah are:

  • Before putting on Ihram clothes, if possible, a person may take bath, can use perfume, pray 2Rak‘at Nafl (These things are not compulsory).
  • A person puts on Ihram clothes at Meeqat area and declares his/ her intention to perform Umrah. A person can put on Ihram clothes before Meeqat that is from his home, but he should declare her in tensions to perform Umrah at Meeqat.
  • As soon as he enters the state of Ihram, he should recite Talbiyah in loud voice from Meeqat area(Woman should recite Talbiyah in low voice which they can hear only).
  • He should have Wudu (ablution) if he is not having already, before entering the Haram.
  • He should stop reciting Talbiyah when starting Tawaf of Ka‘bah

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 HOW UMRAH IS DONE? Please describe how Umrah is performed?

Answer:In Arabic, the word Umrah is derived from al-I‘timar, which means a visit. Here it means paying avisit to Ka‘bah, performing Tawaf (7 rounds) around Ka‘bah, Sa‘y (walking between As-Safa and Al-Marwah 7 times) and then shaving one’s head hair or cutting them short. Actions of Umrah are putting on Ihram clothes, Intention (Ni-yyah) at Meeqat, Tawaf, Sa‘y, shaving or cutting hair of head and coming out of Ihram.

Umrah guide book | Most important point in The Mecca . The details of Umrah are:

  • Before putting on Ihram clothes, if possible, a person may take bath, can use perfume, pray 2Rak‘at Nafl (These things are not compul-sory).
  • A person puts on Ihram clothes at Meeqat area and declares his/ her intention to perform Umrah. A person can put on Ihram clothes before Meeqat that is from his home, but he should declare his/herintentions to perform Umrah at Meeqat.
  • As soon as he enters the state of Ihram, he should recite Talbiyah in loud voice from Meeqat area(Woman should recite Talbiyah in low voice which they can hear only).
  • He should have Wudu (ablution) if he is not having already, before entering the Haram.
  • He should stop reciting Talbiyah when starting Tawaf of Ka‘bah.
  • Before start of Tawaf, a male pilgrim should uncover his right shoul-der by putting middle of his Rida (Upper body cover) under his right arm-pit and casting its edge over his left shoulder.
  • Tawaf
  • (7 rounds of Ka‘bah) starts by kissing black stone (Al-Haja-ral-Aswad), if he cannot kiss the black stone, he may touch it with his right hand and kiss his hand or due to rush of people, he maysimply raise his hand and wave towards the black stone, while stand-ing at a distance from blackstone saying Takbir i.e Allahu Akbar. Each round will end at the point of start i.e. at black stone.
  • In the first three rounds of Ka‘bah, one should walk at fast pace, it is called Ramal. In theremaining four rounds, he should walk at normal pace. It is Sunnah to kiss the black stone and touch the Yemeni corner in every round during Tawaf.
  • NOTE: One should not kiss the Yamani corner or rub his hands or wipe his face, as it was not the practice ofProphet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) or his companions. If one cannot touch the Yamani corner due to crowd, he should not wave at it.
  • While making Tawaf of Ka‘bah, you may praise Allah and make supplications to Him in anylanguage and words you like. Some books describe Du’a for every round of Tawaf rounds around the Kabah). The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) did not specify any supplication during the Tawaf. It is recommended to end each circle with the words i.e. to say these words when you are between Yamani corner and Black stone:

Umrah guide book | Most important point in The Mecca, umrah guide step by step, umrah guide pdf, hajj and umrah guide, umrah guide in urdu, step by step umrah guide

More detail about Umrah guide book | Most important point in The Mecca

 Rabbana, Atina, fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina adhaban-nar.(Our Lord give us good in this world and good in Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of Hellfire.) NOTE:During Tawaf if one is in doubt about the number of rounds completed say for example 3 or 4, he should choose the lowest number i.e. 3 that he is sure and complete the seven rounds.

  • After completion of Tawaf (Seven rounds around Ka‘bah), pray 2 Rak‘at behind Maqam Ibrahim(Station of Ibrahim), if it is possible, otherwise at any place within the Sacred Mosque. It is preferredto recite surah “Al-Kafiroon” in the first Rak‘at and Surah “Al-Ikhlas” in the second.mualim)

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One comment

  1. Que Allah nos conseda
    Um dia estar em Mekka e Madina .terminar nossos dias
    Nestes lugaras de Refugio.
    E que nos dê, o Pataizo que tanto almejamos..
    Que as bençãos este com o nosso amado Mohammed. E sua familia Embrain.
    E a todos nos muçumanos ..☝

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