Top 10 Muslim Projects: Where to Give Your Zakat and Sadaqah for Maximum Impact

Making a Difference: Explore the Uplifting Initiatives Worthy of Your Charitable Contributions (Sadaqah ) in the Muslim Community”

Ramadan is a month that involves prayer, fasting and offering sadaqah and Zakat. One of the main pillars that make up Islam is that Muslims are obligated to offer zakat during Ramadan.

Each year, our community gathers to give to Muslim projects and other organizations that help underprivileged Muslims across America—the United States or globally.

As our community expands and we observe more converts seeking to understand Islam independently and independently, we’ve created a list of 10 Muslim initiatives to which you could contribute your funds.

Muslim Advocates

To “halt the spread of bigotry,” Muslim Advocates represent Muslims in the Muslim community in politics and courtrooms to ensure they can make sure that American Muslims are free from discrimination and hate.

Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (Muslim ARC)

Inspiring education about the issue of racial equality and ending internalized racism, racism within Muslim communities and institutional racism, the ARC increases the voices of Muslim minorities who are against white Supremacy and a range of minorities, including Black Muslims to Latino Muslims and refugees Muslims.

It also addresses the social asymmetry regarding urban development immigrants’ rights and urban development, in addition to accessing education, among many others!

Believers Bailout (BBO)

A non-profit organization based on community involvement, BBO is a source of goodness created by Muslims to Muslims. BBO’s goal is to help fellow Muslim family members and friends from pretrial detention as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention.

American Muslim Community Foundation (AMCF)

A national community foundation that has won awards, AMCF ensures that the funds raised assist as many Muslims as possible from all areas of life.

From donor-advised funds to giving circles, they are dispersing grants, joining fiscal sponsorships, creating endowments and launching initiatives to address social needs and health equity. AMCF lets Muslims expand their charitable destinations in just a couple of clicks.

Zakat Foundation Of America

With its aim to “not only instead, but to enhance the lives of the most vulnerable,” Zakat Foundation of America ensures that Muslims donate not just to help the less fortunate but also to help them generate a sustainable source of income by demonstrating to them how to make money from their markets.

Islamic Relief USA

With a dream of a world free of the burden of poverty, Islamic Relief USA strives to offer relief to people in need worldwide. It also amplifies the voices of silenced people and communities to ensure that their voices are recognized and respected.

Global Deaf Muslim USA (GDM USA)

Created in the year 2000 by Deaf Muslim graduates to sound off the rights of Deaf Muslims all over the world, GDM USA helps people with disabilities Muslims to gain access to the Islamic education that they might not be able to access otherwise due to the limited resources available for disabled Muslims.

MPower Change

The biggest Muslim digital advocacy group in the United States, MPower Change, is a refuge for over 250,000 members. Its mission is to eliminate any form of discrimination or hatred against Muslims and is preparing Muslims from all different walks of life to be the next leaders to fight against Islamophobia and white Supremacy.

Muslim Aid USA (MAUSA)

A charity based on faith that offers aid to those affected by natural disasters or conflicts internationally, MAUSA helps Muslims in need of help, whether it’s poverty, illness or discrimination: poverty, debt, injustice or inadequate skills.

Muslims For Just Futures (MJF)

Aiming to centre women and communities of the working class at and around the DMV, MJF is empowering the Muslim community of the region by battling bigotry against Islamophobic Muslims and demolishing White Supremacy. It also assists in building a foundation for the region.

Top 10 Muslim Projects: Where to Give Your Zakat and Sadaqah for Maximum Impact, Zakat, Charity, Beliefs, Faith, Pillar of Islam
Why Give to Muslim Projects

Donating to charity through Zakat or sadaqah in the month of Ramadan is a method of gaining closeness towards Allah (SWT). It’s heartbreaking to witness the countless number of Muslims waiting for Ramadan each year to find any form of relief.

Donate to Muslim projects, not just during Ramadan but all throughout the year. You never know; your contribution could make a difference to the life of the life of a Muslim brother or sister.

Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

Topics:  Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH,  Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram


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