Laylat al-Qadr – Embrace Spiritual Transformation: Exploring the Significance and Blessings of the Most Potent Night (Laylat al-Qadr) in Ramadan” This is the message we have revealed (Message) within The Night of Power: And What will we tell you about why the Night of Power really is?
It is the Night of Power that is better than a thousand years. In it, the angels and the Spirit, with Allah’s blessing, for every task peace !… This is up to the rising of the morning! (97:1-5)
It is believed that the Night of Power in His infinite wisdom should be scoured during the odd evenings of the final ten weeks of Ramadan. For more than 14 centuries, Muslims have strived to gain enormously from this. It’s a rare investment indeed, pure profit, and thousands of times more!
Interestingly, we have been embracing the night because of its mathematical majesty but have primarily missed the nature of the night. It was actually an ordinary night.
Also Read: Laylatul Qadr: Unveiling the Profound Values of Life in Islam
It was, however, transformed into an event known as the Night of Power because of what was revealed by the darkness. The Night of Power is, as we speak, a night that is better than a thousand moons. The dark night is shining light on the world, and the Quran guides the world from the beginning.
It is the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr) and is celebrated with a lot of force. Masajid and other communities mark their night by staying in bed late, listening to lectures, reading the Quran, etc.
What needs to be done is to think about these Divine Words and to act upon them. If this isn’t completed, the true power will not come through The Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr).
Ramadan is a time of reflection for us all year and allows us to reflect on every aspect of life. The things we desire and fear are far beyond the boundaries of human intelligence, energy, and mortal existence.
The totality of everything we want and require .. physical or spiritual important or irrelevant .. surpasses our capacity to achieve it. What should we do?
Also Read: Laylatul Qadr: Unveiling the Significance of the Most Important Night in Islam
The Christian prays to God through prayer. The answer is instinctual. If you are triggered by hope or need or confronted with the threat of danger or misfortune, People instinctively seek out God.
Prayer is at the heart of our existence and is the core of the Muslim lifestyle. For many in the English-speaking world, this side of Islam is not well-known.
Prayer, also known as Dua (Laylat al-Qadr), is the Muslim’s way of ensuring everything is in order in all circumstances. We must submit ourselves to God and plead, plead, and plead … in the hope that Only Allah can relieve us of our worries and pains.
(the next section is an extract from Dua Kumayl, which was frequently read in the presence of Imam Ali (may Allah be happy with his praises))
Also Read: Laylat al Qadr: Transforming Lives through the Pursuit of Knowledge
by Thy power and majesty, Nothing can compete with Thy splendor that abounds over everything
By Thy authority that is granted to everything
By the wisdom of Thy mind that is omnipresent in everything
Oh Allah! Forgive us of our sins that interfere with our prayers
Oh Allah! Forgive us of our sins, which would thwart the faith of others.
“O Allah! Forgive all mistakes we’ve made and for every mistake we’ve made
Oh Allah! Accept our apology and take pity on our plights, and let us be free of my fetters of heavy burdens (of wicked acts)
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Oh Allah! You are aware of my vulnerability to take on even a slight discomfort of this world and its consequences and adversity that affects the earth’s inhabitants, even though the afflictions are merely infrequent and sporadic.
What do I then bear? The punishments and retributions of the Afterlife are awe-inspiring and full of suffering, with a long that will never end and will never be averted for those who deserve the same. Those retributions result from Your anger and punishment, which neither heaven nor earth can withstand or bear!
My God! How can I, as a weak, insignificant, humble, poor, and deplorable creature of Yours, be able to endure them?
O the Lord! My Lord! My King! And Master! Which things should I beg You to address, and which should I weep and complain about?
Should I beg for the pains and the aches of punishment and their severity or for the duration of suffering and their length?
Also Read: Fasting Begins on Thursday in Saudi Arabia Despite There Being No Ramazan Moon
So (my Lord! ) If You are willing to expose me to the punishments (of hell) in the company of Your adversaries and place me in with those who deserved my punishments, and cut me from Your beloved friends and those who are close Your side, I am my God my Lord, my God, and my Master, even if I might be able to bear your punishment, I ask how do I accept in peace being disengaged from You?
Believe that even though I could withstand the burning fire of hell, what can I do to resign myself to the rejection of Your mercy and compassion? How can I stay in the flame despite hoping for Your forgiveness?
My Lord! I sincerely look to You and toward You, My Lord!
I have extended my hands; therefore, in Your grace, answer my supplication and allow me to achieve my prayer. Through Your generosity, do not derail my hopes and safeguard me from the wrath of my adversaries, My Lord! Be merciful to me, whose sole source of strength is hope and whose sole weapon is a cry.
Ameen … Ya Rabb … Ameen … Ameen …
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Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram