The Hajj- Exploring the Temporary Halting of Umrah Pilgrimage and Anticipating Upcoming The Hajj Season Developments” In light of concerns about the global spread of coronavirus, especially in the vicinity of Iran due to concerns over the spread of the coronavirus throughout the world, Saudi Arabia has temporarily suspended travel to its holy places of worship. Millions of Muslims travel to the Saudi kingdom throughout the calendar year to attend a religious ceremony.
The current restrictions on travel prevent the entry of foreign pilgrims as well as Saudi citizens to Holy cities like Mecca or Medina. This has had an immediate effect on the Umrah pilgrimage which is also called the “lesser pilgrimage” which can be carried out anytime during the entire year.
The question of whether or not the restrictions will be extended to the hajj, which starts on July 28th, will be determined only when it becomes apparent what time the coronavirus outbreak will continue.
Both the hajj and umrah are significant pilgrimages for Muslims however, they are different in a number of ways.
Also Read: Modern Challenges to The Spirit of Hajj
When do Muslims undertake umrah?
Many thousands of pilgrims make these journeys. In 2019, for instance, Mecca welcomed over 7 million pilgrims from around the world to the holy rite of umrah, as well as millions of people of people from the kingdom. The number of Hajj pilgrims in the year in question was around 2 million..
As an researcher of the world of Islam I am able to read about the lives of people around the world who have made these religious rites.
Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad was the one who performed both the umrah as well as the hajj. Muslims have been adhering to this practice for more than 1400 years. The pilgrimages trace the events of Muhammad’s life, Ibrahim, Hajar, Ismail and Muhammad.
Although the hajj is an once-in-a lifetime requirement, it is obligatory for all Muslims depending on their financial status and physical capabilities, the it is a choice to make.
Based on some hadiths and the written customs and statements of Prophet Muhammad Both pilgrimages provide forgiveness for sins.
Hajj is a long-running pilgrimage that lasts for many days.
Hajj and Umrah have different duties and duration. Hajj takes longer and is more complex than umrah.
Umrah demands that all pilgrims resecrate and cleanse themselves before they make a circle around to the Kabah which is which is a rectangular structure clad in black that is located in the middle of Mecca’s Great Mosque of Mecca, seven times in a counterclockwise order.
When they do they join the long procession of pilgrims from Mecca who have circumnavigated the Kabah. A few might also kiss, rub or even touch the black stone carved into the Kabah to express their reverence and love for.
The Kabah is the most important thing to Muslims due to its significance in the life of prophets such as Ibrahim and Muhammad as well as its significance to their worship of God of the universe. God. Around the globe, Muslims pray in its direction.
After the prayer, pilgrims are required to pray and then walk for about 100m between two hills referred to by the names of Safa or Marwah. This is a reference to an crucial incident that is recorded within the Quran.
When Ismail became a baby, God directed Ibrahim to leave his son, who was still a newborn, along with his wife, Hajar, out in the desert. Ibrahim did as he was told. However, when newborn Ismail was crying out for water, Hajar ran between the two hills, searching for water, and eventually looked to God to help her.
God gave God a reward for Hajar for her steadfastness. God sent his angel Jibreel to reveal a spring which is today referred to by the name of Zamzam well.
Pilgrims then take a drink from the well, commemorating the moment that God gave water to thirsty Ismail.
Umrah could be done in just a few hours. Hajj is up to six or five days. There are also additional rituals that are not part of Mecca.
Also Read: Islamic Pilgrimages and Sacred Spaces
Past epidemics
It isn’t the first time that disease has caused problems for pilgrims. In 1821 and 1865, cholera outbreaks killed thousands during hajj. Between 2012 and 2013 Saudi authorities advised the sick and elderly to not take part in the pilgrimage due to fears about Middle East Respiratory Syndrome MERS, also known as.
The recent decision to stop umrah may disappoint Muslims seeking to complete the ritual, they could refer to a hadith, which gives instructions on how to travel in the midst of an epidemic.
“If you are informed about a plague outbreak in a particular area that you are not in, don’t go there and if the disease is able to spread in a particular area when you’re there don’t leave the area.”
Ken Chitwood, Lecturer, Concordia College New York | Journalist-fellow USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture, Concordia College New York.
This article was republished by The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Check out this original story.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram
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