The Essence of Devotion: Understanding The Five Daily Prayers in Islam

Unlocking Spiritual Connection: Delve Into the Significance and Practice of the Five Daily Prayers in Islamic Faith” Unlocking Spiritual Connection: Delve Into the Significance and Practice of the Five Daily Prayers in Islamic Faith” The second pillar of Islam is selah. A Muslim must offer five fard Namaz a day.

Fard is an Arabic word which means compulsory. The fard prayers are compulsory prayers. No Muslim should avoid them or delay them, without a valid reason.

The five daily prayers have the following rak’ahs .

  • Fajr      Dawn prayer has two rak’ahs
  • Dhuhr  Afternoon prayer has four rak’ahs
  • Asr      Mid-afternoon prayer has four rak’ahs
  • Maghrib Sunset prayer has three rak’ahs
  • lsha      Night prayer has four rak’ahs

When the time of any of these prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr,, Asr, Maghrib,  and lsha) starts, you will hear the mu’adh-dhin in the mosque call out the adhan.

  • First of all, A Muslim will then make wudhu and get ready for Namaz.
  • Facing the qiblah, a Muslim makes the intention of the namaz he is going to perform.
  • He raises his hands and says:

Allaahu Akbar – Allah is Most Great

*His prayer (salah) has started. His first rak’ah has started.

A rak’ah:

what is a rak’ah?

  • A rak’ah is a set of recitations and movements.
  • A rak’ah consists of the following things: First Recitation of Surat ai-Fatihah while standing. Recitation of another surah after the Fatihah (in the first two rak’ahs)
  • Second; Ruku’:  Bowing Rising and standing straight from bowing Sujud:  Prostration – done twice (putting hands, forehead and nose,  knees and toes on the ground)
  • Third:You will learn in detail how each part of the rak’ah is

done later!

  1. Unscramble.

decode the  names of the  Namaz,  and write the number of rak’ahs 

  • 1 .        Fajar    rak’ahs ?
  • 2.         Zuhur Rakah ?                       
  • 3.         Asr Rakah ?                           
  • 4.         Maghrab Rakah?
  • 5.         Isha Rakah?               

B.        Match the prayer (salah) to the time when it is prayed.

Fajr Maghrib Dhuhr Isha


Sunset Night Dawn Afternoon


Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, BiographyIslamic Studies, Halal & Haram

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