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The Epistle of Forgiveness by Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī

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 Forgiveness – The most unique books of the history of classical Arabic writing, The Epistle of Forgiveness is the long response of the famous Syrian poetry and prose author Abu l’Ala Al-Ma’arri (d. 449/1057) to a letter from an obscure grammarian named Ibn al-Qarih.

  In a humorous way, The Epistle of Forgiveness ridicules Ibn al-Qarih’s lack of sycophancy and hypocrisy, by suggesting that he’s died and is with some difficulty to Heaven in Heaven, where he will meet famous poets and scholars from the past. The author also reveals Hell and has conversations with the Devil and a variety of heretics. Al-Ma’arri is a maverick, vegan and frequently called a heretic himself, appears to mock popular beliefs concerning the Afterlife

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The second volume of the collection is an in-depth response to the letter written by Ibn al Qarih, with al-Ma’arri’s signature mix of irony, erudition and admonition, all infused with stories and poems. 

He writes about hypocrites, princes, heretical poets rebels, mystics and mystics and apostates, piety, religious apostasy; the suffering of men of letters collaboration in writing; wine drinking as well as old age and repentance, pre-Islamic customs for pilgrimage as well as money. This fascinating book is the first comprehensive translation of any language, and is all the more remarkable due to al-Ma’arri’s complex and intricate style and his use of rhymed prose, as well as his use of obscure words and words. expressions.

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A bilingual Arabic-English edition

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Abu l-‘Ala` al-Ma’arri (363-449/973-1058) was a prominent writer and poet from his time during the Abbasid period. Born close to Aleppo, Syria, he lost his vision in his early years and was well-known in his respect for asceticism.

Geert Jan van Gelder was Laudian Professor of Arabic at the University of Oxford from 1998 to 2012. He is the writer of several publications on the classical Arabic literature and literature, including Beyond the Line: Classical Arabic Literary Critics on the Unity and Coherence of the Poem as well as Of Dishes as well as Discourse: Classical Arabic Literary Representations of Food.

Gregor Schoeler was the chair of Islamic Studies at the University of Basel from 1982 until 2009. His books on the subject of Islamic Studies and classical Arabic literature include The Oral and the Written in Early Islam as well as Paradies und Holle, a partial German translation of the Epistle of Forgiveness.

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