Embrace Divine Mercy: A Closer Look at the Spiritual Power and Blessings of the Night of Power” This blessed month, known as Ramadan, is nearing its close.
The first third of this month is dedicated to seeking mercy, the middle part is for forgiveness, and the final third is to save us from Hell. Fire of Hell. In the final part of the month, there is the Night of Power or Decree (Laylatul Qadr) concerning which Allah declares In the Quran:
The Night of Power is better than a thousand years. (97:3)
About the motive behind the revelation of this powerful verse of the Qur’an: Imam as-Suyuti (rahmatullahi alayh) is quoted in the book ” Lubaabun Nuqool” that the prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa salam meaning will Allah’s favor and mercy be with his soul) [from now on was abbreviated as (S)(S) told the tale of a person who was one of his fellow Children of Israel who had been striving ( jihad fi-sabilillah) to follow the path of Allah for over a thousand months.
Also Read: Laylat al Qadr: Transforming Lives through the Pursuit of Knowledge
After hearing this story, those who were Sahabah (companions) found themselves stunned as well as they were depressed because they wondered how they would ever be able to achieve this feat (after all, only a handful of people have the opportunity to be capable of engaging in the jihad for more than 83 years and four months).
This is why Allah gave this uplifting verse to provide comfort to people who believe. The adherents of Muhammad (S) did not have to do what the pious Israelites had done. Only the full-hearted worship of one night during the Night of Power ( Laylatul Qadr) could be similar in value.
The same story is told in a different Hadith that tells of an exemplary man among one of the Children of Israel who used to participate in worship to Allah throughout the night until the next morning before engaging in performing the Jihad fi-sabilillah throughout the day until the time of sunset.
The man continued this practice for a period of a thousand years. Then Allah gave this verse to him, saying that the worship of this evening is greater than the thousands of months the individual had spent worship and jihad..
Also Read: Night of Decree (Qadr): 9 Uplifting Reminders for a Spiritually Rich Experience
The question is what the Night of Power is. The answer can be found in Muhammad (S), the prophet Muhammad (S), who stated: ” Seek it within the last ten minutes; If one of you is weak or incapable, do not let the weakness prevent him from reaching the last 7.” [Bukhari and Muslim(Bukhari and Muslim)
While it is intended to promote worship among believers, This Night hasn’t been determined. A commonly held belief among Muslims is that the night occurs on an odd night (23rd or 25th 27, 27th, or 29th) or possibly the 27th day of Ramadan.
In recognition of its virtue, The Prophet (S) was known to work hard during the time of Laylatul-Qadr. He would stay up all night in prayer. He would pray. (S) stated: ” Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr out of Iman (faith) and seeks rewards, then his past mistakes have been absolved.” [Bukhari and Muslim[Bukhari and Muslim
Also Read: Laylatul Qadr: Unveiling the Profound Values of Life in Islam
Because people in the Book (e.g., children from Israel or Christians) do not enjoy something even remotely similar to this benefit, Muslims feel highly blessed by God for the incredible merits of this blessed evening that is celebrated every year during the month of Ramadan, which is one of the Muslim months of fasting.
Therefore, it’s not surprising to observe that many religious Muslims stay up all night of the final seven to 10 days of Ramadan awake, praying at the mosque, saying the Qur’an, and distributing charitable donations (especially in the process of disbursing their sadaqah and zakat) hoping to get the reward of their good deeds of 1000 months.
Similar to this, it is essential to note that the Jewish Jubilee(Hebrew Yov-el) year is an occasion of joy and joy; it is the time of forgiveness or universal pardon – falls to come at the close of seven cycles Sabbatical calendars (Hebrew Shmita).
Also Read: Laylatul Qadr: Unveiling the Significance of the Most Important Night in Islam
According to the Bible, it is a once-in-fifty year: “You shall sanctify the 50th year, and proclaim freedom across the entire land for all the inhabitants of it; It will be a Jubilee year.” and you will return every person to his heritage, and return every one member of his household.
It will be a Jubilee Year for you – the 50th year. In this year, you will not sow, reap its harvest afterward, and not take the seeds set aside from it to be your own. Since it’s a Jubilee Year, it shall be holy to you. out of the field, you will bite its harvest.” (Leviticus 25:10-13)
In essence, these passages suggest that the Jubilee made every debt between ALL people (Jews as well as non-Jews) be canceled (although the procedure was restricted to Jews and Jews only). Additionally, the Jew who sold themself to slavery was to be freed, regardless of regardless of the length of time that they agreed to or not.
Rashi was an 11.th century (CE) Jewish scholar noted that the term Jubilee was a reference to the Hebrew word meaning “ram,” alluding to the fact that the sound of a ram’s horn announced the Jubilee year.
Nachmanides, a renowned Jewish scholar, said that Jubilee was also a reference to the Hebrew word “to move about.” Therefore, the majority of Jews who had been sold into slavery or were bound (so to say) by the burden of debt were free of their bonds at the Jubilee anniversary and granted the right to move about freely.
Also Read: Laylatul Qadr Dua: Seeking Divine Blessings Through Translated Prayers
According to rabbinical sources, the genesis of the observance for the Jubilee Year did not exactly start at the time that the Children of Israel had entered the Holy Land (under Joshua) and, instead, after they conquered their conquerors of the Holy Land and after apportioning it to the families of each the year was 1288 BCE (Ref Maimonides, Laws of Shmita and Jubilee 10:2). The first Jubilee came around forty-nine years later.
However, the Sanhedrin was responsible for recording the years, ensuring the accuracy of the count, as well as ensuring that the Jewish people were informed that the Jubilee year’s arrival through the sound of the shofar after Yom Kippur (Leviticus 25:8 and Numbers 35:4)
However, there is any evidence that historical sources can substantiate that it was held every fifty years during the past, before the arrival of Jesus. This evidence suggests that it was performed every century in the period of Jesus, one of the sons of Mary.
For instance, the apocryphal book Gospel of Barnabas – puts the following words into Jesus’ mouth. Jesus says: “I am indeed sent to the house of Israel as a prophet of salvation. However, after me, I will be the Messiah, a messenger from God to the entire world.
For whom God created the universe. Then, throughout the world, God be glorified and mercy accepted in such a way it is said that “the year of jubilee that now occurs every hundred years, will be the Messiah be shortened to every year, in all places.” (Chapter 82)
Also Read: Fasting Dua: Nourishing The Soul with a Prayerful Heart
The nature of the Messiah, that Messiah, Jesus, in the gospel of Barnabas, is quite evident when questioned by a priest, and he replies: “The name of the Messiah is reverent (Ar. Muhammad because God himself chose his name for him when he created his soul and set it in magnificent celestial glory.
God told him: “Wait, Muhammad; for your sake, I will create paradise, the entire world as well as many creatures. I give you a gift so that anyone who blesses you will be blessed, and anyone who curses you will be cursed.
When I take you to the world, I will send you to be my messenger of salvation, and your word will be a fact, to the extent that the heavens and the earth will be destroyed and your faith will never falter.” Muhammad is his holy title.” And the people raised their voices and said: “O God, send us your Messenger” O Muhammad, Come quickly to save the entire world!” (Chapter 97)
In chapter 84, after completing some of his midnight prayers, Jesus, in the Gospel from Barnabas, reportedly stated, “Let us give thanks to God for granting to us this evening a great mercy. He has allowed us to return to the time that passes by in the night as we’ve joined in prayer with the messenger of God. Then I heard him speak.” Jesus’ disciples were thrilled over this …”
It is possible that the night referred to above could be an example of laylatul Qadr, which is The Night of Power, mentioned in the Qur’an. Also, God knows the most reliable!
Also Read: Eid al-Fitr: An Introspective Celebration of Renewal and Gratitude
Whatever the issue regarding the authenticity of each of the gospels, canonical and apocryphal, they are being attributed to the disciple’s real or self-styled Jesus, who was the son of Mary Jesus, son of Mary Qur’an – the final Testament for God to the world is pretty clear on the value of Laylatul Qadr. The night of this one is still the most sought-after night for believers Muslims.
As the closing of the holy month of Ramadan comes nearer, Let us recollect the sage advice given by Abul Abbas al-Sabti (may Allah be merciful to the saint of Islam):
“The secret of Fasting is that you’re hungry. When you’re hungry, you keep in mind the person whom you are always starving and be aware of the hunger that plagues him to the point that you feel compassionate towards him.
Therefore, if you refuse yourself food but show no empathy for those who are hungry, and your fasting doesn’t result in this happening to you, then you are not really fasting and are not aware of the intention behind this fast.” [Al-Tashawwuf ila rijal al-tasawwuf wa akhbar Abil Abbas al-Sabti: Yusuf ibn al-Zayyat al-Tadili]
According to ‘Ubadah al-Samit (may Allah be pleased with his work), a Companion, Muhammad (S) the prophet Muhammad (S) would say when entering the months of Ramadan:
” O Allah, please, welcome and protect me for Ramadan to thank you and save Ramadan, thank you and help save Ramadan for me and grant me the acceptance (Allahumma saline Li Ramadan wa sallim Ramadana wa smallish Minnie muqabbilan).“
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram