Tha (ث) – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim

Tha (ث) – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim– The Arabic letter Tha is a Sun Lettered.

  • ث is a T with an fresh fleck.
  • The Arabic letter ث is written
  • The Arabic letter ث is pronounced

Tha is the English fellow of the unspoken sound” th” in English. It’s pronounced by placing the lingo between your teeth and also blowing out air.

 Introductory exemplifications of words for ث in different countries . ث can be connected to both sides. These three forms are dependent on their position in the word.

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Word exemplifications using Arabic letter ث with diacritics

Tha, one of three Arabic letters, represents three types of sounds. All of them are soft. When it’s accompanied by a fatha, it does not make a gruff sound.

 Tha with a fatha has a soft sound, like

  • ث in Thanks
  • ث In Me thanol

Sounds like Tha with a Kasra

– Thi in Think Theief

ث in My or No thi ng

 Tha with a damma sounds like

  • ث in Thought
  • ث in me thod

ث with sokoon sounds like

ثIn A thelete

ث Mama th Heal and th

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ث is the binary family to Ba( b) or Ta


Tha contains Three Points that are placed in the same way as one of the Three Egyptian Conglomerations.


Arabic Alphabet For Muslim Children

class 5, chapter 4, Lecture 2

Learn Arabic Alphabets

Alasad Online Quran Tutor

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