Powerful Dua (Fasting Dua)

To indicate and confirm the intent of the fast, the following duas (prayers), are recited both at the start and the end of the day. Fasting is done to draw closer to God. It is important to make an intention…
To indicate and confirm the intent of the fast, the following duas (prayers), are recited both at the start and the end of the day. Fasting is done to draw closer to God. It is important to make an intention…
This year, the Holy Month of Ramadan is in the summer. Fasting can cause dehydration as the body is without water and food for 14 hours. Suhoor is the time to eat and drink the right foods to sustain you throughout the…
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and it’s considered one of the holiest months for Muslims worldwide. It’s a time of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. Here’s a closer look at what Ramadan signifies: Fasting (sawm): Prayer…
Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed us with the chance to experience another Ramadan! Let us ensure we get the most out of these last days as Ramadan 2024 draws close. Table of Contents In Quran 40:60, Allah says, “Call me, and…
Dua For Wishes To Come True – As-salam Alaykum, my dear brother and sisters, Today we provide you with Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes in this text. Often, some things can sound downright not possible or even ridiculous to a…
Istikhara Dua for Marriage is a few aspect between you and God (swt). It’s extraordinarily cautioned to perform Istikhara prayer yourself, in place of acquiring it accomplished through others. Online Istikhara For Love Marriage is occasionally achieved as soon as an…
Dua Istikhara With Urdu Translation : Istikhara means to are seeking goodness from Allah, that means whilst one intends to do an critical task they do istikhara earlier than the mission. The one that does the istikhara is as if…
Dua For Someone To Become Muslim : Aslam Walikum, all brothers and sisters, If you’re looking to manual someone towards the course of Islam, this newsletter affords a effective Dua To Convert Someone To Islam. In this text, we will…
Dua For Someone Sick : As Muslims, we’re taught that we should make dua for individuals who are unwell. When we make dua, we’re asking Allah (SWT) to supply the unwell person a speedy and complete restoration. We are also…
Dua For Quran – Dua is very essential inside the existence of Muslims due to the fact Dua is like a verbal exchange with Allah Almighty wherein we positioned our desires before Him and ask His assist inside the resolution…
Dua For Protection From Jinn: He needs for us Muslims an easy life: “Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you problem and [wants] for you to finish the duration and to glorify Allah for that [to]…
Dua For Protection From Evil Eye And Jealousy – Aslam Walikum, to all our Beloved brothers and sister, today we share “Powerful Dua to eliminate evil eye” inside the proper quranic Halal approach. Our advice is to study this newsletter properly and now…
Dua Drinking Milk – As Muslims, it’s crucial to construct addiction of being grateful for each top element that comes our manner. We must deliver thank you constantly due to the fact all matters contribute to our advancement. So this…
Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka is one of the powerful supplications. This is one of the beautiful supplications you should stick with. Table Of Contents Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka Meaning In English O Allah, certainly, I ask You for…
Dua For Finding Lost Items – Your heart sinks… you check both your front and back pocket and don’t feel the lump of your smartphone or pockets. You have four alternatives, what do you do? Suggested Read: The Clear Quran,…
Dua For Pain in Stomach – Do you need to make dua for belly ache relief? Stomach pain is a totally commonplace fitness issue that can be seen inside the kids these days! The purpose of stomach ache varies from…
Dua For Noor On Face – Duas for splendour: The modern-day culture exaggerates physical splendour and beauty standards, which often pushes younger minds to conflict with self confidence and self-photo. Undoubtedly, Islam is one faith that lays titanic emphasis on…
Dua For Looking Into The Mirror – The act of looking into the mirror is a routine part of our daily lives. Whether we do it out of habit or necessity, we often catch a glimpse of our own reflection,…