Tag quran arabic text

An Introduction To The Sciences of The Qu’ran

Can You Vape During Ramadan? Beliefs, Holy Month, Pillar of Islam, Prayer, Ramadan

The Qu’ran – The knowledge that forms a component of “Uloom Al-Qur’an” or ” the Sciences of The Qur’an is the study of disciplines that have a direct influence on the way we recite the context, understanding of use and the interpretation of The…

How to learn Tafseer ul Quran

How to learn Tafseer-ul-Quran? Quran, Quran Arabic Text, House of Quran

Tafseer-ul-Quran – The word “Tafseer” means explanation in English. An author of Tafseer is called “Mufasir”. Tafseer -ul-Quran is an attempt by mufasir to provide explanation, interpretation, elucidation, context, or commentary for a clear and better understanding and conviction of…