Namaz Eid ul Fitr Ka Tarika (English & Urdu)

Namaz Eid ul Fitr Ka Tarika – If you want to How to Pray Eid Ul Fitr Namaz 2025 , then you are on the right site QURANMUALIM. In this article we will teach you how to pray Eid Namaz (Namaz Eid…
Namaz Eid ul Fitr Ka Tarika – If you want to How to Pray Eid Ul Fitr Namaz 2025 , then you are on the right site QURANMUALIM. In this article we will teach you how to pray Eid Namaz (Namaz Eid…
Is ‘Eid Prayer Obligatory or Just Sunnah? Eid prayer is Wajib or sunnah? Let’s we will see, When it comes to answering whether Eid prayer is Wajib or sunnah. The scholars’ have different opinions. Some say that The Eid prayer…
How to Celebrate Eid The Prophetic Way? Twice a year, The Muslims join together with each other in celebration of Eid – a time of rest, Peace, joy, happiness, reflection, and togetherness.Eid al-Fitr takes place at the end of The…
Here we will learn about How Much Is Zakat ul Fitr Per Person This Year? Zakat al Fitr is a charitable donation of food, Grains, Corns, Rupees that must be given before Eid ul Fitr prayer, before the end of…
How Much Is Zakat al Fitr? What Scholars Say Today. Zakat al-Fitr, an obligatory charity for The Muslims concluding The Month of the Holy Ramadan, is calculated as one saa’ (approximately 2.5–3 kg) of staple food like dates, barley, wheat,…
Give Zakat al Fitr: Cash or Food—What’s Better? Zakat al Fitr is a charitable donation of food, grain, Food or cash that must be given before Eid ul Fitr prayer, before the end of the month of The Holy Ramadan,…
Eid ul Fitr Namaz Ka Tarika – Eid is a special day for all the Muslims worldwide and one of the things important which makes it so is the Eid-ul-Fitr congregational prayer. Eid Salat consist of only two rakats with…
Eid al-Fitr: Are We Celebrating It Right? Within the Islamic calendar, there are Three Eid festivals in the Year. These Islamic festivals are known as Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha and Eid Melad un-Nabi. Eid al-Fitr marks the end of…
Eid al Fitr Takbeer: Are We Saying It Right? The following section discusses Eid al Fitr Takbeer practice. Among the many merits associated with EID UL Fitr stands Takbeer. The following section will explain the meanings behind Eid ul Fitr…
Eid al Fitr 2025 USA, a day celebrated by Muslims all over the World, marks the conclusion of The Holy Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. In 2025, Eid al-Fitr is expected to be celebrated on either Sunday, March 30,…
Eid al Fitr 2025: What’s Different This Year? Eid al-Fitr is a special occasion or event for Muslim all around of the world and is a time for celebration with family, Friends and The loved ones. Eid ul Fitr marks the end…
Hidden Sins: Ramadan Rules For Unmarried Couples – The month of Ramadan is now upon all Muslims, act upon and keep fast. Although, unmarried Muslims many different forms of changes in their life, five important things to must avoid during…
Ramadan Period Rules For Women – Full Guide. Women should need to know Ramadan rules for females including Period, Blood, Sexual Activities etc. The holy month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is a month of reflection, Duas, Worship of Allah,…
Ramadan Rules For Females – For Muslims, the month of The Holy Ramadan is the holiest time of the year, as it is believed that the Angel Hazrat Gabriel first revealed the Holy Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during…
Last Ten Days of Ramadan: Ramadan is a month of spiritual. Purification and Physical benefits for Muslims in which we try to increase our worship, Pray, Duas, good deeds and acts of charity. The last ten days and nights hold…
Sex in Ramadan – Intercourse during the day in The Holy Ramadan is haram for men and women both, who are obliged to fast during the day. Doing that is a sin for which kaffarah must be offered. Expiation For having Sex…
In this Article We will learn about Can We Touch Private Parts during Fasting. Masturbation by husband’s hand in Ramadan The husband cannot masturbate his wife during menstruation because it would involve touching the impurity until he uses a barrier…
14 Things To Do in Ramadan – Don’t Miss Out! Fasting , Reading the Holy Quran, Night Prayers, Nafils , Charity Feeding the Fasting ,Supplication and Remembrance of Allah, Umrah, I’tikaf ,Family Bonds, Blessing and Forgiving Others, Self-Control and Good…