Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English – We are thrilled as a way to provide the English Translation of Sahih Bukhari.
Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also called the Sunnah. The reviews of the Prophet’s (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth.
Imam Bukhari lived multiple centuries after the Prophet’s (noticed) demise and worked extraordinarily hard to gather his ahadeeth.
Each file in his series became checked for compatibility with the Qur’an, and the veracity of the chain of journalists had to be painstakingly installation.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English – Bukhari’s collection is identified by using the overwhelming majority of the Muslim international to be one of the most real collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh).

Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English – Bukhari (complete call Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin al-Mughira al-Ja’fai) emerge as born in 194 A.H. And died in 256 A.H. His collection of hadeeth is taken into consideration 2nd to none.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English – He spent 16 years compiling it, and ended up with 2,602 hadeeth (9,082 with repetition). His criteria for beauty into the collection were amongst the maximum stringent of all the pupils of ahadeeth.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English – Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which has numerous books. Each ebook incorporates many ahadeeth. The ahadeeth are numbered consecutively steady with quantity. The books really great serve to company ahadeeth collectively, but the volumes impose the numbering.
Main Chapters Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English
- Volume 1
- Revelation
- كتاب بدء الوحى
- Belief
- كتاب الإيمان
- three. Knowledge
- كتاب العلم
- four. Ablutions (Wudu)
- كتاب الوضوء
- 5. Bathing (Ghusl)
- كتاب الغسل
- 6. Menstrual Periods
- كتاب الحيض
- 7. Tayammum
- كتاب التيمم
- eight. Prayer (Salat)
- كتاب الصلاة
- nine. Prayer Hall (Sutra)
- 10. Times of the Prayer and Its Superiority
- كتاب مواقيت الصلاة
- eleven. Call to Prayer
- كتاب الأذان
- 12. Characteristics of Prayer
- Volume 2
- thirteen. Friday Prayer
- كتاب الجمعة
- 14. Fear Prayer
- كتاب صلاة الخوف
- 15. The Two Festivals (Eids)
- كتاب العيدين
- sixteen. Witr Prayer
- كتاب الوتر
- 17. Dua’ for Rain (Istisqaa)
- كتاب الاستسقاء
- 18. Eclipses
- كتاب الكسوف
- 19. Prostration During Recital of Qur’an
- كتاب سجود القرآن
- 20. Shortening Prayers
- كتاب التقصير
- 21. Night Prayer (Tahajjud)
- كتاب التهجد
- 22. Actions on the equal time as Praying
- كتاب العمل فى الصلاة
- 23. Funerals (Al-Janaa’iz)
- كتاب الجنائز
- 24. Tax (Zakat)
- كتاب الزكاة
- 25. Tax (Zakat ul Fitr)
- كتاب الزكاة الفطر
- 26. Pilgrimage (Hajj)
- كتاب الحج
- Volume 3
- 27. Minor Pilgrimage
- كتاب العمرة
- 28. Pilgrims Prevented from Completing the Pilgrimage
- كتاب المحصر
- 29. Prilgrims Hunting Penalty
- كتاب جزاء الصيد
- 30. Virtues of Madinah
- كتاب فضائل المدينة
- 31. Fasting
- كتاب الصوم
- 32. Praying at Night in Ramadaan (Taraaweeh)
- كتاب صلاة التراويح
- 33. Stay in Mosque (I’tikaf)
- كتاب الاعتكاف
- 34. Sales and Trade
- كتاب البيوع
- 35. Paid in Advance
- كتاب السلم
- 36. Hiring
- كتاب الإجارة
- 37. Debt Transfer
- كتاب الحوالات
- 38. Business by means of Proxy
- كتاب الكفالة
- 39. Agriculture
- كتاب المزارعة
- 40. Distributing Water
- كتاب المساقاة
- 41. Loans, Bankruptcy
- كتاب فى الاستقراض
- forty two. Lost & Found
- كتاب فى اللقطة
- forty three. Oppressions
- كتاب المظالم
- forty four. Partnership
- كتاب الشركة
- forty five. Mortgaging
- كتاب الرهن
- 46. Freeing Slaves
- كتاب العتق
- 47. Gifts
- كتاب الهبة وفضلها والتحريض عليها
- forty eight. Witnesses
- كتاب الشهادات
- forty nine. Peacemaking
- كتاب الصلح
- 50. Conditions
- كتاب الشروط
- Volume 4
- fifty one. Wills
- كتاب الوصايا
- fifty two. Fighting for the Cause of Allah (al-Jihaad)
- كتاب الجهاد والسير
- fifty 3. One-5th of Booty
- كتاب فرض الخمس
- 54. Beginning of Creation
- كتاب بدء الخلق
- fifty five. Prophets
- كتاب أحاديث الأنبياء
- fifty six. Virtues
- كتاب المناقب
- Volume five
- fifty seven. Virtues and Merits of Companions of the Prophet ﷺ
- كتاب فضائل أصحاب النبى ﷺ
- fifty eight. Merits of Al-Ansaar
- كتاب مناقب الأنصار
- 59. Military Expeditions led with the useful resource of the Prophet ﷺ (Maghaazi)
- كتاب المغازى
- Volume 6
- 60. Prophetic Commentary at the Qur’an
- كتاب التفسير
- 61. Virtues of the Qur’an
- كتاب فضائل القرآن
- Volume 7
- sixty two. Marriage
- كتاب النكاح
- sixty three. Divorce
- كتاب الطلاق
- sixty 4. Supporting Family
- كتاب النفقات
- 65. Food, Meals
- كتاب الأطعمة
- 66. Sacrifice on Birth of Newborn
- كتاب العقيقة
- sixty seven. Hunting & Slaughtering
- كتاب الذبائح والصيد
- sixty eight. Al-Adha Sacrifice
- كتاب الأضاحي
- 69. Drinks
- كتاب الأشربة
- 70. Patients
- كتاب المرضى
- seventy one. Medicine
- كتاب الطب
- seventy two. Dress
- كتاب اللباس
- Volume eight
- seventy 3. Good Manners
- كتاب الأدب
- seventy four. Asking Permission
- كتاب الاستئذان
- 75. Invocations
- كتاب الدعوات
- seventy six. Softening the Heart
- كتاب الرقاق
- 77. Predestination & Divine Decree
- كتاب القدر
- seventy eight. Oaths and Vows
- كتاب الأيمان والنذور
- 79. Expiation for Unfulfilled Oaths
- كتاب كفارات الأيمان
- eighty. Laws of Inheritance
- كتاب الفرائض
- eighty one. Laws of Punishments
- كتاب الحدود
- Volume 9
- eighty two. Blood Money
- كتاب الديات
- 80 three. Dealing with Apostates
- كتاب استتابة المرتدين والمعاندين وقتالهم
- 84. Statements made Under Duress
- كتاب الإكراه
- eighty five. Tricks
- كتاب الحيل
- 86. Interpretations of Dreams
- كتاب التعبير
- 87. Trials & Tribulations
- كتاب الفتن
- 88. Judgments
- كتاب الأحكام
- 89. Wishes
- كتاب التمنى
- ninety. Accepting Information Given thru a Truthful Person
- كتاب أخبار الآحاد
- 91. Holding Fast to the Qur’an and Sunnah
- كتاب الاعتصام بالكتاب والسنة
- ninety two. Oneness of Allah
- كتاب التوحيد
- Sahih Al Bukhari
Book Details
Pricing | The strikethrough price is the List Price. Savings represents a discount off the List Price. |
Package Dimensions | 6.73 x 5.12 x 1.97 inches; 1.67 Pounds |
Type of item | Hardcover only |
Rated | Everyone |
Item Weight | 1.67 pounds |
Manufacturer | Dar-us-Salam |
Date First Available | September 2, 2014 |