Sufi Mysticism – Mysticism in the Islamic context has historically been intertwined with the notion of Ḥikmah, both knowledge and philosophy (Nasr, 1996). The source of mysticism and the mystical elements in Islam can be traced to the Qur’an and the Islamic doctrine.
Some of the Qur’anic verses were viewed using the mystics and philosopher-mystics of Islam as allegorical and esoteric hints for folks who can see them. “God is the Outward and the Inward” (Qu’ran 57:3), “he for whom know-how is given, he simply has acquired considerable correct” (Qu’ran 2:269), and the famous Light verses.

God is the Light of the heavens and the earth; the likeness of His Light is as a gap in which is a lamp, the lamp is a pitcher, the glass as it were a glittering star kindled from a blessed tree, an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil nicely-night might shine, even supposing no fire touched it; mild upon lights; God publications to His mild whom He will. Moreover, God moves similitudes for the guys and understands the whole thing. (Qu’ran 24:35)
can all be seen as containing esoteric perception? Throughout the ages, these verses have stimulated some Muslim gnostics, several of whom, consisting of Shihāb al-Dīn Suhrawardī (12th CE) and Mullā Ṣadrā (16th CE), have written commentaries upon them (e.g., Mullā Ṣadrā’s On the Hermeneutics of the Light Verse of the Quran).
From a magical perspective, all later traits and interactions between Islamic philosophy and other highbrow traditions have to therefore be visible as rational expressions of the paranormal elements within an Islamic milieu. Mystical factors exist in Islam in two distinctive and unbiased ways.
Practically, Sufism represents the esoteric dimension of Islam in its purest shape, whilst theoretically salient features of Islamic mysticism were regularly incorporated into the Islamic philosophical culture. Islamic mysticism, consequently, stands on pillars: first practical, then philosophical.
That is, esoteric expertise can either be attained through realistic awareness, which includes internal purification and asceticism, or through a type of philosophy which includes but is not restrained to discursive reasoning.
- 1. Neoplatonism and Sufism
- 2. The Isma’ili Tradition
- three. The “Period of Philosophical Decline” and the School of Shiraz
- 4. The School of Isfahan and Mulla Sadra
- five. The Case of Rūmī
- 6. Conclusion
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- Related Entries
Neoplatonism and Sufism Following the early theological colleges of idea in Islam, among which have been the determinists (Qadarites), the eschatologists (Murj’aites and Wa’idites), and the faith-primarily based theologians (Ash’arites), there came the Islamic philosophical tradition and its many special faculties of thought.
Even though Al-Kindī appears to be the first Muslim logician, the overall effect of Hellenic ideas on Islamic philosophy is a quality seen within the philosophical edifice of Abū Nasr Fārābī (10th CE) Al-Fārābī, who is taken into consideration by the father of common sense within the Islamic philosophical subculture, is also the primary to have embraced Neoplatonism, albeit in a restrained feel. His paradigm paved the way for mysticism to go into Islamic philosophy.
Neoplatonism, which has remained one of the salient functions of Islamic philosophy, has finished features: the highbrow and the realistic have emerged as an indispensable part of residing a philosophical life.
Philosophically, Neoplatonism presents solutions to most major questions inside the context of Islam, along with how multiplicity got here from solidarity and how corporality emanated from an incorporeal God, in addition to explaining the ascending and descending order of beings.
Mysticism in Al-Fārābī manifests itself in two methods, philosophical and realistic. Philosophically, as is obvious in The Letter Concerning the Intellect (Risālah fi’l-‘aql), his interpretation of the idea of the four intellects paved the road for his successor Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) (981–1037 CE), who made full use of Neoplatonism.
Al-Fārābī tries in his writings now not simplest to reconcile the reviews of Plato and Aristotle, with Plato seen as incredibly of a mystical determine, but additionally, in his discussions of political philosophy, he replaced Plato’s logician-king with an Imam whose understanding of TruthTruth is intuitive, who is aware of now not most effective theoretical virtues
However additionally the practical ones. However, even though his musical compositions are sung amongst some Sufi orders in Turkey and the Indo-Pakistani continent, one could see the influence of Sufism in his Bezels of Wisdom (Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. ), reviews concerning him having been working towards Sufi are quite nebulous.
As to the master of the Peripatetics, Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) himself, the consensus of students is that Avicenna became a rationalist who embraced positive standards from Plato, Aristotle and Neoplatonism and that the salient characteristic of his philosophical writings is discursive.
From right here on, there are generally distinct interpretations of Avicennan philosophy: Those who see him handiest as a rationalist who had nothing to do with mysticism and argue that later Avicenna had embraced mysticism as is contemplated in some of his later works.
Most Western scholars of Avicenna, who see him most effective as a rationalist, similar to al-Fārābī and Averroes (Gutas, 2006; Adamson, 2013), by and large, depend upon his discursive and rationalistic writings. Many Muslim philosophers, mainly Iranian scholars of Avicenna, have an extra inclusive reading of his writings and tend to agree that Avicenna advanced a hobby in mysticism within the later length of his life. (Nasr & Leaman 1996, Inati 1996).

Sufi Mysticism – For Avicenna, much like many other Muslim philosophers, the remaining philosophical endeavour is to unveil the mystery of introduction, especially; how Divine unity has become the multiplicity of the sector of existents.
To resolve this riddle, Avicenna adopts the Neoplatonic scheme of emanation, which has additionally been used no longer most effectively using Sufis and Islamic gnostics to explain the non-secular adventure of guys closer to God but additionally by way of nearly all TruthTruth seeker-mystics from Suhrawardī and Mullā Ṣadrā to Sabziwārī and Ṭabāṭabā’ī.
Avicenna turned into not a practising Sufi with any acknowledged affiliation to a Sufi order. In TruthTruth, Avicenna’s meeting with the exquisite Sufi grasp Abū Sa‘īd Abu’l-Khayr (d. 1049 CE) and the presence of an “oriental philosophy” (al-ḥikmat al-mashraqiyyah) in his writing possibly are apocryphal.
However, the presence of mystical factors in a number of his later works is held by few to be simple (Aminrazavi, 2003). For instance, in the 9th chapter of his philosophical masterpiece Remarks and Treatments (al-Ishārāt wa’l-tanbihāt), in a phase entitled On the Stations of Knowers (Fī maqāmāt al-‘ārifīn),
Avicenna seems to explain the Sufi doctrine and overtly to guard the gnostic and Sufi approach of achieving Reality. While the authorship of a number of his Persian writings is a problem to discuss, in a number of his allegorical writings, along with Treatise on Ascendance (Mi’rāj nāmah), Treatise on Birds (Risālat al-ṭaīr), Salmān and Absāl, Son of the Living Awake (Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān)
And Treatise on Love (Risālah fi’l-‘ishq), not to mention his well-known poem Ode of the Soul (al-Qaṣidah al-‘ayniyyah), the presence of Sufi and gnostic elements are vividly obvious to individuals who comply with this interpretation.
With Avicenna, who represents the top of rationalistic philosophy in Persia, got here different highbrow developments. On the one side, there has been the towering discern of Abū Ḥāmid Ghazzālī, who rejected philosophy altogether and has become the exponent of Sufism on my own. On the opposite side, there arose Ismā‘īlīs philosophy, which integrated Sufi and Hermetico-Pythagorean thoughts within a philosophical context.
Ghazzālī, an orthodox jurist and a primary exponent of faith-primarily based theology (Ash’arite), having studied philosophy, thought discursive reasoning stood on a strong floor; however soon turned against philosophy, presenting a devastating critique of motive in his The Incoherence of Philosophers (Tahāfut al-falāsifah).
Having been dissatisfied with intellectual sciences, he practised asceticism for some years in seclusion and eventually located his solutions inside the Sufi subculture. The religious journey of Ghazzālī from an orthodox jurist to a Sufi is one of the most extremely good debts of the transformation of a Muslim sage who became from the outward to the inner existence of Islam and found Sufism to be the handiest route that ends in TruthTruth. He spent most of his life teaching, writing and practising Sufism.
Ghazzālī is one of the few mystics whose logo of Sufism embraces religious orthodoxy, a gnostic intellectual framework, and the more realistic and ascetic measurement of the spiritual direction. Contrary to the antinomian Sufis, who violated the Islamic regulation (Shari’ah) and the extra comfortable mindset of some of the alternative Sufis, Ghazzālī changed into an austere and ardent observer of Islamic regulation.
He wrote significantly on mysticism, arguing it to be the best proper direction to TruthTruth. An exquisite piece amongst his writings on mysticism is The Niche of Light (Mishkāt al-anwār), good sized painting of an illumination nature and one that encouraged the formation of the doctrine of illumination (ishrāq) with the aid of Suhrawardī (Aminrazavi, 1996).
Sufi Mysticism – Also, components of his Magnum Opus, Revival of Religious Sciences (Iḥyā’ al-‘ulūm al-dīnī), along with e-book thirty-5 of the Iḥyā’: The Book of Faith in Divine Unity and Trust in Divine Providence are devoted to an explication of the Sufi doctrine. He also has written numerous shorter commentaries on the non-secular importance of fasting, praying, invocating divine names and attributes, and spiritual songs as contraptions of the catharsis of the soul.
The Principles of Sufism, Book 23

The Isma’ili Tradition
Sufi Mysticism – On the Ismā‘īlīs side, the usage of the esoteric doctrine of Hermeticism and the Greco-Alexandrian mystical teachings had been adopted using Ismā‘īlīs philosophers. Such principles as an emanation from the One, asceticism, the body as a prison with the soul as its inmate, initiation into the mysteries of gnosis (ma’rifah), tiers of interpretations of non-secular hermeneutics (ta’wīl), sacred geometry with its mystical symbolism, cycles of prophecy, and the initial function of Shi’ite Imams are among most of the mystical subject matters of Ismā‘īlī philosophical culture. Among the superb Ismā‘īlī figures in the 10th and eleventh century CE is Jabir Ibn Ḥayyān (c. 721–c. 815 CE),
who was more of a scientist and chemist and, as such, offered in his The Book of Stones (Kitāb al-aḥjār) a magical interpretation of the science of letters and the esoteric mathematical concepts which are motivated through Pythagorean geometry.
It has to be stated that he became a parent below whose call works with the aid of many various thinkers may also be amassed. Abū Ya’qub Sijistānī turned into additionally a tremendous parent in the movement whose mystical writings in Unveiling of the Hidden (Kashf al-maḥjūb) and The Book of Well Springs (Kitāb al-yanābi ‘) provide an esoteric observation on principal philosophical and spiritual subjects (see Nasr & Aminrazavi 1999/2001).
Sijistānī, whose writings need to be regarded as a religious statement at the gnostic doctrine touching on the flight of the soul toward its paradisal state, centres on the Oneness of God, the intellects each Divine and human, and distinct forms of souls together with their dating with the frame. In the above-cited works, Sijistānī systematically treats notions of introduction, the function of prophets as spiritual guides, and the hidden symbolism in their teachings.
As one goes from the outward to the inward and esoteric degree of Islam, one gains the cognizance that is important to the knowledge of the symbolism of prophetic teachings. Among other foremost figures and esoteric mystical texts in this vein is Abū Ḥātim Rāzī’s (811–891 CE) Science of Prophecy (A’lām al-nubuwwah), in which he applies the idea of emanation to the cosmological belief of Be (kun) and offers a paranormal statement on how the human soul is a trace of the higher soul this is ideal.
Also, one ought to point out Ḥamīd al-Dīn Kirmānī (d. 996–1021 CE) and his numerous writings on Sufism and Gnosticism, the maximum terrific of that is his Repose of the Intellect (Rāḥat al-all). A distinguished Ismā‘īlī truth seeker, taken into consideration via a few because the “Ismā‘īlīs’ Ibn Sīnā,” he argued that an understanding of TruthTruth is based totally on two precepts.
First, one has to stay a morally virtuous existence and 2d; the adept ought to put together himself philosophically. The chapters of Rāḥat al-all are called war (partitions), and the paragraphs, mashāri’ (paths). The novice has to travel thru fifty-six paths within seven walls for the soul to gain information about Reality. The Reality, in step with Kirmānī, is divided into four unique stages:
first is the arena of Divine creation or the incorporeal world (‘alām al-ibdā ‘); second, the corporeal realm (‘ālam al-jism), 1/3, the area of religion (‘alām al-dīn), and subsequently, the return of the arena to its unique solidarity with God (Baumstark, 1932; Corbin 1961; Corbin 1964, a hundred thirty–1; Hunzai 1986).
Perhaps the most vital determine of the Ismā‘īlīs tradition, the person who became both poet and philosopher, is Nāṣir-i Khusraw (1004–c.1072 CE). Whether in his series of mystical and didactic poems known as Divān, or his mystically oriental works along with The Sum of the Two Wisdoms (Jāmi’ al-ḥikmattayīn) and Knowledge and Liberation (Gushāyesh wa rahāyesh), he relentlessly offers recommendation on the catharsis of the soul and the pursuing of the religious adventure.
Nāṣir-i Khusraw’s try and reconcile Sufism and the cause is visible in his The Sum of the Two Wisdoms, where he argues that the “sages of real religion” (ḥukamāy-i dīn-i ḥaqq) and the philosophers are in agreement. For Nāṣir-i Khusraw, the science of the soul is the manner of attaining real know-how, information transcending the difference between the perceiver and perception. He writes:
Between the knower and the acknowledged. There lies a difference in using one that Has wakened from the sleep of heedlessness.
Nāṣir-i Khusraw offers unique instructions on how a beginner should follow the spiritual path, relying on unique ascetic practices. Similar to the figures of St. Augustine and St. Francis of Assisi, Nāṣir-i Khusraw pursued a hedonistic way of life in the early part of his existence but underwent a religious metamorphosis and committed himself to the Sufi course. Echoes from both levels of his existence may be visible throughout his works (Hunsburger, 2000).
Sufi Mysticism – There also are several encyclopedic works of the Ismā‘īlī lifestyle whose authors are unknown. Many of those address mystical and Sufi ideas. Among the works that have been influential in the spread of gnostic ideas are treatizes like Brethren of Purity (Ikhwān al-ṣafā) and The Mother of Books (Umm al-kitāb) (Daftary, 1990; Nasr & Aminrazavi 1999/2001).

The “Period of Philosophical Decline” and the School of Shiraz
Traditionally, historians of philosophy have argued that after Ghazzālī in the eleventh century CE, philosophical interest within the Persian and Eastern part of the Islamic international turned eclipsed and shifted to Islamic Spain. Some folks characteristic this to Ghazzālī’s scathing attack on the philosophers. However, this is mostly a delusion.
The Islamic world at the time became so huge, and the highbrow milieu so rich and diverse, that no unmarried e-book ought to position an end to its philosophy and discursive reasoning. While it is far true that Peripatetic philosophy suffered a brief eclipse in Persia, the purpose lies within the socio-political realities of the Saljūq dynasty and the global Islamic war with external forces like the Crusades.
Recent scholarship, along with that with the aid of Qasim Kaka’i inside the Journal of Andishah-yi Dini, has found out that the so-referred period of philosophical decline turned into actually a thriving era of highbrow hobby within the Southern part of Persia in which the so-referred to as the “School of Shiraz” emerged.
This School, whose salient characteristic became the synthesis of rationalism, mysticism, intellectual intuition, and even popular Sufism, became the precursor to the School of Isfahan.
Among the tremendous masters of philosophical mysticism hailing from Spain, Ibn Masarrah (883–931 CE) sticks out. He was an ascetic whose perspectives on the mystic quest for the cohesion of the soul with God comprised a main topic in his philosophical mysticism.
Others consist of Ibn Ḥazm (994–1064), who emphasized mystical love, Ibn-Bājjah (1095–1138 CE) who treated the idea of highbrow and mystical intuition because the faculty that reviews Divine realities, Ibn Al-Sid of Badajoz (1052–1127 CE) who evolved what a few have known as mathematical mysticism, and Ibn-Ṭufayl (c. 1105–1185 CE), whose mystical allegory Son of the Living Awake (Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān) and his concept of Active Intellect, made him a prime exponent of mysticism in the Islamic philosophical tradition. Finally, there may be the Sufi logician Ibn Sab‘īn (1217–1268 CE), who attempted to result in a rapprochement between philosophy and Sufism in a scientific remedy of mystical subject matters.
Despite the importance of the above figures, none of them reached the eminence of the finest grasp of gnostic and philosophical Sufism, Shaykh Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn’ Arabī (1165–1240 CE), often referred to as Shaykh al-Akbar (The Great Master). Ibn’ Arabī, whose encyclopedic works,

The Bezels of Wisdom (Fuṣūṣ al-ḥakam
Meccean Victories (Futuḥāt al-Makkiyah) offer us one of the most complicated Islamic mystical paradigms. Often referred to as the “Doctrine of the Unity of Being” (wahdat al-wūjūd), Ibn’ Arabī’s philosophical mysticism gives a giant synthesis of gnostic and Sufi ideas in addition to a kind of philosophical discourse which, for the primary time, formulates the Sufi doctrine.
With Ibn’ Arabī, we see an enormous effort to comment on a complete array of metaphysical, cosmological, and mental aspects of Gnosticism, thereby providing an imaginative and prescient reality whose attainment requires the exercise of the Sufi route. Ibn’ Arabī’s philosophical-mystical edifice is a technique of non-secular hermeneutics (ta’wīl) which is based on the language of symbolism to manual an amateur from the outdoors (ẓāhir) to the indoors (bāṭin).
For Ibn’ Arabī, the whole cosmos represents symptoms (ayāt) which lend themselves to symbolic exegesis, a manner whose pinnacle is the Universal Man (al-insān al-kāmil). Ibn’ Arabī, whose doctrine of the Unity of Being (waḥdat al-wūjūd) has been interpreted by means of many to be pantheism, become nevertheless careful to argue that despite the fact that God dwells in matters, the global “is not” in God.
For Ibn’ Arabī, people are microcosms, and the universe is the macrocosm; the Universal Man is the only one who realizes all of his inherent prospects, which includes the Divine breath, which changed into a blown guy by using God within the beginning of the introduction because the Qur’an says. For Ibn’ Arabī, it’s miles the spiritual attention of God inside the soul that ends in union with God (see Nasr 1964; Chittick 1989 and 2007).
In the 12th century CE, at some point in the so-called “length of decline” of philosophical sports, the maximum terrific determine was the philosopher-mystic Shaykh Shihāb al-Dīn Suhrawardī, the founder of the School of Illumination (Ishrāq). Suhrawardī, who became a Peripatetic, wrote four principal works, frequently in the Aristotelian subculture.
He additionally wrote some of his works in a weird esoteric tradition, using what he referred to as “the language of illumination” (lisān al-ishrāq). In his illuminations writings, Suhrawardī is based on Neoplatonism but replaces such standards as being and existence with Light and illumination, thus imparting what may be called a gnostic-illumination model of Avicennian philosophy (Aminrazavi, 2003). He offers his doctrine of illumination in his main work, The Philosophy of Illumination (Ḥikmat al-ishrāq).
In his Sufi writings, Suhrawardī employs allegory and didactic language to suggest to the beginner how to comply with the Sufi path, regularly with precise commands regarding ascetic practices. Practical awareness constitutes an inseparable thing of the ishrāqī doctrine, a lot in order that in the creation of his magnum opus,
The Philosophy of Illumination, Suhrawardī warns the reader that the secrets and techniques of the e-book will stay hidden from the reader unless he fasts for 40 days and avoids eating meat. Suhrawardī, similar to Ibn’ Arabī, uses symbolism from nature and animals to provide a non-secular hermeneutic (ta’wīl), which starts off evolving with discursive philosophy but leads to gnosis and the religious go back of man to his unique homestead.
Suhrawardī is also credited with having endorsed an epistemological principle referred to as “know-how by using presence” (‘ilm al-ḥuḍurī), wherein know-how is attained directly and experientially while the knower, recognized, and the epistemic relation grow to be one and the same (Yazdi, 1992). Suhrawardī’s works on Sufism, maximum of which are written in Persian, consist of The Red Intellect (‘Aql-i search),
The Chant of Gabriel’s Wing (Āwaz-i par-i Jibrā’īl), Story of the Occidental Exile (Qiṣṣat al-ghurbat al-gharbiyyah), Language of the Termites (Lughat-i murān), Treatise on the State of Childhood (Risālah fi ḥālat al-ṭufuliyyah), A Day Among the Sufis (Ruzī bā jamā‘at-i ṣufiyān), The Sound of the Griffin (Safir-i smug), Treatise of the Nocturnal Ascent (Risālah fill-mi’rāj), and Treatise of Illumination (Partaw-nāmah) (Aminrazavi, 1994).
Suhrawardī’s illuminations philosophy has stimulated many philosophers who wrote the most important commentaries on gnostic and Sufi texts, amongst whom are Qutb al-Dīn Shirāzī (1236–1311 CE), Muḥammad Shahrazurī (d. 1153 CE), and Ibn Turkah Iṣfahānī (c. 1362–1433 CE)
Following Suhrawardī there may be a fair nearer nexus between philosophy and mysticism. A wide variety of rationalistic philosophers who adhered to Sufi thoughts and regularly practised Sufism became exponents of philosophical mysticism. The published Suhrawardīan philosopher-mystics, who persevered to refine the rapprochement between philosophy and mysticism, have ended up called the “School of Shirāz.”
Recent scholarship, such as that by using Qasim Kaka’i in the Journal of Andishah-yi Dini, has found out that what has traditionally been regarded because of the length of the decline of philosophical activities in Persia was, despite everything, a very thriving duration in philosophical sports inside the Southern part of Persia. Between the 11th–16th centuries, Shiraz became the middle of the Sufi and gnostic ideas in Persia.
Beginning with Quṭb al-Dīn Shirāzī, who wrote a primary commentary on Suhrawardī’s Philosophy of Illumination in an attempt to clarify Suhrawardī’s illuminative concept, the School of Shiraz produced several truth seeker-Sufis. Quṭb al-Din Shirāzī’s successor, Mīr Ṣadr al-Dīn Dashtakī (1424 CE), dealt with the hassle of lifestyles and the query of its principality. Jalāl al-Dīn Dawānī (1427 CE), any other logician of this subculture, wrote on exoteric subjects like regulation as well as esoteric subjects.
His work on the connection between Sufism, ethics, and illuminations notions entitled Sparks of Illumination in the Virtues of Ethics (Lawāmi’ al-ishrāq fī makārim al-akhlāq), additionally is aware of as Jalalian Ethics (Akhlāq-ī Jalālī ) is of particular importance. This work is still used nowadays by means of Sufi masters as a practical manual on how religious ethics can cleanse the soul. Dawānī also wrote several commentaries on Suhrawardī’s philosophy of illumination, inclusive of Forms of Brightness Concerning the Temples of Light (Shawākil al-ḥur fī sharḥ hayākil al-nūr).
The next TruthTruth seeker-mystic belonging to the School of Shirāz is Ghiyāth al-Dīn Manṣur Dashtakī (b.1461), the oldest son of Ṣadr al-Dīn Dashtakī and the greatest gnostic logician of this era. Called a “one-man college,” he was well-versed in law, jurisprudence, and theoretical Sufism. Notable among his many works is his Stations of Wisdom (Maqāmāt al-‘ārifīn), a profoundly gnostic work which came to represent the spirit of the School of Shirāz.
Dashtakī right here gives a wealthy esoteric statement at the verses of the Qur’an, the ḥadith and the sayings of such Sufi masters as Ḥallāj (858–922 CE), Rūmī (1207–1273 CE), and Ḥāfiz (1320–1388 CE) amongst others, supplying the reader with a knowledge of ways the affection of God can cause the transcendental cohesion of being. The impact of Ibn’ Arabī is pretty obvious in this piece. Once again, rapprochement between peripatetic philosophy, ishrāqī doctrine, theology, and Gnosticism (‘irfān) is made to assist the seeker of fact in locating his course via the maze of spiritual pitfalls.
Among other philosophers of this period now not always affiliated with the School of Shirāz, however inquisitive about Sufism, are Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī (1201–1274), who wrote a piece on Sufi ethics entitled Description of Nobles (Awṣāf al-ashrāf), in addition to Afd’al al-Dīn Kāshānī (d. 1213), a Sufi poet and logician. The latter became a strict Aristotelian who wrote powerful statements on good judgment and other elements of Aristotelian notions.
While most of his fifty-two works are philosophical, Kāshānī sees the mission of philosophy as the facilitation of “following the direction of God” because the name of one in every one of his works suggests. His remark on Ibn’ Arabī, his references to different gnostics and Sufis, and his mystical poetry have identified him extra as a Sufi than a rationalistic truth seeker. Writing quatrains in the style of Omar Khayyam (1048–1131), it is in his poetry that Sufism is most apparent. In a quatrain, he says,
O natural Sufi searching for God, He has no location; from where do you are seeking him. If you do understand Him, why do you are searching for Him? If you do not know Him, whom are you searching for? (Chittick 2001)
Moving from Persia to India in the 11th century CE., whilst the Persian dynasty of Ghaznavids started out to rule India, philosophical mysticism and the practice of Sufism became famous among the various Indian Muslim philosophers. Among the imperative figures of this motion are Shaykh Yousef Gardiī Multānī, Shaykh Ismā‘īl Lahorī, Imām Ḥasan San‘ānī, and Shaykh Abu’l-Ḥasan’ Alī Hujwaīrī, the truth seeker-Sufi and the writer of Unveiling of the Veiled (Kashf al-maḥjūb).
At that time, the Ismā‘īlī missionaries, who had unfolded the gnostic interpretation of Islam in India, had already created a receptive intellectual milieu for the Sufi and gnostic thoughts. By the 14th century CE., due to the migration of Persian philosophers and their students to northern India, the greater mystically oriented philosophy of the above figures gained recognition in India as nicely.
Within the following centuries, regardless of the rise and Fall of numerous dynasties, the patronage of philosophers in India in popular did no longer exchange. Sufi patronage reached a brand new excessive during the Mongol length, whose rulers were especially keen on the Sufi subculture in all its manifestations, especially philosophy, poetry and the visible arts.
Such extremely good Persian philosophers such as Taftazānī (c. 1322–1390 CE) and Jurjānī (1097–1127 CE) went to India right now. They were accompanied using such figures as Mīr Fatḥ Allāh Shirāzī, who reformed the instructional curriculums to emphasize the teachings of the esoteric philosophies of his Persian teachers.
Philosophical mysticism persisted in the Islamic philosophical culture of northern India in figures which include Khāwjah Muḥammad Baqī bi’llāh (b.1563), a celebrated mystic and the founder of Naqshbandī Sufi order, in addition to his student Shaykh Aḥmad Sirhindī (1564–1624), the proponent of the doctrine of “The Unity of Consciousness” (waḥdat al-shuhūd) and the writer of Epistles (Maktubāt).
Other Muslim philosophers from the Indo-Pakistani continent who integrated mysticism had been Mullā’ Abd al-Ḥakīm Siyalkotī, Mullā Maḥmūd Junpurī Faruqī, and Mīrzā Muḥammad Zāhid Harawī (1603–1652), who have become the proponent of Suhrawardī’s illuminations philosophy; and, perhaps the maximum widely recognized logician-mystic, Shāh Waliullāh, who lived in the 18th century CE.
Waliullāh attempted to reconcile Ibn-‘Arabī’s doctrine of “The Unity of Being” (waḥdat al-wūjūd) and Sirhindī’s doctrine of “The Unity of Consciousness” (waḥdat al-shuhūd). In addition to his numerous writings on the muse of Sufi metaphysics, Shāh Waliullāh has to take delivery of credit score for bringing legitimacy to mystical doctrine despite the attacks of orthodox jurists who saw Sufism as heretical.

The School of Isfahan and Mulla Sadra
Back in Persia came the appearance of the Safavid dynasty in the sixteenth century CE, the founders of which have been practising Sufis affiliated with the great Sufi grasp, Ṣafī al-Dīn Ardabīlī (1252–1334 CE). Their use of Sufi doctrine, philosophy, and asceticism inside an unmarried philosophical paradigm reached its pinnacle. The maximum critical trouble of what came to be called the “School of Isfahan” turned into the “fact of being” (ḥaqiqat al-wūjūd ) in preference to the “idea of being” (mafhūm al-wūjūd).
The founder of the School of Isfahan, Mīr Dāmād (d. 1631 or 1632 CE), turned into a follower of Suhrawardī’s philosophy of illumination, even selecting the pen name ishrāq (illumination). He now not handiest wrote drastically on the metaphysical basis of mysticism in his important work Sparks of Fire (al-Qabasāt).
In his Ecstasies (Al-Jadhawāt), Heavenly Mystical States (Khalsat al-malakūt), and his Disassociations (al-Khl’iyyāt), he additionally wrote mystical poetry. Even though Mīr Dāmād wrote notably on peripatetic philosophy, especially the concept of time, he is credited with a gnostic interpretation of Avicennan philosophy. His philosophical-mystical shape, primarily based on the principality of the essence, provides the intellectual framework for the ascendance of the soul and its eventual team spirit with its supply.
It was but his scholar Ṣadr al-Dīn Shirāzī, called Mullā Ṣadrā, who is possibly the finest metaphysician of the Islamic philosophical way of life. His grand synthesis of discursive philosophy, highbrow intuition, and asceticism came to be called the “Transcendental Theo-Sophy” (al-ḥikmat al-muta‘āliyah). This philosophical perspective, in step with Mullā Ṣadrā, became unveiled to him via God after many years of inner purification. With Mullā Ṣadrā, an try to provide a spiritual statement (ta’wīl) from a Shi’ite gnostic perspective on the Qur’an and the concept of “religious guardianship” (wilāyah) reaches its top.
His magnum opus, The Four Journeys of the Intellect (al-Asfār al-arba‘āt al-taqiyya), is a philosophical and gnostic exposition of the highest calibre, wherein the descending and ascending adventure of the soul from and to God is treated in detail. This work, an encyclopedia of gnosis, philosophy, and mysticism, consists of much of what Ibn’ Arabī and other logician-mystics have introduced.
For Mullā Ṣadrā, creation represents four trips: the Fall, wherein harmony becomes multiplicity is the primary, accompanied by one’s earthly adventure, and wherein the ache of separation reasons an existential craving toward one’s original domicile.
According to Mullā Ṣadrā, the guy’s religious ascendance through the direction of Sufism and Gnosticism constitutes the third part of this adventure until unity once more is accomplished. Finally, there is the sojourn inside the Divine realm, from TruthTruth (ḥaqq) to TruthTruth, a station most effective few of the spiritual elites may additionally ever experience.
Mullā Ṣadrā can be regarded as the reviver of the genuine mystical know-how to be attained through mysticism and the highbrow instinct now not divorced from rationality. Mullā Ṣadrā makes considerable use of logical analyses and demonstrative proofs, which relax on what he calls “illuminative precept” (qā‘idah ishraqiyyah); this is, what has entered the heart (al-varidāt al-qalbiyyah), or “Divinely realized knowledge” (taḥqīq ‘arshī).
Some works which might be indicative of his dedication to philosophical mysticism are Metaphysical Penetrations (al-Mashāri ‘), Wisdom of the Throne (Ḥikmat al-‘arshiyah), The Unity of the Knower and the Known (Ittiḥād al-‘āqil wa’l-ma’qūl), and Secrets of the Qur’anic Verses (Asrār al-āyāt), a gnostic observation on the famous Light verses.
Mullā Ṣadrā left an indelible mark upon Islamic philosophy, particularly on the nexus among philosophy and mysticism, making the combination of mysticism an assumed part of philosophizing. His college students completed his philosophical legacy nicely into the current technology.
‘Abd al-Razzāq Lāhijī (d. 1661–1662 CE) wrote a commentary upon The Secrets of the Garden (Sharḥ-i Gulshan-i rāz), which is an in-depth exposition of the non-secular direction and one’s journey through the maze of the states and stations of the Sufi path, Mīr Findiriskī (d. 1640–forty-one CE) wrote a paranormal statement upon Yoga Vaishishe, and Mullā Muḥsin Fayḍ Kāshānī (d. 1680 CE) wrote a paranormal treatise entitled The Hidden Words (Kalimāt-i manual) as well as Divine Gnosis (al-Ma‘ārif al-ilāhiyyah).
Qāḍī Sa’identification Qummī (d. 1696 CE), every other pupil of Mullā Ṣadrā and a stanch Neoplatonist authored several mystical treatizes, including the Secrets of Worships (Asrār al-‘ibādāt) as well as main gnostic paintings titled Commentary Upon The Enneads (Ta’liqāt bar Uthūlūjiyā), soil. The pseudo-Aristotelian Theology of Aristotle is derived from the Enneads of Plotinus. (See infra The Theology of Aristotle using Peter Adamson.)
The above works, which can be continuations of Ṣadrian philosophy, further intricate the first-rate factors of transcendentalist theosophy, which was firmly based on the principality of existence over essence, gradation, and the Oneness that looks like multiplicity.
The query is a way to transcend the sector of objects which seems as many, to peer the Oneness which lies on the coronary heart of multiplicity. The submitted Suhrawardīan and Sadrian solution is that a mixture of practical knowledge and highbrow instinct which transcends discursive reasoning, provides one with the vision to see the Oneness lying on the coronary heart of multiplicity.

The Case of Rūmī
Muḥammad Jalāl al-Dīn Balkhī, better known as “Rūmī,” is seemed with the aid of many to be one of the best Sufi poets of the Islamic way of life. In his magnum opus, Mathnawī, which has been called by way of a few “The Persian Qur’an,” Rūmī scorns discursive thought and ridicules philosophers for taking walks on wobbly stilts:
Rationalists’ legs are similar to stilts;
How unfixed and stolid is ft of wood! (Nicholson, I: 2127) Nevertheless, he became an influential determiner within the lifestyle of publish-Avicennian philosophical Sufism.
Rūmī’s critique of Peripatetic philosophy is closer to Ghazzālī’s critique of rationalism than an outright rejection of it. Advocating “epistemological humility,” Rūmī critiques conventional epistemological theories, such as Reality through correspondence, authority, and reasoning, while allowing for a greater experiential component of Reality.
In his Mathnawī, Rūmī criticizes the reliability of reality claims primarily based on sensory perception as well:
All the senses of a guy are impermanent. They are nought inside the presence of the mild of the Day of Resurrection. The mild of the senses and spirits of our fathers Is now not completely evanescent and nought like plants (Nicholson, IV: 431–33)
While the senses offer us a little know-how, it is only sometimes a type of knowledge that may lead to the invention of religious and existential facts.
Rūmī also rejects the idea of “fact by using authority” and alludes to the dangers of unthinkingly following people who declare to realize the fact. His critique is particularly aimed toward Muslim jurists who adhere to the Divine command theory.
A myriad of servile conformists who observe conjecture
They are cast down into the bottom depths, struck by using scruples. For the speculative following of precedent and logical supposition It is their basis and the same feather and wing in their flight. Their internal satan arouses doubts and specious arguments in them
Till benightedly, they plummet headlong down like blind folks (Nicholson, IV: 2125–27)
As to the application of reason, which is at the coronary heart of the philosophical agency, Rūmī divides the intellect into conventional mind (‘aql-i kullī) and precise intellect (‘aql-i juz’ī). Whereas the widespread mind attends to the affairs of the Divine realm, the precise intellect’s scope is constrained to this global. In response to the Muslim rationalists (Mu’tazilites), Rūmī states:
The difference among intellects becomes intrinsic in the beginning – You must pay attention to the doctrine according to the traditionalists
—Contrary to the opinion of the Mu’tazilites,Who keep all intellects of their origin have been equal, But with the aid of revelling in and gaining knowledge, minds increase or decrease So one is made greater informed than the alternative one –
Their doctrine is fake due to the fact even boys suggest Who has no enjoyment in any route of action From that younger baby, a notion will spring up

- A smart vintage sage with manifold experience has no inkling (Nicholson, III: 1539–forty-three)
- Moreover, again, Rūmī asserts:
- The animal man who, with the aid of deceit and foxy, knows…
- The intricacies of the technology of geometry
- Or astronomy, remedy and philosophy
- Which are concerned with this world
- Is barred from locating the manner to seventh heaven.
- All those sciences are a match for building a strong;
- They serve as columns for the home of camels and cows.
- Their cause is, however, to let the animal survive a day or two
- And but these imbeciles call the ones sciences “mysteries” (Nicholson, IV: 1519–1516)
- Having criticized theories of Reality through correspondence, authority, and reasoning, Rūmī advocates more existential information about TruthTruth, which he, together with many Islamic Philosophers, check with the common intellect. He tells us:
- The different intellect is a present from God,
- Whose source is like a spring in the soul?
- When the water of expertise gushes forth from the coronary heart,
- It neither will become fetid, grows vintage, nor wilts.
- If its route wherein it flows is blocked, why worry?
- Like a spring, it gushes forth from the house constantly.
- The obtained intellect is a water sluice
- Running down into houses from the hills;
- If the course of water is obstructed, it is undone:
- Seek the spring from inside yourself (Nicholson, IV: 1964–68)
- Philosophers’ reliance on purpose alone clashes with the validity of expertise with the aid of instinct and divine revelation in line with Rūmī:
- The logician, via thought and surmise, is in denial –
- Tell him to pass and break his head against this wall.
- The language of water, of earth and more
- It is comprehensible to the senses of the coronary heart’s adepts.
- The philosopher who is sceptical approximately the moaning pillar[1]

Is he estranged from the senses of the sages?
Such matters are, he says, but a reflection of melancholic passions Which generates these wild fantasies in human beings’ heads (Nicholson, I: 3278–eighty-one)
Where Rūmī and a few philosophers agree upon is the lifestyles of the very School of intuition that’s regularly associated with the familiar mind. According to Rūmī, this faculty, which needs to be ‘awakened’ by practising the laborious system of the mystical path, results in the awakening of the five inner religious senses that complement the five external bodily senses. All the ten senses are controlled via the symbolic “coronary heart”—the organ of supersensory notion.
There are five [spiritual] senses besides these five [physical] senses
Rūmī’s impact on Islamic philosophy may be seen in numerous commentaries on philosophical gnosticism that were prompted by Rūmī’s works. The way of life of writing commentaries or quoting Rūmī, which appears within the works of Mullā Ṣadrā, Lāhijī, and Sabziwārī keeps well into the modern-day generation.
Even though put up Sadrian philosophy in the Islamic tradition by no means reached the level of a feat of the fantastic masters of the Safavid length, Sadra’s School of metaphysics located fans inside the periods that have been to comply with, each in and outdoors of Persia.
While Mullā Ṣadrā’s effect turned marginal in the Arab global, which has normally appeared to distance itself from conventional metaphysical troubles, in India, Ṣadrian philosophy has become well received, and it is taught in conventional faculties these days.
With the appearance of the Qājār dynasty in Iran in the early 18th century CE., Ṣadrian philosophy once more became the focus of philosophical hobby. The finest proponents of gnosis and philosophical mysticism in this period got here to be called the “School of Tehran.”
This School protected Mullā’ Alī Nurī (d. 1830–1 CE), whose Glosses upon the Secrets of Verses is an esoteric commentary on certain verses of the Qur’an, Mullā Ismā‘īl Khāju‘ī (d. 1759 CE), who wrote on the concept of time within a gnostic context, and the most celebrated parent in this period, Ḥājj Mullā Hādī Sabziwārī (1797–1873 CE) whose Commentary on Treatises (Sharḥ-i manẓumah) is a compendium of philosophical agnosticism. Sabziwārī,
who additionally wrote mystical poetry below the pen-name Asrār (Secrets), added approximately a rapprochement amongst many distinctive strands of mystical philosophy and took into consideration asceticism to be a vital part of dwelling a philosophical existence.
With Sabziwārī’s loss of life in 1797 CE., Tehran became the centre of philosophical interest, a lot of which centred around the philosophy of Mullā Ṣadrā and Sabziwārī. The salient capabilities of the School of Tehran had been that understanding is hierarchical and that discursive philosophy, while useful, is ultimately restrained. In this subculture, it is thru intellectual intuition, illumination, and inner purification that the Reality of existence can be skilled (Sabzavārī, 1969; Ashtiyānī, 1973).
Among other masters of this era are Mullā’ Abdallāh Zunuzī (d. 1841–forty-two CE), the author of Divine Flashes of Light (al-Lama‘āt al-ilāhiyyah), and his son, Mullā’ Alī Zunuzī (d. 1889–1900 CE), who authored Marvels of Wisdom (Badāyi’ al-ḥikam
). Both of their works are gnostic and mystical commentaries upon a huge range of philosophical troubles. Because the School of Tehran was ruled with the aid of grand scholars who had also been jurists, it continued in the Ṣadrian and Sabziwārian subcultures.
However, it distanced itself from famous Sufism, with whom they recognized a relaxed attitude or even antinomian inclinations toward Islamic regulation (Shari’ah). Emphasis on piety, asceticism, and cleansing of the soul within the prescribed limits of the Shari’ah, possibly in part a reaction to modernity, is the salient function of the School of Tehran.
The range of Muslim philosophers who have become proponents of mystical philosophy inside the Islamic international is too severe to mention right here; however, in reality, mysticism is a living subculture that maintains to occupy the centre degree in philosophy within the Muslim international. It is impossible to fully account for all the traditions of mysticism in the Islamic philosophical lifestyle, but such traditions exist in almost every Muslim country nowadays (see Kiliç 1996).
The impact of mysticism on Islamic philosophy has been so profound that it has changed the essence and definition of philosophizing. The agency of philosophizing inside the Islamic tradition is visible by most now not merely as a highbrow workout but as the intellectual measurement of the soul’s non-secular journey closer to the disclosing of Reality. Authentic philosophy, according to Muslim truth seeker-mystics, is consequently committed to presenting a rationalistic statement upon those problems which traditionally belonged to the magical area most effective.