Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azeem, one of the shortest Dua, has immense prosperities, benefits, and that Allah () has revealed. This means glory is for Allah and all the praises are to him, glory to Allah the great.
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Prophet Hazrat Mohammed () spoke two words (Kalma), which are very light on the tongue but very heavy on the weighing machine. They are very beautiful to Allah () Subhan Allahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem. (Sahi Bukhari)
Another Hadith states that Prophet Hazrat Mohammed () stated that if someone recites this Dua 100 times per day, then all of his sins will be forgiven. (Sahi Muslim)
Prophet Hazrat Mohammed () also said that the person who recites this Dua once will have a tree planted in paradise (Jannat), to his name. (Tirmidhi Shareef)
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Subhanallahi Wazifa – Marriage and Job
Our sisters and brothers who are having difficulties finding a good marriage alliance or whose alliance (Rishta), is always broken due to certain reasons.
This simple wazifa is also helpful for people who are having difficulty finding work or whose businesses aren’t working out.
Recite Durood e-Ibrahimi three times after the Salah of Ashr.
Then recite Subhan-Allahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan-Allahil Azeem 5 times. Then, repeat Durood-e Ibrahimi three times more.
Once you have completed this, pray (Dua), to Allah () for all your needs. All your work will be done inshaAllah, with the blessings of Allah and the prosperity of Allah.
Subhanallahi Wazifa for Rizq
It is a time when there is recession. Allah () has given them many properties (Barqat), but now they complain of low Rizq (sustenance).
Ala Hazrat (RA), one of the most prominent scholars of Islam, has solved many problems (maslas) of Ummat e-Muslimah through his vast knowledge of the Quran & Hadith.
Ala Hazrat was once asked to tell a Dua (Barqat), for prosperity in Rizq. A wazifa was for lack of prosperities in Rizq. Ala Hazrat responded with a Hadith, and a way to recite the Hadith.
Once upon a time, a companion (Sahabi), comes to Prophet Mohammad. He said that the world has turned its back on me. The Prophet Mohammad ( ) agreed.
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You may not be aware that tasbih is the tasbih Malaikah through which the Rizq prosperities are given, and the world will come to your doorstep.
Fajr is started in the early morning, before sunrise.
Recite “Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azeem Wa Bihamdihi Astaghfirullah” 100 times.
Sahabi, the companion, spends 7 days in the company of Prophet Mohammad (). He said that the world has come to him so diligently that it’s hard to know where to find what and how to keep it.
Ala Hazrat (RA), said to recite this tasbih hundred times, InshaAllah with prosperity (Barqat), of this Dua Allah (), will provide immense Rizq.
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Benefits
This Dua has many benefits, so let’s take a look at some of them.
Better than a Mountain of Gold
Every Muslim wants to find the most beloved thing to Allah (), regardless of whether it’s a woman or a man. That’s why we do Alms, give Zakat and Pray Salah, Quran, and many other things.
Our Prophet Hazrat Mohammed () also shared the things that are most beloved to Allah (), and it is actually better to alms the entire mountain of Gold in Allah’s way () as proven by Hadith’s.
Hazrat Sayyidina Hazrat Ab Umama (RA), narrates that Hazrat Mohammed () said this for those who find it difficult to worship at night, who feel miserable in spending their wealth, or who fear Jihad with enemy.
He should then recite Subhan Allahi Wa Bihamdihi with diligence, as this is more than Alm (Sadqa), the entire mountain of Gold in Allah’s way. It is better to recite it while you are walking, driving, or doing any other activity.
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Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi 100 times
Hazrat Abu Talha (RA), narrates how the Prophet Hazrat Mohammed () said that if a person says La Ilaha Illallah, then the Paradise is for him (Jannat).
One who repeats Subhan-Allahi Wa Bihamdihi 100x, then 1 lack 24000 (1,24,000), goodnesses (neki has been written).
All the companions (Sahabi), spoke to Prophet Mohammad when he told them about the number goodnesses (nekiyan).
Ya Rasoolallah, if there are so many goodnesses being given then no Muslim can fail in the akhirah.
Prophet Hazrat Mohammad ( ) stated that few people will fail, because between you and the person so many goodnesses are brought to the mountain that the mountain could be pressed if written on it.
But compared to the naimat of Allah (blessings), these goodnesses will not be completed or null. Allah () will then save those He desires and help them from failing (Halaaq). (Sahi Bukhari)
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How many times do you need to say that dhikr?
Some narrations recommend that the dhikr be said in morning. This clarification in them clarifies the statement “Satan won’t be able to hurt him until the evening that year”in first hadith. Another narration isn’t as convincing as the first. We are told to repeat it ten times after morning prayer and before speaking with anyone. (Tirmidhi, Daawat, 63)
This dhikr should be said at least 100 times per day and ten times per day in another. (see Bukhari, Daawat 64; Muslim, Dhikr 30)
It is not possible for everyone to say it 100 times per day. It is recommended to say it at least ten times per day to avoid losing its thawab due to intense work.
Muslims who have said the dhikr five times a day before prayers and dua five times a day find it easy to repeat the dhikr five times more to be in compliance with the advice of the Prophet.
For those who wish to repeat the dhikr 100 times per day, it is not necessary to say each one individually. To be safe from Satan’s attacks until the evening, it is best to begin and end the dhikr in the morning. It will take you about 7 to 8 minutes to say the dhikr 100 times. People who are unable to say it because of lack of time or other reasons can say it five, ten or more times depending on their ability and then make it a hundred.
As we mentioned in the beginning, it’s important to understand the expression “all of his sins will be forgave even if they are more numerous than the foam of the ocean” and to recognize that the sins to forgive are minor.
If the major sins committed are in relation to Allah Almighty it is necessary that the person responsible ask for forgiveness and to confess . If the offense is related to a violation of someone’s rights it is necessary that one locate the person and ask for forgiveness .
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Minor sins are caused by the duties that Allah has given men. “If you (but) avoid the most sinful of the forbidden things, We will expel all of your evil and grant you a great honor gate. ” (an-Nisa 4/31) We can learn from the verse that forgiveness for minor sins depends on your avoiding major ones.

Very nicely written post