Stories of The Prophets – Product description Urdu : Qisas-ul-Ambiya ( Stories of the Prophets ) by way of Hafiz Ibn Kathir Stories of the Prophets The Stories of the Prophets had been compiled from ‘Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah (The Beginning and the End), that’s a first-rate paintings of the first rate Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and holds a outstanding role in Islamic literature.

Stories of The Prophets – Quranic Verses as well as the traditions of the Prophet (SAW) have supported the Stories of the Prophets, and all of the occasions that took place in their lives. For historical purposes, extra assets have been occasionally used.
However, a comparative examine changed into achieved on those places to affirm the authenticity of the sources. Ibn Kathir reproduces the perspectives and interpretations from each exquisite Quranic exegete of his time.
The systematic narratives of the Stories of the Prophets were written in chronological order which renders a historic fashion to the ebook Stories of the Prophets ( Urdu ) Qisas-ul-Ambiya—Darussalam-*Indian Printed
Ismail ibn Katheer, a famend mufassir (exegete), muhaddith [expert in hadith] and historian, has compiled the Stories of the Prophets (Qur’an) and the narrative of the Prophet.
This e book is precise in its content. It covers the maximum critical occasions of Prophets and Messengers, with all authentically proper beginning with Adam, the first prophet, to Jesus. Peace be upon all of them. The creator also wrote a book on Prophet Muhammad.
Main Chapter names of Stories of The Prophets (Urdu) by Ibn Katheer
Here are some main chapter names from “Stories of The Prophets” (Urdu) by Ibn Katheer:
- تشریف لائے ہوئے نبیوں کے بارے میں انتہائی اہم علم
- اللہ تعالیٰ کا نبیوں کے ساتھ گفتگو کا طریقہ
- آدم علیہ السلام کی تشریف لائی ہوئی قصہ
- شیطان کا آدم علیہ السلام کے ساتھ دوسرے ترمیمی دنیا میں وعدہ
- یونس علیہ السلام کی تشریف لائی ہوئی قصہ
- موسٰی علیہ السلام کا عروجِ منزل
- فرعون کی طرف سے آگاہ کیا گیا بچاو کا علم
- موسٰی علیہ السلام کی آرزو کا بنانا اور کارنامے
- فرعون کی پچھواڑے کرنے کی کوششیں اور مسئلے
- موسٰی علیہ السلام کی اور آدمیوں کی امتوں کی پچھواڑے کرنے کی کوششیں
- عیسٰی علیہ السلام کا زمین پر ظاہر ہونا اور اُسکے براہیں کارنامے
- یہودیوں کے مدعیوں کی چالیں اور طائفتیں
- عیسٰی علیہ السلام کی خدمت کرنے کی کوششیں
- عیسٰی علیہ السلام کی تشریف لائے ہوئے اور مریم علیہ السلام کی قصہ
- قرآن کی نزولیں اور عیسٰی علیہ السلام کا تشریف لانا
- عیسٰی علیہ السلام کے بعد کے نبیوں کا تشریف لائنا
These chapter names cover some of the key Prophets mentioned in the book “Stories of The Prophets” by Ibn Katheer in Urdu.
- Publisher : Darussalam-*Indian Printed BEST Quality (1 January 2008)
- Language : Urdu
- Hardcover : 642 pages
- Item Weight : 1 kg 360 g
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Questions & Answers Stories of The Prophets
Question: Who was the Prophet sent to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt?
Answer: The Prophet sent to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt was Prophet Moses.
Question: Why did Prophet Moses confront Pharaoh?
Answer: Prophet Moses confronted Pharaoh because the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, and he was chosen by Allah to liberate them and guide them to the Promised Land.
Question: How did Prophet Moses confront Pharaoh?
Answer: Prophet Moses confronted Pharaoh with the support and guidance of Allah. He performed miracles and signs to prove his divine appointment, such as turning his staff into a serpent and parting the Red Sea. He also delivered Allah’s messages and warned Pharaoh about the consequences of his oppressive actions.
Question: What was Pharaoh’s response to Prophet Moses?
Answer: Initially, Pharaoh rejected Prophet Moses’ message and dismissed his signs as mere magic. He refused to acknowledge the power of Allah and persisted in his tyranny. Pharaoh and his people continued to oppress the Israelites despite the warnings.
Question: What were the plagues sent upon Egypt?
Answer: As a result of Pharaoh’s stubbornness, Allah sent ten plagues upon Egypt. These plagues were intended to demonstrate His power and to persuade Pharaoh to release the Israelites. The plagues included the Nile turning into blood, frogs infesting the land, lice, flies, the death of livestock, boils, hailstorms, locusts, darkness, and the death of the firstborn.
Question: Did Pharaoh eventually let the Israelites go?
Answer: After enduring the ten plagues, Pharaoh eventually relented and agreed to let the Israelites go. However, he changed his mind and pursued them with his army, seeking to bring them back into slavery.
Question: How did Prophet Moses and the Israelites escape Pharaoh’s army?
Answer: With the miraculous intervention of Allah, Prophet Moses and the Israelites were able to escape Pharaoh’s army. When they reached the Red Sea, Moses stretched his staff, and the sea parted, creating a path for the Israelites to cross safely. Once they were on the other side, the sea closed back in, drowning Pharaoh and his soldiers.
Question: What happened to the Israelites after their escape from Egypt?
Answer: After their escape from Egypt, the Israelites embarked on a journey through the wilderness, guided by Prophet Moses. They received divine guidance and laws from Allah, including the Ten Commandments. They wandered in the desert for forty years before finally reaching the Promised Land, Canaan, under the leadership of Prophet Joshua.
This is just one example of a question and answer story about the Prophets. Feel free to ask about any other Prophet, and I’ll be happy to provide a story about them as well.