Standard Arabic: Language is used as the means of communication and to express ones feelings and emotions to the other person. Languages vary with the region to region and area to area. Countless languages are spoken and understood in the world. But the grammar is universal and remains the same in all the languages except the few changes that might be present in the order of the parts of the speech.
Arabic language is one of the oldest languages of the world. Form the prehistoric period till today, many changes have been occurred in pronunciation and the ascent but the underlying rules are the same. The rules of grammar govern the language and for some people, grammar seems difficult to grasp and understand. Some people easily grasp the grammar and are able to transfer their feelings and emotions not only in the spoken form but also in the written from.
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Arabic language is hard to learn but not impossible. It requires time and labour to learn the Arabic language. The people who speak the Arabic language are present around the whole world. Modern standard Arabic is spoken and understood in the Arabic countries called the gulf countries as well the some part of the African countries. The book in hand presents a complete base course for the learners of the initial stages. It includes both written and spoken courses in the standard form.

656 Pages
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Modern standard Arabic is being spoken and understood in the Arab countries and this book is going to provide an essential reason for successful communication with the speakers of the other colloquial varieties. The new edition of the book is revised completely in keeping with the new requirements of the English speaking learners not only in the mind but also in the practical field. This book would definitely prove valuable for the learners as well as the instructors.
Following are the salient features of the book of Standard Arabic :
- The book contains the step by step guide line for the learners to understand the written as well as the spoken texts.
- The book contains the development of the conventional capability along with the reading and writing skills.
- The book contains almost 2600 entries of the Arabic English glossary.
- Fresh texts and dialogues containing up-to-date data on the Middle East and North Africa.
- Includes Arab folklore, customs, proverbs, and short essays on contemporary topics.
- Grammatical terms also given in Arabic enabling students to attend language courses in Arab countries
- The book Alilfbaa explains the vast variety in the exercises and drills to further explain the different points of the grammar.
- The book also helps in solving the exercises in the form of the key to the exercises.
- Cassettes are also available for the further guide line for the learners as well as the teachers of the language.
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