Repeated Word in The Holy Quran – Quran contains a total of 114 Chapters/Surahs, with the 86 (75.4 percent) chapters that are revealed at Mecca along with 28 (24.6 percent) chapters found in Madina.
The total number of verses that are found in Quran is 6236, with BismiAllah not being included, with the exception of Surah Fatihah. With Bismillah added, in the Quranic total of Verse is 112 plus 6236 = 6348. Of the 6236 verses total, there are 4613(76 percent) verses were revealed are revealed in Mecca and 1623(26 percent) of verses discovered in Madina.
There are 77,797 words in the Quran. The words are arranged as 47,638 Makki Surahs and 30,159 in Madni Surahs respectively. While the word count found in Quran is 77,797, there are 14,870 “Unique Words” that is words that are not repeated is 14,870. Quran contains a total of 330,709 characters/letters. These letters are divided into 200,137 Makki along with 130,572 of Madni Surahs.
- Quran Total Number of Chapters:
- 114
- Quran Total Number of Makki Surahs:
- 86 (75.4%)
- Quran Total Number of Madni Surahs:
- 28 (24.6%)
- Quran Total Number of Verses With BismiAllah:
- 6348
- Quran Total Number of Verses:
- 6236
- Quran Total Number of Words:
- 77,797
- Quran Total Number of Unique Words:
- 14,870
- Quran Total Number of Letters:

The Graph Below Shows The Usage of Arabic Letters/Alphabets In The Construction Of Quran.
There are 28 Letters/Alphabets in Arabic Language.
However, they have variations and Therefore, in Quran 36 Alphabet Variations are employed. Five of the Most Utilized Letters/Alphabets are: Alif “” is mentioned 43542 times throughout the Quran “l” occurs 43542 times, Lam “l” is used 38191 times, and Nun “n” is used 27270 times, Mim “m” utilized 26735 times, and the 5th most used Alphabet”waw “w” that is utilized 24813 times throughout Quran.
Arabic alphabet is comprised of only two letters more in comparison to the English alphabet, but different from English the English alphabet, where “c” is sometimes pronounced as”s “s” and sometimes like an “k” the Arabic letters are always pronounced the same manner. Arabic has been written left to left.
Dear Users, You know That There are 28 Letters/Alphabets in Arabic Language. They change shape dependent on the position they are in words, regardless of whether they appear in the middle, beginning or at the end of a sentence or in their own. The shape of Arabic shorter vowels, they are usually not written.
The vowels with long vowels like (/a:/, /i or /uand /u are symbolized with the letters ‘alif’ waw, and ya. Vowel diacritics, used to indicate vowels that are short, as well as other specific symbols are only found within the Quran. They are also are used the classical poetry, as well as other texts of religion and more complex ones to avoid confusion.

Their Use and Percentage with the Other
Over 25% of Quranic Surahs start with abbreviated letters, called Huroof-Almuqattaat. Literally, mqTt is abbreviated or shortening. They are also called openers/Fawatih FwtH because they often are the opening verses of the relevant Surah.
The mqTt consist of 14 Arabic Alphabets or letters. Therefore, out among the 28 alphabets in the Arabic alphabet, exactly 50% of them are mqTt as a single letter or as a combination of 2, or 4 letters. It is said that there are 29 Surahs of the Quran which contain abbreviated prefixes. lm in Surah Baqarah, Ale Imran, Ankabut, Rum, Luqman and Sajdah. lmS in Surah Araf. lr in Surah Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, Ibrahim and Hijr. lmr in Surah Raad. khy`S in Surah Maryam. Th in Surah Taha. Tsm in Surah Shuara and Qasas. Ts in Surah Naml. ys in Surah Yaseen. S in Surah Sad. Hm in Surah Ghafir, Fussilat, Shura Zukhuuf, Dukhan, Jathiyah and Ahqaf. Hm `sq in Surah Shura. q in Surah Qaf and n in Surah Qalam.
The most lengthy chapter Surat al-Baqarah, contains 286 verses, 6,140 wörthers and 26249 letters.
The shortest chapter, Surat al-Kawthar, contains 3 verses, 10 words and 43 letters.
Al-Fatihah | 7 | 29 | 143 |
Al-Baqarah | 286 | 6,140 | 26,249 |
Ale Imran | 200 | 3,501 | 14,985 |
An Nisa | 176 | 3,763 | 16,332 |
Al Maidah | 120 | 2,837 | 12,206 |
Al Anam | 165 | 3,056 | 12,726 |
Al Araf | 206 | 3,341 | 14,435 |
Al Anfal | 75 | 1,242 | 5,387 |
At Tawbah | 129 | 2,505 | 11,115 |
Yunus | 109 | 1,839 | 7,589 |
Hud | 123 | 1,946 | 7,817 |
Yusuf | 111 | 1,795 | 7,307 |
Ar Rad | 43 | 853 | 3,545 |
Ibrahim | 52 | 830 | 3,539 |
Al Hijr | 99 | 657 | 2,882 |
An Nahl | 128 | 1,844 | 7,832 |
Al Isra | 111 | 1,558 | 6,643 |
Al Kahf | 110 | 1,583 | 6,552 |
Maryam | 98 | 971 | 3,935 |
Ta Ha | 135 | 1,353 | 5,399 |
Al Anbiya | 112 | 1,174 | 5,094 |
Al Hajj | 78 | 1,279 | 5,314 |
Al Muminun | 118 | 1,052 | 4,483 |
An Noor | 64 | 1,319 | 5,754 |
Al Furqan | 77 | 896 | 3,878 |
Ash Shuara | 227 | 1,320 | 5,630 |
An Naml | 93 | 1,159 | 4,790 |
Al Qasas | 88 | 1,438 | 5,930 |
Al Ankabut | 69 | 978 | 4,317 |
Ar Rum | 60 | 817 | 3,472 |
Luqman | 34 | 550 | 2,171 |
As Sajdah | 30 | 372 | 1,563 |
Al Ahzab | 73 | 1,303 | 5,788 |
Saba | 54 | 884 | 3,594 |
Fatir | 45 | 778 | 3,238 |
Yasin | 83 | 730 | 3,068 |
As Saffaat | 182 | 865 | 3,899 |
Sad | 88 | 735 | 3,065 |
Az Zumar | 75 | 1,177 | 4,869 |
Ghafir | 85 | 1,226 | 5,108 |
Fussilat | 54 | 794 | 3,365 |
Ash Shura | 53 | 860 | 3,522 |
Az Zukhruf | 89 | 836 | 3,609 |
Ad Dukhan | 59 | 346 | 1,474 |
Al Jathiyah | 37 | 488 | 2,085 |
Al Ahqaf | 35 | 645 | 2,667 |
Muhammad | 38 | 542 | 2,423 |
Al Fath | 29 | 560 | 2,510 |
Al Hujurat | 18 | 353 | 1,533 |
Qaf | 45 | 373 | 1,507 |
Ad Dhariyat | 60 | 360 | 1,546 |
At Tur | 49 | 312 | 1,324 |
An Najm | 62 | 360 | 1,433 |
Al Qamar | 55 | 342 | 1,469 |
Ar Rahman | 78 | 352 | 1,647 |
Al Waqiah | 96 | 379 | 1,756 |
Al Hadid | 29 | 575 | 2,545 |
Al Mujadilah | 22 | 475 | 2,046 |
Al Hashr | 24 | 447 | 1,970 |
Al Mumtahanah | 13 | 352 | 1,560 |
As Saff | 14 | 226 | 966 |
Al Jumuah | 11 | 177 | 768 |
Al Munafiqun | 11 | 181 | 801 |
At Taghabun | 18 | 242 | 1,091 |
At Talaq | 12 | 289 | 1,203 |
At Tahrim | 12 | 254 | 1,105 |
Al Mulk | 30 | 333 | 1,347 |
Al Qalam | 52 | 301 | 1,289 |
Al Haqqah | 52 | 260 | 1,133 |
Al Maarij | 44 | 217 | 971 |
Nuh | 28 | 227 | 965 |
Al Jinn | 28 | 286 | 1,109 |
Al Muzzammil | 20 | 200 | 854 |
Al Muddathir | 56 | 256 | 1,035 |
Al Qiyamah | 40 | 164 | 676 |
Al Insan | 31 | 243 | 1,087 |
Al Mursalat | 50 | 181 | 841 |
An Naba | 40 | 174 | 796 |
An Naziat | 46 | 179 | 785 |
Abasa | 42 | 133 | 552 |
At Takwir | 29 | 104 | 435 |
Al Infitar | 19 | 81 | 333 |
Al Mutaffifeen | 36 | 169 | 750 |
Al Inshiqaq | 25 | 108 | 445 |
Al Burooj | 22 | 109 | 469 |
At Tariq | 17 | 61 | 254 |
Al Ala | 19 | 72 | 296 |
Al Ghashiyah | 26 | 92 | 382 |
Al Fajr | 30 | 139 | 584 |
Al Balad | 20 | 82 | 342 |
Ash Shams | 15 | 54 | 253 |
Al Lail | 21 | 71 | 314 |
Ad Dhuha | 11 | 40 | 165 |
Al Inshirah | 8 | 27 | 102 |
At Tin | 8 | 34 | 162 |
Al Alaq | 19 | 72 | 288 |
Al Qadr | 5 | 30 | 115 |
Al Bayyinah | 8 | 94 | 404 |
Repeated Word in The Holy Quran
Az Zilzal | 8 | 36 | 158 |
Al Adiyat | 11 | 40 | 169 |
Al Qariah | 11 | 36 | 160 |
At Takathur | 8 | 28 | 123 |
Al Asr | 3 | 14 | 73 |
Al Humazah | 9 | 33 | 134 |
Al Feel | 5 | 23 | 97 |
Al Quraysh | 4 | 17 | 77 |
Al Maun | 7 | 25 | 114 |
Al Kawthar | 3 | 10 | 43 |
Al Kafirun | 6 | 27 | 99 |
An Nasr | 3 | 19 | 80 |
Al Masad/Lahab | 5 | 23 | 81 |
Al Ikhlas | 4 | 15 | 47 |
Al Falaq | 5 | 23 | 73 |
An Nas | 6 | 20 | 80 |

Suggested Read: The Quran in English , Tajweed Rules, The 99 Names of Allah, The Quran, The Quran Mushaf, Short Surah of Quran, Free Holy Quran PDF (07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 and 24 , Quran With Urdu Translation, Surah Reviews, Quran in Arabic 1 to 30, Selected Verses in the Quran, History of the Holy Quran, The Holy Quran Encyclopedia and Definition of Imamah Free Download
At the final:
If you know of any specific words that are not listed here, and have been recited in Quran Majeed please let us know by leaving a comment. We also appreciate it if that you share with us all relevant information.
Frequently asked questions More information on the project research
10 Most Repeated Verbs in the Quraan Part-1
10 Most Repeated Verbs in the Quraan Part-2
10 Most Repeated Verbs in the Quraan Part-3
10 Most Repeated Verbs in the Quraan Part-4
10 Most Repeated Verbs in the Quraan Part-5
10 Nahw Questions
80 Percent Quranic Words Urdu
100 Common verbs Quran
Easy Dictionary of The Quran
How to write Numbers in Arabic
Iraab of Numbers
Picture vocabulary dictionary
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Quraanic vocab 15 words-الشواهد
Quraanic vocab-aayah
Suurah-al-Baqarah 1-8
The Quran

Fainama Al yusri usra (after hardship cometh ease) is repeated immediately for EMPHASIS. Are there similar verses