In this Article We will learn about Spiritual Journey – Fasting during Ramadan creates in one the genuine sense of social belonging, solidarity and brotherhood, as well as of equal standing before God.
This kind of spirit is a result of the fact that those who fast believe that they are part of the entire Muslim society (which comprises more than a fifth of the people in the world) in fulfilling the same obligations in the same way while in the same way and with the same goals and to the same goal.
There is no historian or sociologist who can claim that there was in any time something like this mighty tradition of Islam fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
The people have cried throughout the centuries for an acceptable sense of ‘belonging to a community, for unity, for brotherhood and for equality, and yet how incoherent their voices have been, and how small the success they have had …” according to Hammudah Abdalati, in Islam in Focus.
“What are the benefits of fasting?” “How is the fasting practiced by Muslims during Ramadan differ from other religions?” “Why do you need to ‘torture’ your body’s organs in the first in the first place?”
“What is it that you actually gain from fasting at the final? “…These are a few questions that a number of non-Muslim friends and colleagues often ask us, usually out of fascination with this spiritually-uplifting practice of Islamic faith, and at times out of pity and sympathy for us, thinking, why should anyone suffer from hunger and thirst like Muslims? I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that a lot of us have the same negative view of Fasting.
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It is crucial to remember the fact that Fasting is a term used in Arabic is known as “Sawm” (Spiritual Journey) which literally means ‘to lie at peace’.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan (the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar) is among the Five Pillars on that Islam’s “house” that is Islam is constructed. In this month, everyone capable Muslim is required to be fasting every day from dawn till dusk
Develop Character
Fasting is a practice for the development of spiritual (Spiritual Journey) and moral human character. The aim of the fast is to develop self-control as well as self-purification, God-consciousness compassion and compassion, the spirit of sharing and sharing the love for humanity and the affection for God.
The practice of fasting is universal and is embraced by all religions of the world, but with different restrictions for some than other religions.
It is believed that the Islamic Fast, as opposed to self-denial or starvation it is a symbol of worship and submission to God and His creation, with thanksgiving, forgiveness spiritual development, self-examination.
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Ramadan (Spiritual Journey) provides us with a respite and offers us the chance to contemplate our own lives and our future as well as our families. This is the moment to take some time to relax and temporarily escape the multitude of stresses and worries that we’re constantly bombarded with.
In times of high stress such as ours and even in countries like the West the time to contemplate our lives, on an individual basis, is an absolute need and luxury! It’s a month for self-analysis, (Spiritual Journey) and a review of the spiritual and moral ‘assets and assets and.
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Develop compassion
Fasting teaches us compassion, selflessness, and a sense of gratitude. Fasting allows us to feel the pains of poverty and hunger, and we learn how to handle it gracefully.
The significance of this profound experience in a humane sense is that we are faster than anyone else in recognizing the suffering of the poor and oppressed across the globe, and addressing their demands. “It is the time to visit the sick, the poor and the poor to help them through their suffering.
This is the time when the sustenance, food and income of a Muslim grows and they’re blessed,” declares the final prophet who was the Prophet of God, Muhammad (peace be upon his soul) A man who was renowned for his noble causes as well as for his social justice in addition to being among the very first person to address people’s needs, despite fact that he led an extremely simple and humble life.
It is during an incredibly difficult time like Ramadan that we are able to reflect on the situation of people living in the world today who might not have the same opportunities as we are.
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Develop Adaptability
Fasting during Ramadan allows us to learn the art of maturing adaptability and time management. It is easy to understand this concept when we recognize that fasting causes people to change the course of their everyday lives. If they decide to make the shift, they will naturally adapt their lives to the new structure and schedule, and continue towards a new way of life to comply with the rules.
In longer term, creates in them a keen sense of self-generated strength to face the challenges of life that are unpredictable! Anyone who values positive adaptability, time management, and will-power can appreciate the positive effects of fasting in this area and more.
It cultivates love
It teaches us the concept of true love, since when we practice Fasting the way we do, it is done in deep love of God. A person who truly loves God is truly an individual who understands the meaning of love and the reason why every person on Earth ought to be treated with respect and love in the name of God.
It energizes the spirit (Spiritual Journey)
Fasting can boost the spirit of a person and enhances our understanding of God. It helps us to be more determined in order to help us overcome our ego-driven desires. The practice of fasting is a unique and common human experience. From the beginning of human history, people have been struggling to control their physical and mental self: their bodies as well as their emotions. Hunger is among the most powerful desires we feel. Many, by eating too much or not enough or consuming unhealthy foods are able to abuse this urge.
When a person deliberately denies an aspect of themselves that they desire it, they elevate the mind over the body, and their rationality and will over their passions for pleasures. “A one who fasts cleanses their stomach of all things that matter: to bring peace to his soul and blessings and make his heart full of love and compassion and to fill his heart with Faith and piety to fill his mind with a sense of wisdom and determination,” says H. Abdalati in Islam in Focus. A person who is able to rule their desires and allow them to work as they want is a person who has achieved moral perfection.
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Improves Clarity of Mind
With a clear mind and the absence of distractions also is a better concentration. Students, the time of fasting, particularly early in the morning, acts as a way to keep our attention on our studies.
During the holy month of Ramadan there are many Muslims are advised to stay away from watching television and listening to music and other activities of leisure that can take up more time and energy which can be used to more productive pursuits like studies, academics, intense studying of Islam as well as prayers that are voluntary in support of social and humane causes, and a relaxing time with the family just to name just a few.
It’s a reminder of our obligation to God as well as our goal and the higher ideals of life according to God himself explains the reason of fasting in the following way “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was recommended for the previous generations in order to increase your awareness that is of God” (Quran 2:83).
Also Read: Printable Ramadan Mubarak Worksheet Download
Promotes a healthy lifestyle
Fasting can provide numerous scientifically verified advantages to our physical health as well as mental wellbeing. The duration, time and type of Islamic Fast all contribute to its overall positive effects. One of the benefits for health is the much-needed relaxation for digestion.
A reduced intake of food during the daytime allows the body to focus on eliminating harmful dietary toxins that are accumulated as a natural byproduct of food digestion all through the year. The duration of the Islamic Fast itself (around 12-14 hours) coincides with the “transit” time of food items from the stomach to the colon in the large intestine. making sure that no stimuli enter the stomach or the digestive tract as it stays in the state of homeostasis.
This means that for the majority of healthy people, the fast is not a health risk however it does provide many health benefits, for example the rise in the serum Magnesium vital for cardiovascular health and the prevention of heart-related problems as well as improvement on the level and length of sleep; enhancement in memory and less skin aging as time passes; an increase in the production of growth hormones, and so on. In general observation it has been found that animals who are underfed have longer lives than heavy-fed counterparts and suffer less illnesses throughout their lives.
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Moral Training
Ramadan is a month that Ramadan gives us the opportunity to experience a kind of “Boot training camp.” It’s a time filled with intense moral instruction. Because we are aware the fact that Fasting is a particular obligation set by God We are taught that any sins can sabotage our experience of fasting in the presence of God So we take great care to make sure that we’re on the best track.
Many who observe fasting during Ramadan, experience the effect that this rigorous training can have on their lives and recognize the potential of this powerful tool that is designed to help us become better peopleThe ultimate aim of any spiritual activity. The whole Ramadan atmosphere is the primary motivation to make this change positive.
The consciousness of life and death
It helps us understand the realities of death and life. Fasting makes us aware of the extent to which our lives depend on the things that we overlook like water and food. It prompts us to think about how dependent we are on God and His kindness and his justice. It also is a reminder of eternal life that follows death, which in is a significant influence on our character and perspective on the world.
Relation to the Quran
Ramadan is a very blessed month due to a particular reason: It’s the month that God first gave the final revelation and instructions to mankind to our loved Prophet Muhammad. This message has been preserved, both verbally and textually through the format of a book that is known as”the Qur’an (The Recital or reading). This is why Muslims attempt to engage in an in-depth research of the Quran particularly during this month and then assess their lives based on the guidelines and standards found in it.
It’s the perfect time to celebrate
When the month of Ramadan is done, Muslims celebrate one of the two major celebrations of the Islamic calendar: EID-UL-FITR also known as it is the Festival of the Fast Breaking.
It is a time to express gratitude to God for the blessings and education He has provided us throughout the entire month of Ramadan/ Spiritual Journey. The day is celebrated by a prayer in a large gathering in an Islamic center or mosque and also by making some money to the less fortunate of the neighborhood. The adults make the donation in the name of children too. Family outings, dinner parties fairs, carnivals, and joyful celebrations that follow the prayers and the charity.
Spiritual Journey – In a nutshell while the main purpose behind the ever-changing institution of Fasting is to control our moral and spiritual behavior and develop empathy for those in need it’s a multi-functional and comprehensive instrument for changes in various areas of our lives. This includes the economic and social human and intellectual physical and spiritual both public and private, individual and communal, inside and outer — all within one!
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram