Embark on a Spiritual Journey: Understanding the Interconnection Between Ramadan Fasting and Attaining Taqwa” The Quran recommends fasting for believers with these words “O you who believe, the yoms are enjoined on you just as they were enjoined on others before you, in order to give you Taqwa” ( 2:183).
Therefore, the purpose and result of fasting according to the verse is attain the quality of taqwa. Taqwa’s presence helps to prevent sins from being committed and overcome the desires of the flesh.
There is no comparable English term for the word taqwa. In Islamic terms, taqwa is a reference to a state of mind in which one is always aware of the presence of God and obeys His commands in order to fulfill His desires and tries to avoid disobedience to Him, not just out of fear, but also out of the love He has for us.
Sayyidna Ubay Ibn Ka’b provided an extensive explanation of Taqwa in response inquiry by Hadrat Umar Farooq, radi Allahu anhuma. Hadhrat Ka’b inquired, “O Amirul Momineen, did you ever walk on the path of thorns?”
Hadhrat Umar replied, “Yes”. Hadrat Ka’b then inquired, “What did you do?” In reply, HadhratUmar said, “I gathered my clothing and lifted it to my shin. Then I carefully watched my steps and made each step cautiously to avoid thorns in case they were to prick me”. Hadrat Ka’b stated, “This is taqwa”.
In Hadrat Ka’b’s explanation of Taqwa the world is like a path full of thorns (sins) The person who is a Christian walks through it careful, protecting himself from the harm caused by sinful actions and temptations by adhering to the rules of Islam.
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Taqwa is a measurement of a person’s worth. A slave who has more Taqwa is more valuable than the master, while a pauper who has a greater awareness about Allah is more reverent than princes.
Allah determines a person’s respect and respect based on the degree of his taqwa. A hadith states that the Prophet Sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam says that certain people who are weak, low, weak, and are not considered to be a part of society, if they swear an vows with Allah, Allah will fulfill it due to their purity and the strength of faith (taqwa).
In the eyes of Allah the most honorable are not those who have the most wealth or position however, they are those with the most taqwa. The most honorable is one who has the highest Taqwa.
Faith in Allah and His Prophets and His books will protect people from the eternal wrath of Allah however, mere faith without the taqwa won’t be enough to protect him from punishment in the future, unless those on which Allah will have mercy.
A shrewd Muslim is determined to cultivate the virtue of taqwa throughout his life because the reason that he is aware “Allah will take those who have taqwa their destination of salvation No evil will befall them, and neither will be grieved” ( 39:61) And, that Allah has made jannah available to the muttaqeen – people who have Taqwa. (3:133)
Human beings are fragile and prone to slip into sin and errors; just a bit of inattention and distraction to slip into vice, and from piety to perversion.
To guard against women and men who are straying from morality and sin, Islam has chalked out spiritual guidelines on a regular and annual basis for its followers If they are followed with sincerity and with a great deal of devotion, they will reduce the chances of wandering away from the correct path.
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In addition to the many programs designed to awaken the spiritual side of a Christian, Ramadan, the month of fasting, offers the most rigorous training required to instill taqwa within people’s hearts.
The significance of Ramadan can be observed by the devotion and fervor the Holy Prophet displayed during the month. He would begin preparations in preparation for Ramadan two months prior to the date in Rajab with the supplication “O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us, and help us get to that month called Ramadan (allow for us to remain alive until the coming Ramadan so that we can profit from the blessings of Ramadan).”
Ramadan is an entire month of fasting, from dawn until sunset. It is also a month of specific prayers for the night (travih).
On one night performing good deeds, you can be superior to a thousand months of good deeds. Itikaf is the process of separating into Masjid to be free of all distractions during the last 10 day in Ramadan with the goal of seeking closerness with Allah is a huge boost to the believer’s spirituality.
Umrah during the month of Ramadan is the same as when the one who has done hajj in the presence with the Holy Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. An act of goodwill in Ramadan is rewarded the same way as an obligatory action in other months, and a mandatory act is paid seventy times over.
Of all the holy practices that are associated to Ramadan The fasting ritual is the primary focus and the only mandatory act during this holy month. Other actions are supererogatory, but of great importance and significance in the process of bringing new life into a your spiritual body, which could have been dormant for the course of the year.
Since the heart is the center of spirituality of human souls The belly is the place of sexual desire. When one indulges in a lavish belly and indulged in, the body’s desires are stimulated. This could cause arrogance and sin and make it difficult to invest in the taqwa.
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However being in control of one’s appetite and eating only enough to satisfy the craving helps keep one from thoughts of lust and evil and the weakness of the soul that results from the over eating habits. A stomach full of food is often rebellious but a stomach empty is calm and docile.
Thus, the Prophet sallallaahu “‘alayhi” wa sallam recommended moderation when it comes to drinks and food. He declared, “A human being does not fill any vessel more than the stomach. What is enough for Adam’s son Adam to eat a few crumbs to ensure his back is straight.
If it’s impossible to avoid and a third of it is to eat, another is for drinks, and a third to take a breath.” He also said “We are a species that aren’t hungry until they are full and, even when eating, make sure to not overeat.”
According to the Bible, the “lusts of the stomach can lead to the desire for flesh” and satiety can be a sexual stimulus and sexual stimuli can trigger sexual excitement. For a person who is not married, the urge to indulge in gluttony can lead him to indulge in his desire by engaging in sinful behavior.
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To curb sexual desires, it is suggested to fast. Prophet Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “O young men! If you have the money to marry and get married, let him do it because it will be much more efficient in deflecting one’s eyes and preserving the chastity of one’s partner. If you are unable to pay for it, then be sure to fast as it will lessen the desire for sexual pleasure”.
Fasting in the traditional sense means removing the body from the pleasures of food and drinks. The Ramadan fast also signifies the same thing, but the abstinence physical from drinking and eating during Ramadan in order to honor and revere Allah is elevated to a higher and higher level of significance and becomes the food for the spirit.
A person who has been fasting can experience an exhilarating sensation of taqwa during a hot and long summer Ramadan day, his throat has dried out, his stomach is rumbling, and no one is watching but he refrains from drinking a couple of sip of water or a small portion of food. What is it that makes him squelch his cravings in a secluded place far from the attention of others?
It is the realization of the presence of Allah that makes him limit his craving for food and to surrender to Allah’s will and command. The voluntary abstention from drinking water and food for the body and soul helps the soul remain strong and moral and becomes an encasement against negative thoughts and actions and also a way to protect against the hellfire. This is exactly what the Holy Prophet was saying when he famously stated, “Fasting is a shield.”
Yet, just voluntarily abstaining from eating and drinking does not suffice for the fast to be accepted, nor is it effective in purifying the soul and establishing Taqwa. In addition to a complete abstention from drinks and food it is crucial that those who fast adhere to all rules and fulfill all obligations imposed to them by Allah as well as His Prophet.
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His holy Prophet Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam made this point evident in a variety of his statements. In one instance, he said, “Whoever does not give up the vain words and unholy behaviors, Allah is not in need to accept the fast”, i.e. Allah will not allow the fasting of a person.
In a different hadith it is said that the Holy Prophet warned “How many people are fasting and gain nothing of it, other than thirst and hunger. And how many people pray in the night but have nothing to gain other than sleeping problems.”
These and other ahadiths tell people who are fasting that the abstinence from drinks and food must be accompanied by the tongue fast to make his fast effective and profitable. Fasting of the tongue implies that the person must completely shield his speech from gossip and bad language such as lying and defamation.
Additionally, fasting without the five prayers that are required daily will not be of much benefit and is void in spiritual benefits.The fasting that is observed during the blessed months of Ramadan is vital within the scope of things Islam has created for the believer to increase faith and gain the taqwa. If done right, fasting can lead a believer into the next 11 months of living in Allah’s Will.
Ramadan is appropriately referred to as Taqwa month of training.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram