Islamic Way – To achieve any goal, you may always look to the instructions from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him) to get guidance.
In just one hadith, the Prophet explained the way we should approach accomplishments or tasks we wish to achieve to succeed.
Let’s dissect this well-known hadith in five steps we can follow to achieve our goals.
Get Better and Better
” The strong believer is more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, but there is goodness in both.“
“Strong” here does not necessarily mean physical.
If it’s physical strength, skill, imagination, or whatever your strength is, increase it and use it!
Be aware of your assets and limits so you can act accordingly, regardless of the situation.
If you’re a successful leader, you can lead. If you’re a skilled communicator, you must be able to communicate. “Play to your strengths,” according to the saying.
Work to Benefit Yourself
“Be curious about the benefits that you will receive …”
Utilize your knowledge to benefit you in this lifetime and the future.
Do not waste or squander when you have your blessings. Make sure you are specific and focused on your objectives. The time is limited; there’s no time to waste.
Prioritize Everything with Your Faith
“…seek assistance by Allah …”
This should always be the first step, but we frequently need reminders.
Always make sure that your efforts are accepted and that positive things happen naturally to you. Make istikarah a prayer for your goals.
Always Keep Moving Forward
“… as well don’t be discouraged.”
Pray, and then act. There’s a saying: ” Stop worrying about what can go wrong and get excited about what can go right.”
It’s written already, so you can just follow it with confidence and integrity towards your objectives. It’s not easy, but the result is favorable for you as long as your faith remains solid.
Accept Reality
“If something happens to you, don’t claim: If only I’d done something different. Instead, you should be clear: Allah has decreed what He wills. The phrase “if only’ is the opening to the deeds of Satan. Satan.”
Make amends for your errors and go forward. Please don’t dwell on the fact that it was not written specifically to help you.
” Qadr is never used to justify your future actions; it is used to console your past tragedies,” said Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
You may declare “Qadr Allah” regarding things that have already happened to you.
Be aware that Allah knows the best thing for you.
Close the door to doubts that Shaytan is so delighted to be able to see in your head. Return to step one by utilizing and enhancing your abilities to achieve your objectives.
The article comes from our archives and is taken from a khutbah of Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi.