Dua For Nazar (Nazar ki Dua) – Learn Islam

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Dua For Nazar (Nazar ki Dua) – Numerous Muslims believe the evil eye isn’t real. maybe believing this may be because it’s logically more satisfying than believing in Allah( swt).  still, the Holy Prophet Muhammad(aphorism), has been said to have…

Dua To Allah For Help – Learn Islam

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Dua To Allah For Help – You’ve probably heard of these two names : Allah Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem. Do you know what their meaning is? The two names of Allah in Allah’s 99 names that refer to Allah are a reference to Allah’s character as compassionate…

Can Muslims Eat Beef – Learn Islam

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Can Muslims Eat Beef – People from Western countries often travel to the eastern Islamic regions to enjoy the local cuisine and folk food. What is it about western Muslims that make them crave KFC’s classic chicken-on the-bone bucket meals or…

A Short Biography of Al-Tusi Khwajah Nasir (1201-74)

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While Nasir al–Din al–Tusi is his common name, his real name was Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al–Hasan al–Tusi. Al-Tusi was actually known under many different names throughout his life, including Muhaqqiq-i Tusi (Khwaja-yi Tusi) and Khwaja Nasir (Khwaja Nasir). Al-Tusi was conceived in…

Al-Hidayah: The Guidance (ARABIC TEXT)

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Al-Hidayah: The Guidance (Volume 1). A Classical Manual of Hanafi LawBy Burhan al-Din al-Farghani al-MarghinaniTranslator : Imran Ahsan Khan NyazeeHardback 660 pagesISBN: 0954054496Publisher: Amal Press Bristol UK First Seven Books and Part 8: Taharah. Salah. Zakah. Sawm. Hajj. Nikah. Rada. & Part of Talaq Suggested…

A Short Biography of Al-Ghazali (1058-1111)

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Al-Ghazali is a great Islamic jurist, theologian and mystical thinker. In his hometown of Tus in the northern region of Iran, he studied various Islamic religious sciences. From an early age, he was involved in Sufi practice. He was recognized by Nizam Al-Mulk,…

A Short Biography of Al-Farabi (c.870-950)

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Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi, one of the first Islamic intellectuals, was instrumental in the transmission of the doctrines Aristotle and Plato to the Muslim world. His influence was significant on later Islamic philosophers like Avicenna. He was a remarkable linguist, who…

A Short Biography of Al-Rumi (1207 – 1273)

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Al-Rumi – Jalaluddin Musi (1207-1273) has been a pioneer in travel over the centuries. His spiritual insights are a reason why he is loved by Muslims. Non-Muslims, however, have enjoyed the poetry and insights of this Sufi mystic and theologian. To retain poetic…