What Does Persist Mean? – QuranMualim

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To be persistently repetitive, insistent, or tenacious. intransitive verb . To hold firm and steadfastly to a goal, state, or undertaking, despite any obstacles, warnings or setbacks. intransitive verb To continue in existence; to last. intransitive verb Continue to act steadily and firmly…

What Does Haram Mean? – QuranMualim

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Haraam is a term that refers to prohibited or illegal acts according to Islamic law. It is in direct opposition to Halal. It is easy to understand the dietary principles for permitted and prohibited nourishment. It is becoming more complicated to determine how…

Most Useful Arabic Greetings In Arabic

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In this Article we will learn about Most Useful Arabic Greetings In Arabic: Essential Arabic Greetings Lslm lykm (as-salam ‘alaykum) Peace be with you Wlykm LSLM (wa ‘alaykum assalam) Peace be with you mrHb (marhaban) — Hello ‘hl – (‘ahlan)…