Understanding Ramadan Rules: The Arabic word that is used to refer to fasting is called “sawm” taken from the Quran. The term “sawm” literally means “to not abstain”.
The chapter Maryam of the Quran declares the prophetic words of Mary was the daughter of her maternal grandmother. Jesus stated “I have made a promise to keep keep the “sawm” (fast) in the glory of the Merciful.
Therefore, today I will abstain from talking about any person.” [Quran 19:26]. In the terms in the Quran of Shariyah the word “sawm” is used to mean to stay clear of all things which are forbidden during the time of fasting from sunrise to sunset, and to do this in the context of fasting.
Functions of Fasting
The Quran in the chapter 2, verse 183 in chapter 2 verse 183, the Quran declares, “O you who believe the Quran Fasting is mandatory by Allah exactly that it was suggested to previous generations to be able to master the art of Taqwa (piety)”.
Taqwais an important term within the area of spirituality and ethics in the Quran. In the Quran, Quran is the the entire scope that is Islamic morality and religious. It is an integral part of the daily life of an Muslim who is in touch with God each day.
A person with taqwa wants to follow the correct path and refrain from things that are not to honor God. Taqwa is the term used to define morality, piety and a feeling of God. Taqwa requires patience and perseverance. Fasting is a method to build up patience. Through perseverance, one can get to the highest point of the ladder.
Prophets (SA) declared that fasting is protects. It protects one from the temptation and vice. When the disciples of Jesus wanted to know how to eliminate negative spirits out of his body, the evil spirits, Jesus was said to have said “But the spirit of this type cannot be gotten rid of except through praying and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21).
According to the Imam Ghazali Fasting may create an impression of the Divine quality that is the samadiyyah (freedom from the need) in humans.
Imam Qayyim believed that fasting was a way to freeing the spirit that is human from chains of desires and allowing moderation to take over the self-centered individual. Imam Shah Waliullah Dahlawi (d. 1762 C.E.) thought that fasting is a method of reducing the power of the bestial, as well as strengthening the angelic aspects of humans.
Maulana Mawdudi (d. 1979 C.E.) was an advocate of the practice of fasting for a whole month throughout the year is a great way to educate the individual as well in the Muslim community as a whole in control and self-control.

Fasting Is Required
In the year 2. Hijrah, Muslims were required to observe a fast in this month called Ramadan every year, according to the verse that precedes (Al-Baqarah 2:183].
The Quran also states that “The Month of Ramadan is the time that it was discovered that the Quran is a guideline for humankind and clear indications of distinction and direction. Anyone who has witnessed the month has to adhere to the fasting …” during Al-Baqarah 2:184284.
The prophet Muhammad (SA) explained the meaning of this statement in several of his assertions in his works from Hadith. The Imam Al-Bukhari as well as his Imam Muslim on the basis of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of God declared that “Islam is based on five pillars, ” which affirmed the existence of only one god, which is God and also the belief that Muhammad was an incarnation God. The Messenger of God and also performing prayers and performing an annual Zakah and making the pilgrimage to The Sacred House ( Hajj) and eating a fast in this month, which is known as Ramadan.”
The entire Muslim world is united in the belief that fasting is mandatory during this month dubbed Ramadan and considers it a requirement for all those who are physically capable (mukallaf).
Guidelines for Fasting
Who needs to hurry?
Muslims all over the world anticipate Ramadan because it’s the best time to experience greater well-being and inner peace.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan is mandatory for every adults Muslim either male or female who has reached puberty who is healthy and not sick or traveling.
It may be a temporary condition that one hopes of being treated within the next few years. Someone who is sick is not permitted to be fasting during times of illness but should observe a slower fast during Ramadan so that they can make up for the missing days.
Individuals who are suffering from chronic illnesses and don’t expect to improve their health also are allowed to avoid fasting, however they have to pay fidyah that’s the gift of one day’s food each day that they do not fast to help a less fortunate person. Instead of eating food for a day, you can also make a donation of the same amount to someone who is in need.
Women who experience menstrual cramps or bleeding post-natally shouldn’t fast. However, they’re not required to break the period of fasting in the aftermath of Ramadan. Women who are pregnant or mothers who have infants to feed have the option of breastfeeding. They may put off their fast until later, if they are able to do it.
A trip that is in line with Shariah. Shariah is any journey that is a departure from the place where you live for at minimum 48 miles or 80 kilometers.
The trip should be made to promote a positive cause. Avoid unnecessary travel during Ramadan which causes you to not fast. If you can, it’s ideal to modify their routines during Ramadan so that they can fast and avoid traveling in the event of a need. If someone cannot observe the fast during Ramadan is advised to make up the days missed as fast as they can following Ramadan.
Fasting in accordance to the Sunnah
1 – Take sahur (pre-dawn meal). This is Sunnahand it is believed that you could enjoy a great reward and blessing for taking Sahur. Sahur is best when it is sunrise. It is usually in the last 30 minutes prior to dawn, or the time for performing Fajr prayer.
2. Have Iftar (break-fast) just after sunset. Shariah believes that sunset is the moment at which the sun’s disc is lowered towards the right of the horizon, before disappearing completely.
3. During your fast, avoid all slanderous interactions and behaviors. Do not argue, get into debates, argue or use snide remarks or engage in any other activity that is not permitted.
Make an effort to manage your behavior morally and ethically in addition to developing mental and physical discipline. It is important not to demonstrate your fast by blaming others the fast, or by showing dry lips or an empty stomach, or by showing an unruly disposition. Anyone who fasts should be of a good character, with positive attitudes and a positive attitude.
4. During the time of fast do your best to show compassion and kindness to people around you. Also, intensify your devotion while studying the Quran. Everyone should make an effort to read the whole Quran at least once throughout the whole duration of Ramadan.
Things that can invalidate the speed
It is essential to stay clear of doing anything that might render your fast unproductive. Things that could make your fast unfit and you’ll need Qadaa’ (making up for the time) are:
1. Drinking or eating food or smoking cigarettes in a controlled way like eating any food item that’s not healthy by mouth or nose.
2. Intentionally cause yourself vomit.
3. The menstrual bleeding begins or post-childbirth can be seen just before sunset.
4 – Sexual interactions and other types of sexual contact (or masturbation) that triggers an exaggerated ejaculation (in the male)) and Vaginal mucus (orgasm) for women.
5 drinking, smoking and engaging in sexual relationships after Fajr (dawn) due to the belief that this isn’t Fajr time, but. Additionally engaging in these activities before Maghrib (sunset) due to the false belief that it’s Maghrib time.
Sexual intercourse during fasting is forbidden. The people who participate are obliged to perform an qada’ (make up the fasts) and also kaffarah (expiation through the fast of 60 days after Ramadan or by feeding 60 hungry people each day of fast broken this way).
According to Imam Abu Hanifah, eating and/or drinking in a controlled fashion during fasts may cause the same type of fasting and the kaffarah.

Things that aren’t unsafe for Fasting
The use of a miswak for cleaning your teeth won’t affect the duration of your fast
In fasting, these conditions are allowed:
1 – Showering or bathing. In the event that water has been ingested with no intention, it should not constitute a reason to end the fast. As per the consensus of most experts, swimming is permissible while fasting, but it is recommended to stay clear of diving since it can cause the water to flow through the mouth or nose and into stomach.
2. Applying perfumes with contact lenses or drops to the eyes.
3. Injectables – or undergoing a blood test.
4. Make use of miswak (tooth-stick) or a toothbrush (even by using the toothpaste) and wash your mouth and the nostrils by using water, so long as it’s not excessive (so that you don’t ingest water).
5. Smoking, drinking or eating with no intent, i.e., forgetting the fact that one is fasting. But, it is best to stop at the point where one can remember, and then keep the fast.
6. Sleeping throughout the day and waking up wet doesn’t make anyone break the speed. In addition, if a person is having an affair in the night, but is unable to make Ghusl (bathe) before sunrise, she may begin to fast and make Ghusl later. Women who stop having menstrual cycles in the night could start to fast however they aren’t able to make a ghusl yet. In any of these scenarios, it is recommended to bathe (ghusl) is mandatory however fasting doesn’t have to be done even in the absence of bathing.
7 Kissing between spouses is allowed during fasting but it is important to avoid it so as to avoid engaging in other activities forbidden during fasting.
Conditions for Fasting to be Valid
There are two fundamental aspects to fasting.
1. The reason (niyyah) of fasting is. It is suggested to commit yourself to fasting in order to honour God each day before sunrise. The purpose must not be written in a formal fashion but it should be made with a pure mind and a heart. Some jurists are of opinion that intentions can be declared only once during the month, and should not be repeated every day. It is nevertheless recommended to make a new commitment each day to benefit from the fasting.
2. Abstinence between dusk and dawn on any item that is not compatible with fasting, as described in the previous paragraph.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram
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