Muhkam and Mutashabihat Verses of Al-Qur’an | Islamic Beliefs- The Qur’an includes two kinds of verses .- Muhkamat Verses: Clear verses are referred to by the name of Muhkamat Verses e.g an entire book, the verses in which include Muhkam …” (Surah Hud 1, verse 1].
Mutasabihat Verse : Some Verse contain Allegorical (Mutashabihat) e.g. “‘The Hand of Allah is over their hands. “[Surah Fatah, verse 10]
The whole Qur’an can be described as Muhkam (clear and understandable) in the sense that its entire text is true and each phrase and word is so exact that nobody will ever raise an objection.
The purport and words are unambiguous, clear and resolute.Where the entirety of the Qur’an is deemed to be Allegorical (Mutashabih) It signifies that all of the verses are identical and identical in their beauty, clarity, and eloquence.

Muhkam and Mutashabihat Verses of Al-Qur’an | Islamic Beliefs- The Qur’an includes two kinds of verses .- Muhkamat Verses: Clear verses are referred to by the name of Muhkamat Verses e.g an entire book, the verses in which include Muhkam …” (Surah Hud 1, verse 1].
Mutasabihat Verse : Some Verse contain Allegorical (Mutashabihat) e.g. “‘The Hand of Allah is over their hands. “[Surah Fatah, verse 10]
The whole Qur’an can be described as Muhkam (clear and understandable) in the sense that its entire text is true and each phrase and word is so exact that nobody will ever raise an objection.
The purport and words are unambiguous, clear and resolute.Where the entirety of the Qur’an is deemed to be Allegorical (Mutashabih) It signifies that all of the verses are identical and identical in their beauty, clarity, and eloquence.

How many ayaat start by syllables YAWMA, which is in Juz Amma?
The following surahs in Juz Amma includes an aya beginning with the words FDHKR …
- Al-Ala aya 9
- Al-Ghashiyah aya 21
- Al-Ala aya 9 and Al-Ghashiyah aya 21
There are nine ayaat that start with yawma and they are in these suwar: An-Naba aya 18 and 38 An-Naziat aya 6 and 35 Abasa aya 34 Al-L’infitar aya 19 Al-Mutaffifin aya 6 At-Tariq aya 9 and Al-Qariah aya 4
What is the number of ayaat that begin with alimat Nafsun MaW in the juz Amma?
- One – At-Takwir aya 14
- Two – At-Takwir aya 14 and Al-L’infitar aya 5
- Three – Al-L’infitar aya 5, At-Takwir aya 14 and Al-Humazah aya 3
- How many suwars in Juz? Amma have an aya starting with wllyl ?
- One – At-Takwir aya 17,
- Two – An-Naba aya 6 and Al-Fajr aya 4
- Three -Abasa aya 3, At-Takwir aya and 17, Al-Fajr aya 4
- Four – At-Takwir aya 17, Al-Fajr aya 4, Ash-Shams aya 4 and Al-Layl aya 1
- Five – At-Takwir aya 17, Al-Fajr aya 4, Ash-Shams aya 4, Al-Layl aya 1 and Ad-Duhaa aya 2

Muhkam and Mutashabihat Verses of Al-Qur’an | Islamic Beliefs – Only two ayaats include the word “lkubra” near the end of the Aya the juz Amma which are…”lnzt” Layat 20 ” fa’arahu laya@a lkubra~ ” lay@ lnzt 34 ” faidha jaati lTWamWa@u lkubra~ “
- In Juz Amma only three of the Ayaats have an l ldhyn wmlw amnw LSHt – true or not?
- What is the earliest aya that begins with lmt nfs m nfs in the juz Amma?
True or false Amma only two of the aya start by using the word n l’brrr lfy them, and they’re… LNFTr layat 13 ” inWa l’abrara lafiy na`iymin ” LmTffyn Layat 22 ” inWa l’abrara lafiy na`iymin “
How many of you begin with flynZr LNSN in juz Amma?
Only two aya start with fl “qsm” in the juz Amma and are …. Ltkwyr – Layat 15 ” fala ‘uqsimu bilkhunWasi ” LNSHQQ – lay@ 16 ” fala ‘uqsimu ‘ bilshWafaq
True or False, only two aya start with ‘lmtr kyf FL rbk’ in juz Amma and are… Lfjr – layat 6 ” ‘alam tara kayfa fa`ala rabWuka bi`adin ” Lfyl layat 1 ” ‘alam tara kayfa fa`ala rabWuka bi’aSHabi lfiyli “
Al-Qur’an | Islamic Beliefs– In Juz Amma four ayaat start with WJWH YWMH’DH. There are two within Abasa while two are in Al-Ghashiyah – is it true or not?
There are four ayaat that end with Yawma ldWiyn within Juz Amma. Three of them are found within surah Al-L’infitar as well as one is in Al-Mutaffifin. False or true?
What is the aya number that begins with with the bl ldhyn KFRW How many aya begin with bl ldhyn k in the juz Amma?
Al-Qur’an | Islamic Beliefs – Only two ayas of juz Amma begin with “r’yt ldhy” – these are Surah Al-Alaq, aya 9, and Al-Maun aya 1.
- What is the number of times you end the words Krym ….lkrym in the juz Amma?
- In Juz Amma Four ayaat are beginning in the form of fnW. is this true or not?
- How many ayas in Juz Amma start with the word WLSM?
- In Surat Al-Mutaffifin KTB n … the ktb the mrqwm phrase is repeated two times. False or true?
- What is the most number of Ayaat with the words wl ‘ntm “bd in Juz Amma?
- What is the number of ayaat that begin with ldhyna Hm in Juz Amma?
- How many ayaat start by using the word n Juz Amma?

Suggested Read: The Quran in English , Tajweed Rules, The 99 Names of Allah, The Quran, The Quran Mushaf, Short Surah of Quran, Free Holy Quran PDF (07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 and 24 , Quran With Urdu Translation, Surah Reviews, Quran in Arabic 1 to 30, Selected Verses in the Quran, History of the Holy Quran, The Holy Quran Encyclopedia and Definition of Imamah Free Download