In this Article we will learn about Most Useful Arabic Greetings In Arabic:
Essential Arabic Greetings
- Lslm lykm (as-salam ‘alaykum) Peace be with you
- Wlykm LSLM (wa ‘alaykum assalam) Peace be with you
- mrHb (marhaban) — Hello
- ‘hl – (‘ahlan) — Hi
- ‘hl wshl (‘ahlan wa-sahlan) — How do you do?
- SbH lkhyr (sabah ul-hayr) — Good morning!
- Ms. lkhyr (masa Ul-hayr) Good afternoon/evening!
- Kyf the lHl? (kayfal-hal?) What is the overall effect?
Arabic greetings are words that native speakers say daily, a dozen times without hesitation. But, if you don’t research all the various options available there , and the cultural significance it could leave you with a tense tongue and fearful of using the wrong words.
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“Good morning” or “good morning” or “hello” in Arabic may appear like a piece of cake, but mixing Arabic salutations into English contexts will likely result in more issues than making new connections.
If you’ve ever thought of what to use for “hello” in Arabic but you also want to understand the cultural implications of Arabic greetings We’ve got your back.
Follow the below guide to find out more about the various and fascinating ways to greet people using Standard Arabic.
Table of Contents
Peace Be Upon You
How to Say Hello in Arabic
Arabic Good Morning
Good Afternoon and Good Evening
Showing Interest in Arabic
How to Succeed at Small Talk in Arabic
The Bittersweet Feeling of Goodbye
Hello in Arabic at a Glance
Arabic | English |
MarHaba mrHb | Hello |
Ahlan wa sahlan ‘hlan wshlan | You are most welcome |
As-salamu Alaikum lslm `lykm | Peace be with you! |
Salam slm | Hello (casual) |
Sabah al-kheir SbH lkhyr | Good morning! |
Masaa’ al-kheir ms lkhyr | Thank you for your time. |
Hayak allaah HyaWk llh | Hello (formal) |
Kif haalak? Kyf Hlk? | How do you feel? (Saudi) |
Kifak? kyfk? | How do you feel? (Levantine) |
Izayyak? zyk? | How do you feel? (Egyptian) |
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Peace Be Upon You
lslm `lykm (as-salam ‘alaykum)
There’s a reason that this greeting deserves a position at the beginning on the listing. “Peace be upon you” is widely used by Muslims from different nations to show respect when greeting one another.
If you’re not an Muslim However you shouldn’t be concerned about offending people with this phrase. In fact it demonstrates that you’ve put in the effort to study their religion, making it the ideal method to greet people in Arabic.
However when someone says the following in front of you do not panic. You can simply reply wlykm (wa ‘alaykum assalam) which translates to “And peace be upon you,” and you’ll have earned their respect.
How to Say Hello in Arabic
You’ll notice that people don’t make use of Standard Arabic for casual, daily conversations. That means there aren’t nearly as many slangy morning greetings in Arabic like they are English.
But, there are some informal ways to greet people in Arabic you must be aware of if you wish to avoid formality. Let’s look at these:
- mrHb (marhaban) — Hello
- ‘hl – (‘ahlan) — Hi
- ‘hl wshl (‘ahlan wa-sahlan)* — How do you do?
- They sound less official like “Peace be upon you.”
*’hl, wshl (‘ahlan wa-sahlan) literally means “Family and good circumstances.” It’s a short version of an old Arabic greeting for welcoming that’s been around to this day.
Arabic Good Morning
As with English, Arabic has specific greetings for each time of the day.
What is the Arabic “good morning?” Sure, there is. In actual fact there are at least three greetings for morning that which you could use for greeting your guests prior to noon.
SbH lkhyr (sabah ul-hayr) — Good morning!
If you first speak then use the expression above. Most likely, you will hear the reply: SbH Lnwr (sabah an-nur) — A bright morning! that is a different Arabic Good Morning greeting.
The most important phrases are:
- SbH (sabaah) — early morning
- khyr (hayr) — good
- nwr (nur) — light
It’s as if you’re declaring “A good morning!” and receiving “A light morning!” as a reply (Isn’t this stunning? ).
Then, there’s Lkhlyj Ltjry (sah al nom). It is among the most jolly greetings in Arabic. Like “wakey, wakey,” it’s the ideal Arabic “good morning” phrase for students who are late, always sleepy as well as those who have fallen asleep at the workplace. In a sing-songy voice it’s best to only use this phrase in your own inner circle.

Good Afternoon and Good Evening
We now know how to say “good morning We can then move on to the next time-specific Arabic greeting, isn’t it?
So, we’re about to get an unexpected surprise. While Arabic greetings are varied and diverse, Arabic culture doesn’t really use a phrase that means “good afternoon.” You may find the phrase in a few textbooks, however, you’ll find that it’s, actually, the exact equivalent of “good evening.”
Anytime after noon, you’ll employ this expression:
Ms. lkhyr (masa the ul-hayr) — Happy afternoon/evening!
You might have noticed that the pattern is similar as the expression to mean “good morning.” We use “hayr,” which means “good,” and “masa,” which signifies “evening.”
Arabic greetings aren’t so hard , after all, they?
The two Arabic greetings listed above have the perfect formality that is appropriate for professional communication. Therefore, if you are working with native speakers, you can use these greetings at the start and at the end of your day. Watch the smiles spread across the room. (Make sure that you aren’t overly excited, though. If you’re loud enough you may make them nervous!)
Showing Interest in Arabic
“Good morning” is a good place to start however, if you truly desire to impress native people, you’ll need be able to engage in one-minute conversations.
Kyf LHl? (kayfal-hal?) What is the overall effect?
An almost perfect substitute for “How are things?,” Kyf LHl? (kayfal-hal?) is the perfect way to express your gratitude after exchanging greetings or good day. If you’d like to make it more personal, include the -uk suffix (if you’re speaking to a man) or the suffix -ik (if you’re speaking to a woman).
The responses To Arabic greetings such as”the “how are you” type will vary based on context and register, however the most commonly used choices are:
Bkhyr, Shkr (bihayr and sukran) — Excellent Thanks!
MshGwl (masgul) -“busy
This could mean that the person isn’t ready to talk currently and you might want to look for someone else to make them feel special with your conversational abilities!
W “‘nt? (wa antara?) -What about you? [masculine]
If a woman is asked to pose and written in the same manner however, the pronunciation is as follows:
W “nt? (wa anti?) -What about you? [feminine]
Be aware that politeness is highly valued in Arabic culture So it’s not bad to include an shkr (sukran) that means “thank you” after your response.
It is important to keep your mind as with the majority of Arabic salutations, these ones are merely greetings and don’t expect an answer in full, so refrain from answering “And you?” with an elaborate description of your emotions!
How to Succeed at Small Talk in Arabic
Imagine that you’re in the situation of having to fill in a very uncomfortable silence. If you’ve ever taken an elevator ride that was long with a stranger, then you are aware of the kind of silence you’re talking about.
One of the most effective things to say following an enjoyable morning or a warm welcome with a smile in Arabic would be “How is your familyWhat does your husband do?” or “Does your son have a girlfriend?” may appear inappropriate and could result in an awkward silence.
If you’re looking to have a chat after exchanging a few casual Arabic greetings, start by:
kyf Hl `y’ltk ? (kayfa halu ‘a`ilatuk?) What is the status of your family doing?
The best part is that the person you’re talking to is likely to provide you with lots of information about their family members, and that’s acceptable. If you’re not the first person to discuss it You’re safe!
Another good subject to look into after boasting of your proficiency in Arabic greetings, is weather.Go to any of these words:
LJW Jmyl Lywm (al-gawwu al-yawm gamil) The weather is beautiful today.
hl tZn ‘nh stmTr? (hal tazunnu `annaha satumtir?) Do you think it’s likely to be raining?
nh brd jd (‘iinah barid jidana) — It’s so cold!

The Bittersweet Feeling of Goodbye
There is no guide to Arabic greetings is incomplete without tips about how to say goodbye.
The positive side is that the term “Bye,” like many English words, has made its way into everyday Arabic which means you can be able to use it safely on the phone as well as in the real world. by (bai) by (bai)
The most courteous method of ending an exchange is to say:
ma the lsalmat (ma”al-salamah”) Peace be with you. Another alternative is to say the more informal greeting
l~ lliq (`ila al-liqa`) — Until we meet again!
After you’ve learned the Arabic morning greetings, and even learned to make small conversation What’s next?
Knowing how to greet people in Arabic is nice but if you wish to impress the natives, then you’ll have to know more about the Arabic language.
It’s a good thing you’ve landed to the right place. On our site you’ll discover customized Arabic lessons delivered by native Arabic instructors who will take your students beyond Arabic greetings and into the fascinating issues of becoming a fluent Arabic speaking. Do you have any information we’ve not covered? Contact us right now and we’ll respond promptly to any questions you have.
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It is said that the Arabic dialect is one of the most profound and expressive one, and hello is no different. There are many ways to welcome the world and to say hi to them in Arabic. Wherever you are you will are never sure what a simple ‘Marhaba’ could bring you. It can open the door to new opportunities and friendships and you might even hear someone tell you that “You were right about me, Marhaba!
The Arab region is trying to preserve traditions in everyday activities and is willing to go further to make the language alive in a time when external influences are dominating. Find out more about the Arabic language through our Arabic language classes that are available from the beginner level to the more sophisticated levels. WhatsApp +923017363500