Christianity – Salam. Jews didn’t recognize Jesus as well as Muhammad (peace be on Muhammad and Jesus) as being prophets. They say that the promised Messenger has yet to appear. The main questions are: What is the final Messenger that the Jews are waiting for, when will he appear, and why would prophets be coming? Thank you for your prayers, and may Allah bless you.
Short Answer Short Answer: Short Answer: Muslims, as well as Christians, consider that Jesus was the Messiah that Jews envisioned. However, the Jews oppose this belief and claim that Jesus was not the Messiah they wanted. The term Messiah refers to someone whom God selects for a specific task.
In Judaism, this mission was vital to their Religion, which was the restoration of King David’s lineage and the creation of the Law of God on earth. The goal of the last Prophet was to finish the Religion taught through Moses and Jesus as well as all the prophets sent through Allah’s Almighty.
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The first thing is that it is essential to realize that Jews don’t believe in seeing a ‘Final Messenger’ like the Muslims would refer to Muhammad (peace and peace on behalf of Allah be upon his name).).
They wait for the return of Messiah. Messiah.
Today, the term “Messiah” (mash in Arabic) is a term used by Muslims to refer to Jesus (i.e., Isa ibn Maryam, peace be on him).
Both Muslims and Christians (Christianity) think that Jesus was the Messiah that Jews envisioned. However, the Jews deny this notion and claim that Jesus was not the Messiah they wanted.
In actuality, the word “Messiah is an Anglicized version of the Hebrew phrase, Moshiach:
The word that is its root, “mashach,” is used nearly 140 times throughout the Hebrew Old Testament, meaning “to smear, anoint, or spread.”
Masach is Hebrew, and masala (meaning to rub or massage) in Arabic can refer to applying oil to someone during a religious ritual by placing holy oil or holy water on the person.
Kings and priests were anointed before being ordained to their positions. Prophets were also “anointed” by God in that God selected them to perform a specific task in the Religion.
The Bible (Christianity) has a wealth of “anointed” ones. Even though each Prophet from God is anointed of God, the name Messiah or the equivalent “Christ” is exclusively reserved for Jesus, the son of Mary, in both Islam as well as Christianity.
However, we can consider that the name Messiah refers to someone God has selected to fulfil a significant task. In Judaism, this mission was vital to their Religion, specifically that of restoring the lineage of King David as well as the establishment of God’s Law of God on earth.
Christian History & Beliefs
Christians, however, provide a new meaning to the phrase “the Messiah according to their belief in the Atonement for the Original Sin by Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
For them, Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the one who dies and suffers for the sake of rescuing sinful men from hell’s eternal punishment.
Muslims adhere to that it is a Jewish belief that there are prophecies regarding the arrival of the Messiah on the other side.
On the other hand, they believe in the Christian assertion that Jesus of Nazareth is the child of Mary and was the Messiah envisioned by many, but this is resisted in the eyes of Jews.
However, Muslims oppose the Christian idea that the Messiah is the Christ, the Son of God who was crucified to pay the price for man’s original sin.
It was under the rule of Emperor Tiberius when Jesus was conceived in Bethlehem in Judea.
At thirty, he began preaching before the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, proclaiming his status as the promised Messiah.
But many Jews at the time didn’t believe that he was the Messiah. The Jews who listened to his teachings became his followers, later called Christians.
However, shortly after Jesus’s disappearance, Saul, who was from Tarsus (later identified as St Paul), appeared on the scene and claimed to be the Apostle of the Gentiles, whom Jesus chose in an apparition.
He promoted the belief that Jesus was the son of God who gave his life to save humanity from the scourge of sin. Present-day Christians adhere to this belief about Jesus. They’ve forgotten the lessons Jesus himself had to say about God.
While Jesus was born from the same lineage of prophets like Abraham, Moses, and David, Jesus’ adherents (i.e., Christians) disregarded the doctrines that Moses had said about the anticipated Messiah and elevated Jesus to the status of a Godhead.
The Comforter: Who Was He?
The day before Jesus disappeared from the earth, He had told his followers that the “Spirit of Truth” or “Comforter” would come after Jesus to complete his Religion of God. Check out the following passages from John’s Gospel of John 16:
However, I’ll say the truth: It is advisable to leave me since if I don’t go away and the Comforter is not with me, he is not coming to you. However, I will bring him to you when I leave and return.
And when he returns, and he is here, he will admonish the world for its sins, and of righteousness, as well as of the judgment.[] (John 16:7-8)
I have much to say to you, but you can’t accept them now.
If he is, the Spirit of Truth has here, he will guide you to the truth in all things: since he won’t speak about himself; rather, whatever he hears, he will speak, and he will reveal to you what is to in the future.
He will glorify me since he will be a recipient of mine and demonstrate it to you.[] (John 16:12-14)
Current Christians have given the prophecy an incorrect interpretation. They believe they believe that the “Comforter” or “the Spirit of Truth” was “the Holy Spirit”, one of the members of the Trinity who was nothing but God Jesus Christ Himself.
So, according to Christian belief, the previously mentioned “Spirit of Truth” was God Himself.
Muslims believe that Muslims think they believe that “the Spirit of Truth” was prophesied by Jesus and was similar to “the Prophet like Moses” as prophesied in the Book of Moses within The Book of Deuteronomy. Look up the relevant verses: [Then the LORD spoke to me, They have spoken well that they’ve spoken.
I will raise as a prophet from their fellow brethren, as thee, and put my words into his mouth. Then he will address them all the things I’ll be able to command him.
It will be the case that whoever does not listen to my words, which are spoken about me, I’ll demand it from him.[ (Deuteronomy 18:17-19)
A rigorous study will demonstrate the characteristics of the prophecies written by Moses and Jesus and through the Prophet Muhammad (peace rest with Muhammad), the last prophetic voice of God by whom God fulfilled His instructions for humanity.
The above indicates that the Prophet of the future mentioned in the Bible (Jewish and Christian) was not different from Muhammad.
The goal of the last Prophet was to finish the Religion taught by Moses and Jesus and all prophets appointed by Allah All-powerful.
When the Jew or Christian acknowledges this fact, the person becomes a Muslim.
However, Jews continue to believe in the appearance of the Messiah, and the Christians consider that the Messiah was the son of God — in fact, God himself, who was born in the person of Jesus of Nazareth about 2,000 years earlier. He was crucified to pay for the sins of humanity.
I hope this answers your query. Stay in touch.
Salam. (From Ask About Islam archives)
Continue to feed your curiosity. You can find more information on the following websites:
The Story of Jesus in Brief
Jesus & The Link Between Two Major Religions
What Does the Quran Say About Jesus?
Muslims, Too, Believe Jesus Will Return
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114