The Arabic Meem is a letter in Arabic. Meem is one of the moon Letter.
What is the Arabic Meem letter is written. Meem can be written
What is the Arabic Meem letter is pronounced? Meem can be pronounced
Meem is the inverse for M is similar to the English letter M. It’s spoken with the mouth closed and creating a sound by exhaling the air from your nose.
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Basic Sample Words of م in various states
م can be connected on both sides. It can take three forms based on the position it is in within the world:
Word examples made using words that use the Arabic letter Meem using diacritics
Meem using a fatha ( ma ) ( ma ) is similar to:
- Ma in Man
- ma in Wo man
Or it could be a gruff sound similar to:
- Ma in Mars
- Mo in Month
- ma in De mand
Meem using a kasra ( mi ) ( mi ) is a sound that resembles:
- Me in Mechanic
- me in Se mester
Meem using a damma ( mu ) ( mu ) is a sound that resembles:
- Mo in Mobile or Motor
- mo in Lemon
م with Sokoon: ( M ) (“m” ) is a sound that resembles:
- -m in Nu mber
- -m in Drea m or Progra m

The Isolated version of the م ( m ) does not have Look-alikes. However, it does have a Medial Meem’s form ( m ) appears to be a little similar to the Medial form of twins Fa ( f ) and Qaf ( q ). And as well, The Medial version of twins Ayn ( ) and Ghayn ( G ) in certain fonts.
م is composed of two parts: an an shape, which is linked to a second part that appears like an upside-down L
More Reading:
- Alif – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ba – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ta – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Tha- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Jeem – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Hha – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Kha – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Daal – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Thaal – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ra – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Za- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Seen- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Saad- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Daad- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Toh- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Thoh- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ayn- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ghayn- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ayn- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Faa- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Kaf- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Qaf- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
Arabic Alphabet Grammar
Arabic Alphabet
Arabic letters Not in English
lesson Plan Arabic Alphabet
Meem Letter
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