I was informed of the following: Mahdi in Islam is the Antichrist in Christianity. There are several verses about Mahdi which say that a man can govern in seven years. This is based on a hadith I don’t remember. The hadith says that Mahdi will reign for seven or nineteen years.
My concerns are: 1. Is the Mahdi the Antichrist in Christianity? 2. What are the characteristics that make up the Antichrist? Is Mahdi an example of those traits? 3. What are the facts in the Bible which are inconclusive? Mahdi for being the Antichrist?
Short Answer:
In the beginning, Mahdi means “Guided One” in Arabic is “Guided One”, while Dajjal translates to “deceiver”. The names given to those who will appear in the future have completely different meanings in the characters they use.
Imam Mahdi is one of the prophets from the lineage. He will be coming to earth at an era when there is plenty of oppression across the world, mostly against people who believe.
He will rule over seven consecutive years, filled with wealth and fairness. He will create an army to take on the Antichrist.
Furthermore, Jesus, the Son of Mary (peace be with them), will be revealed during his rule, and they will join forces to defeat Dajjal and his army.
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Initially, Mahdi in Arabic refers to “Guided One”, while Dajjal is a translation of “deceiver”. These are the names given to those who will appear after the close of this earth and will be able to distinguish their characters depending on their meaning.
Is Mahdi In Islam The Antichrist In Christianity?
In addition, I’d like to verify that the information you’ve heard isn’t accurate since the word “Mahdi” is not mentioned in any Christian writing. The word “Antichrist” is mentioned only four times in three verses within the Bible, and all are found in the Gospel as per John The King James Version in John 2:18, 2:22 and 4:13.
The scriptures generally state that the Antichrist will appear as a symbol of the times, and those who deny Jesus Christ will be described as if they are antichrists.
Who is Imam Mahdi?
From an Islamic standpoint, let’s define what Imam Mahdi is. And who is the Dajjal?
Notice that I’ve included the title Imam, which means authority in religion, in addition to the main title Mahdi, as many believe he is a leader chosen by God who can guide Muslims towards victory.
In the simplest of terms, Imam Mahdi is one of the ancestors of the Prophet Muhammad. He is expected to appear in a moment when we will witness a great deal of oppression around the globe, especially for people who believe.
He will rule in seven consecutive years of good fortune filled with wealth and fairness. He will form an army to defeat the Antichrist.
Jesus can overcome Dajjal.
In addition, Jesus, who is the son of Mary (peace be with them), will be a part of his reign, and they will work together to defeat Dajjal with his army.
In the final, Jesus (peace be upon Jesus) will one day take Dajjal’s body and kill him. Based on the authentic hadith, this is what we’ve learned about Imam Mahdi:
Narrated by Abu Sa’id al Khudri
Prophets (peace rest on his name) said Mahdi would be part of my family and an imposing tall man with a broad forehead and a large nose. He will rule over the earth with justice and fairness in the same way as it was oppressed by tyranny. Oppression. He will stay in the position of power for 7 years. (Abu Dawud)
Abu Nadra reported:
[…] Jabir B. Abdullah kept quiet for several minutes before he spoke to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon his behalf), affirming there would be a caliph at the last (period) of my Ummah who will grant a handful of slivers of wealth individuals, but without taking into consideration. I inquired about Abu Nadra and Abu al-‘Ala. Are you referring to “‘Umar” B. ‘Abd al-Aziz? Then they replied, “No (he was a Mahdi). Mahdi). (Muslim)
There are other ahadiths which have the same significance.
Concerning Dajjal, there are many authentic ahadiths. Here’s the details we can find:
Ibn Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) was aware of Dajjal in front of the people and declared:
Allah is not blind. You can see that Dajjal has blindness with his eye to the right. His eye is like floating grapes. (Muslim)
Anas was an a. Malik reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) declared:
Three letters, which are three letters: k. as well as f. and the letter r. I. The letter the letter e. Kafir (disbeliever), in front of Dajjal. (Muslim)
Anas was the b. Malik reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) declared:
The Dajjal was with a total of seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan who were wearing Persian Shawls. (Muslim)
The narration is by Umm Sharik that:
“The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon his name) said: “The people will flee from Dajjal to be taken towards the mountain ranges.” Umm Sharik declared: “O Messenger of Allah! Which place will Arabs be on the tomorrow?” He added: “They will be very few.” (At-Tirmidhi)
It was reported in the book “Aishah,” that:
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was famous for seeking refuge in Allah from the adversity of death and Dajjal’s trials. He said: “You will be tried in your graves.” (Ibn Majah)
There are many other legends and myths related to Dajjal. Dajjal contains information identical to the above one but with slightly different languages. Mahdi and Dajjal are entirely different personalities.
Imam Mahdi and Dajjal are two completely distinct personalities, one symbolizing goodness and the other an emblem of evil. Therefore, they can’t be the same person, and no one has ever claimed they were not based on a religious viewpoint.
Anyone can indeed concoct any lie (falsehood) to deceive people. We must be aware of the lies and search for genuine sources about what religions we’re seeking to learn about.
I hope this answers your question.
Salam and stay in touch.
Keep feeding your curiosity. Learn more by clicking on the links below:
Is The Dajjal (Anti-Christ) Here Now?
The Return Of Jesus & The Destruction Of Dajjal
What time do you believe Mahdi will arrive?
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114