Learn to read Quran Book – Discover the Best Book! If you want to Learn to read Quran Book, we will put in your hands the best Quran Reading book that will help you to learn in a systematic and easy way!
1- How to choose the best book to Learn Quran reading? (6 criteria) (Kindly, know this first before choosing “Learn to read Quran Book”)
First of all, we will discover the best book to learn Quran reading, which will help you to master it, starting from learning Arabic Alphabet Letters, ending with reading it as it was revealed to the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.
Before telling you the best book to Learn Quran reading, we want to put the criteria of choosing it between your hands, so that you can judge by yourself! Here are the 6 main criteria:
1- It must be based on a gradual approach, which means starting with basics and easy lessons first before moving to the detailed lessons, or explaining the general lessons before moving to its detailed topics. If we neglect this point, we can learn Arabic reading, but we can’t master it!
2- It must be prepared by qualified and experienced teachers, and if the book is in English, those preparers must be teachers to Non-Native Arabic Speakers, because Non-Native Arabic Speakers face some difficulties when they learn Arabic letters and their points of articulation. And then, these difficulties must be considered by those who prepared that book! Therefore, you have to check first Curriculum Vitae of the preparers.
3- The way of presenting the lessons and pieces of information must be attractive and easy to understand and follow, esp. for the beginners. If the teacher is highly qualified, he can simplify the information in the easiest and simplest way, esp. for the children, and if he didn’t, it means that s/he doesn’t understand it enough. In this context, we can point out the next quote:
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
— Albert Einstein
Therefore, if you find the pieces of information are presented in an easy way to understand and at the same time in an attractive way, this is a sign that this book is very good and its author is a highly qualified teacher!
4- The Arabic or Quran reading book that we can consider as a good book must contain a suitable amount of “Exercises” that help the learners to read and get better until s/he master Arabic reading. Also, these “Exercises” must be based on a gradual approach, which means moving from easy to difficult, step by step. Regarding the importance of practicing, we could point out the next quote:
“The more you practice the better you‘ll be, the harder you train the great in you they’ll see.”
— Alcurtis Turner
“Practice makes the master.“
— Patrick Rothfuss
5- The best book to Learn Quran reading must have powerful resources that it based on it, due to the fact that we have to consider the last results before producing/reaching new results!
6- The best book to Learn Quran reading must have an audiobook or have its own audio in whatever way, due to the fact that each branch of knowledge that is based on sounds, must have its own audio to clarify how actually you pronounce these sounds, as the books can’t speak, and then books are not sufficient!
Therefore, the best learn Quran book must qualify with these criteria above.
Before discovering one of the best “Learn to read Quran Books”, let’s know first how to read Quran, as will add this point to our criteria!
2- How to read Quran? (Kindly, know this first before choosing “Learn to read Quran Book”)
Reading Qur’an correctly requires the knowledge of certain rules, We can divide these rules into two classifications:
2.1- Knowing Arabic Reading Rules:
The rules that are applied in any Arabic text whether the Qur’anic text or another one.
2.2- Knowing Tajweed Rules:
The rules that are just applied when we read Qur’an, not in any Arabic text.
Therefore, Knowing Tajweed rules demands knowing Arabic reading rules first as Tajweed rules are based on Arabic reading rules. The next image (inside Shaykhi Acamdey’s book) clarifies this point further:
Click Here To Find Out : Quran French, The Quran: English Translation, Textual Criticism and Qur’an Manuscripts

The conclusion is that any Learn to read Quran Book must includes these two aspects (Arabic reading and Tajweed) to be comprehensive! Otherwise, it will not be comprehensive.
3- What is the best book to Learn Quran reading? (one of the best “Learn to read Quran Books” will be in your hand soon!)
The best book to Learn Quran reading from our perspective that fulfills these criteria is Al-Menhaj book !

The important question now is:
3.1- Are the criteria of choosing the best “Learn to read Quran Book” fullfilled to this book (Al-Menhaj)?
The surprise is that the answer is YES. We will see now how each one of these six main criteria is fulfilled (it might be the only “Learn to read Quran Book” that has all these features!).
Let’s discover first the meaning of the word “Al-Menhaj – المنهاج”.
3.1.1- What is does the word “Al-Mehnaj” mean?
المنهاج is an Arabic word, which is transliterated to Al-Menhaj. This Arabic word literally means the systematic approach, the methodology, or the clear way. When it comes to the field of learning, it might have the meaning of the “curriculum”.
Al-Menhaj is a series of books that includes Arabic reading books and Tajweed books, which aims in the final to read Quran perfectly as it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
The target audience is “Non-native Arabic Speakers Muslims those who speak English and want to learn Quran Reading”.
From its name, you might get that this series of books are based on a systematic approach or curriculum. (This shows for you why it’s one of the best “Learn to read Quran Book 🙂 “).
3.1.2- How the first criteria is fullfilled to this book?
This book follows a gradual approach, and for this reason, it’s divided into levels. Therefore, it matches with the 1st criteria of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”.
3.1.3- How the second criteria is fullfilled to this book?
It’s prepared by Quran-Arabic qualified and experienced teachers for non-native Arabic speakers. Therefore, it matches with the 2nd criteria of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”.
This book is prepared by Quran-Arabic qualified and experienced teachers for non-native Arabic speakers, who are among them:
1- Luqman El-Kasabany (Curriculum preparer):
– Egyptian-Azhary Native Arabic Speakers.
– Bachelor of languages and translation – Department of Islamic Studies in Foreign Languages, English Section, Al-Azhar University – Egypt.
– TESOL Certificate Holder – Ain Shams University – Egypt.
– Experienced Quran and Arabic tutor for non-native Arabic speakers.
2- Waleed Al-Qabany (Curriculum preparer):
– Egyptian-Azhary Native Arabic Speakers.
– Arabic Reading teacher, curricula preparer, and conducts teacher preparation program for more than 25 years.
3- Asmaa’ Darweesh (Material preparer):
– Egyptian-Azhary Native Arabic Speakers.
– Experienced Quran and Arabic tutor for non-native Arabic speakers.
3.1.4- How the third criteria is fullfilled to this book?
It’s presented in an attractive and easy way, for two reasons:
3.1- It’s prepared by highly qualified teachers who can simplify the pieces of information and present it in the easiest ways.
3.2- it’s designed by a highly qualified graphic designer. Therefore, it matches with the 3rd criteria of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”.
3.1.5- How the fourth criteria is fullfilled to this book?
It contains a good amount of “Exercises”, as each book includes about 400 pages! Therefore, it matches with the 4th criteria of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”.
3.1.6- How the fifth criteria is fullfilled to this book?
It has powerful resources, which are the following:
5.1- At-Tajweed Al- Musawwar, By Ayman Rushdi Swayd.
الــــــتَّــــــجْــــــويــــــدُ الْــــمُــــصَـــــوَّرُ، د.أَيْــــــمَـــــن رُشْـــــــدي سُـــــــوَيْـــــــد
5.2- Mennat Al-rahman Fi Ta‘lim Al-atfal Al Qur’an, By Latifa Qazamel.
مِـــنَّــــةُ الـــرَّحْـــمَـــٰـنِ فِــي تَـــعْــلِــيــمِ الْأَطْـــفَــالْ الْـــقُـــرْآنِ، لَـــطــيــفــة قـــزامــل
5.3- Manẓomat Al-Mufid fi al-Tajwid, By Imam Ahmad Al-Tiby.
مَــــنْـــظُـــومَــــةُ الْـــمُــــفِـــيــــدِ فِــــي الــــتَّــجْــوِيــدِ، لِـلْإِمَـــامِ الْــطِّـــيـــبِـــي
5.4- An Introduction to the Sciences of Qur’aan, By Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi.
مُـــــقَــــدِّمَــــةٌ عَـــــنْ عُـــلُـــومِ الْـــقُـــرْآنِ الْـــكَـــرِيـــمِ، يَـــاسِـــر قَـــاضِــــي
Therefore, it matches with the 5th criteria of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”.
3.1.7- How the sixth criteria is fullfilled to this book?
This is will have a complete series of episodes that explains every single piece of information and lesson in this book. It’s not just the recorded course, but also you can get a highly qualified teacher who could help you.
Therefore, it matches with the 6th criteria of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”.
3.2- Is this book considered the two aspects of reading Quran (Arabic Reading and Tajweed Rules)?
The second surprise is that the answer is also YES! This book is two series of books, the first series for Arabic Reading Rules, while the second series is for Tajweed Rules.
3.2.1- How this book considered the first aspect (Arabic Reading)?
The first series of this book included all Arabic Reading Rules starting from Arabic Alphabet until mastering Arabic Reading!
– Its full Arabic name:
“مَـنْـهَـجِـيَّـةٌ عِـلْـمِـيَّـةٌ لِإِتْـقَـانِ الْـقِـرَاءَةِ الْـعَـرَبِـيَّـة”
Which is translated to:
“A systematic approach to master Arabic Reading” How many levels of “Al-Mehnaj – Arabic Reading book”?
Al-Mehnaj – Arabic Reading book has three levels, as follows:
A) Al-Mehnaj – Arabic Reading book – Level 1.

B) Al-Mehnaj – Tajweed Rules – Level 2.

C) Al-Mehnaj – Tajweed Rules – Level 3.

Therefore, this book considered the aspect of Arabic reading which is the factor of comprehensive “Learn to read Quran Book”.
3.2.2- How this book considered the second aspect (Tajweed Rules)?
As you understood from this article, after mastering Arabic Reading, you will not be able to read Quran correctly and properly until you master Tajweed Rules. Therefore, the second series of this book included all Tajweed Rules starting while simplifying them in an easy and attractive way!
– Its full Arabic name:
“الـمِـنْـهَـاجُ الـسَّـدِيـد لِإِتْـقَـانِ قَـوَاعِـدِ التَّـجْـوِيـدِ”
Which is translated to:
“A systematic approach to master Tajweed Rules” How many levels of “Al-Mehnaj – Arabic Reading book”?
Al-Mehnaj – Tajweed Rules has three levels, as follows:
A) Al-Mehnaj – Tajweed Rules – Level 1.

B) Al-Mehnaj – Tajweed Rules – Level 2.

C) Al-Mehnaj – Tajweed Rules – Level 3.

Therefore, this book considered the aspect of Tajweed Rules which is the factor of comprehensive “Learn to read Quran Book”.
You can follow up and discover more with our application.
Until now, do you think that our book is one of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”, or do you still need more proof :)?
If your answer is yes, our book is one of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”, so congratulations to you and for us :)! But, if you are not convinced yet that our book is one of the best “Learn to read Quran Book”, so, KINDLY, continue reading!
Now, you might ask yourself the next question (and it makes sense if did that):
4- How I can Study this book? (I promise you.. after reading this point, you will consider our book as the best “Learn to read Quran Book”)
We will offer you one of two methods to study and understand this series of books, as follows:
A) Free Recorded Courses (the remaining of the courses will be available soon Insha’allah).
B) Paid Online Classes with a highly qualified Arabic and Quran Tutor.
Let’s discuss the advantages of each option.
4.1- What are the advantages of Free Recorded Courses? (of “Learn to read Quran Book” that you will love it)
A) It’s Totally Free, as the whole material is explained for free.
B) It’s presented in a systematic and attractive way at the same time, besides it’s easy to follow and understand.
C) The duration of each episode is from 10:00 to 15:00 minutes. So, you will not get bored while you’re watching.
E) You can ask the teacher in the comments section and wait for the answer.
F) The accessibility of the videos at any time.
4.2- What are the advantages of Paid Online Classes? (of “Learn to read Quran Book” that you will love it)
A) Studying with Azhary highly qualified tutor through a one-to-one online class.
B) Following up after the class through a friendly learning management system.
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