‘Sounds’ from Outer Space
The Cassini spacecraft glides into the mouth of a ghost spanning from Enceladus to Saturn in this artwork.Gallant spaceships soaring to the depths of our universe cruise the cosmos, shooting photographs of celestial grandeur. Radio emissions can be captured by some spacecraft’s equipment. The effects are eerie to hear when scientists translate these to sound waves.
We’ve put together a collection of eerie “sounds” of howling planets and whistling helium just in time for Halloween that will make your skin crawl.Here’s further information on some of the sounds featured: Juno Captures Jupiter’s ‘Roar’: NASA’s Juno probe has successfully navigated through Jupiter’s massive magnetic field. On June 24, 2016, Juno’s Waves instrument captured the contact with the bow shock over the period of nearly two hours.
Plasma Waves: Plasma waves, like raging ocean waves, produce a rhythmic cacophony that we can hear from orbit thanks to NASA’s Van Allen Probes’ EMFISIS sensor.Saturn’s Radio Emissions: Saturn emits a lot of radio waves, which the Cassini probe has been tracking. The auroras near the planet’s poles are closely linked to radio waves. The northern and southern lights of Earth are similar to these auroras. More eerie-sounding radio broadcasts from Saturn.

Sounds of Jupiter: To better comprehend radio waves, scientists occasionally convert them to sound. This method is known as “data sonification.” The Galileo spacecraft flew by Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede, for the first time on June 27, 1996, and this audio file contains data from Galileo’s Plasma Wave Experiment instrument.
Sounds of a Comet Encounter: During NASA’s Stardust spacecraft’s flyby of comet Tempel 1 on February 14, 2011, an instrument on the protective shield was battered by dust particles and small rocks, as heard in this audio track.
Sounds of the Ancient Universe: Our universe was only a ball of heated plasma – a mixture of electrons, protons, and light — 13.8 billion years ago, when it was devoid of stars and planets.Sound waves rocked the baby universe, produced by minute, or “quantum,” oscillations that occurred only minutes after the cosmos’ great bang. The Planck probe of the European Space Agency recorded the sounds of the early cosmos.
The centre of our Milky Way galaxy is too far away for us to visit in person, but we may still explore it through music. Sonification is the process of converting data into sounds, and telescopes allow us to view what the galactic centre looks like in various sorts of light.

Sounds from the four-million-solar-mass supermassive black hole at the heart of the Galaxy have been captured by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory.
Jupiter’s Swirling Auroras: On February 2, 2017, NASA’s Juno probe recorded plasma wave signals from Jupiter’s ionosphere during its fourth close approach.As heard on this recording, Juno’s Waves sensor observed radio and plasma waves in Jupiter’s magnetosphere.
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