Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka is one of the powerful supplications. This is one of the beautiful supplications you should stick with.
Table Of Contents
- Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka Meaning In English
- Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka In Arabic Text
- Transliteration/ Pronounciation
- Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka Hadith
- Hadith On When Allah Loves A Person
Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka Meaning In English
O Allah, certainly, I ask You for Your love and the love of individuals who love You, and for the motion in an effort to purpose me to obtain Your love, O Allah, make Your love more beloved to me than myself, my circle of relatives and bloodless water.
Transliteration/ Pronunciation
Allahumma inni As’aluka Hubbaka Wa Hubba Man Yuhibbuka Wal Amal al-lazi Yuballighuni Hubbak. Allahummaj`Al Hubbaka Ahabba ilaiyya Min Nafsi, Wa Ahli Wa Min al-Ma’il-Barid.
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Allahumma Inni As Aluka Hubbaka Hadith
Abud-Darda’ (May Allah be thrilled with him) suggested:
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “One of Prophet Dawud’s supplications turned into:
‘Allahumma inni as’aluka hubbaka, wa hubba man yuhibbuka, wal amalalladhi yuballighuni hubbaka. Allahumm-aj’al hubbaka ahabba ilayya min nafsi, wa ahli, wa minal-ma’il-baridi.
Meaning: O Allah! I ask You for Your Love, the affection of individuals who love You, and deeds that allows you to cause me to obtain Your Love. O Allah! Make Your Love more expensive to me than myself, my circle of relatives and the bloodless water.
One of such supplication is pronounced from Dawud (Alayhi salam): “Allahumma inni as’aluka hubbaka wa hubba guy yuhibbuka wal amalalladhi yuqarribuni ilaa hubbik (O Allah! I ask You for Your Love and the affection of individuals who love You, and make me acquire deeds with the intention to make me towards Your love).
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This is also one of the essential supplications.
When Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, loves you and you adore those whom Allah loves, you will be a few of the intimate buddies of Allah- the Mighty and Sublime.
Allahumma Inni Asaluka Hubbak — So also is while you love the ones moves that Allah loves. This is also one of the supplications one have to keep on with.
Verily the affection of Allah is the purpose as said by Allah:
Say (O Muhammad to mankind): If you (clearly) love Allah, then follow me (i.E. Be given Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and Sunnah). Allah will love you and forgive you your sins.” Surah Al Imran; 31
There are many unique transliterations which exists for this dua, all of them are correct and may assist you with the pronunciation of this dua so they may be provided underneath. However, the high-quality manner to research in case you’re analyzing in Arabic isn’t the strongest is to concentrate to the dua and repeat after the qari to hear the right way of announcing.
- Allahumma inni as aluka ilman nafia wa rizkan tayyiban wa aamalan muttaqabbalan
- Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘Ilman naafi’an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan
- Allahumma inni as’aluka ilman nafia’ wa rizkan tayyiban wa aamalan muttaqabbalan
- Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘Ilman naafi’an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan
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Hadith On When Allah Loves A Person
Abu Huraira pronounced:
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When Allah loves a servant, he calls angel Jibreel and he says:
Verily, I love this individual so you must love him.
Then angel Jibreel loves him and makes an announcement inside the heavens, announcing: Allah loves this man or woman and you should love him. Thus, the dwellers of the heavens love him and he is commemorated on this planet.”
In every other narration, the Prophet stated,
“When Allah is indignant with a servant, he calls Gabriel and he says: I resent this character, so that you need to resent him.
Then Gabriel resents him and makes an declaration within the heavens, saying: Verily, Allah resents this person, so that you have to resent him. Thus, they come to be resentful with him and he’s hated on this planet.”
Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) in keeping with Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Also, The Prophet SAW stated,
“Truly, Allah loves the servant of His who’s righteous, content, and unknown.”
Allahumma Inni Asaluka Hubbak – Be aware of Allah; be satisfied with what you’ve got; don’t preference fame or attention, & you shall achieve success.
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