Exploring Spiritual Significance – How Laylatul Qadr Illuminates Essential Values for a Fulfilling Life” This is the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed:
شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِّنَ الْهُدَىٰ وَالْفُرْقَانِ
( 2:185) ( 2:185) – It was the month of Ramadan when God first gave the Qur’an to guide man and definite proof of the guidance of Allah, and also as a benchmark by which to differentiate between the real and the fake. [Asad]
In Surah Ldkhn ( Al-Dukhan) the Quran states:
إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ
( 44:3)”Behold, from high has God given it to us on a holy night. [Asad]
What’s the point of this revelation in accordance with the Quran?
فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ
( 44:4) (44:4) That night, the difference between everything (good and evil) was clearly stated by wisdom. [Asad]
The boundaries that separated Haq ( Haq or Truth) and bTl ( Baatil or Falsehood) were clearly established in the light of rational reasoning, knowledge, and wisdom.
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The Quran provides value to human beings.
If one were to write a single sentence about the message that the Quran provided to the human race and then the answer could be:
inaW ‘anzalnahu fiy layla@i lqadri
( 97:1) We did indeed reveal this (Message) during the Night of Power [Yusuf Ali(97:1) – We have indeed shown this message in the Night of Power [Yus.
The Quran revealed the leader ( Al-Qadr) or the eternal value of life to humanity in the night of this. There needs to be more understanding of value at the level of animal life.
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There is no value for animals in front of them.
Animals have no concept of values. They only have physical needs that are in their path. Animals will eat anywhere when they’re hungry. They do not have any idea of the concept of ownership, both mine and yours. They do not have any notion of halal or Haram. The idea that we call “values” is only relevant to humans. This is known as”lqadr” (Al-Qadr).
Chastity protection is a benefit.
Chastity protection is a virtue that is only applicable to human beings. In one sentence, “lqadr” The Quran has clarified the distinction between human life and that of animals ( 97:1).
Let’s get back to the term “Layla” ( Layl). It can mean night, or it could refer to the time in which the Quran was disclosed as a dark time in the history of humanity. The Quran provides a clarification in a different verse:
kitabun ‘anzalnahu ilayka litukhrija lnaWsa mina lZuWlumati ila~ lnuWwri
( 14:1) A DIVINE WRIT [is enlightenment] that We have given to you from the highest levels to be able to bring the entire world with their Sustainer’s leaves from the darkness and into the illumination. [Asad]
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What is the significance of the term “Layla” (Layl) to refer to connection with the Quran?
Night, also known as “layla” ( Layl), is the sign of darkness, while day is the signification of illumination. The Quran employs the nighttime as well as “layla” ( Layl ) as the world was covered in darkness before the time when the Quran was given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The beginning of the Revelation changed our view of life because humanity was exposed to new principles. It is the idea of values that alter our perspective on life.
If there is no value in the eyes of humans, then their lives remain at the level of animals. In human life, the perspective of living differs for those aware of these values and those who aren’t.
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Values are required
The worth of each objective item is dependent on the viewpoint. When a person has the opportunity to cheat to gain personal benefits and does not, it’s due to his beliefs. The person who cheats is because there are no values before him. In other words, there is no difference in the actual worth of money earned with honesty or shadily.
The distinction is only from the perspective of life about human worth. As life continues to move forward, it continues to become distinct. If life is different and the world is particular! If one’s inner “self” alters due to one’s adherence to values, the external world also changes.
inaW llaWha la yuGayiWru ma biqawmin HataW~ yuGayiWruw ma bi’anfusihim
( 13:11) (13:11) Allah will not alter a person’s situation only if they change the things within their hearts. [Yusuf Ali]
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The most valuable item within the Universe is the human “ self.”
The Quran is a message to make us conscious of his value through its new standards of living that it engendered for the human race – values that made him aware of his existence at the human level, in contrast to life on the animal level. Man seeks material objects but neglects the most valuable thing inside himself, his personal “self.”
Imagine a child crying on the street because his toy failed. The people around him laugh; however, the toy is essential to the child. The views of both sides differ for the child – the toy is precious for a passer-by. It’s a low-cost toy that costs a few cents. Therefore, the toy’s value changed due to the different perspectives that had changed. As Allama Iqbal says:
Your wish is to be fulfilled; you’ve got a wish!
I hope that you will change your wishes!
Your prayers cannot change God’s decision;
However, you are transformed by prayer! [Zarb-e Kaleem]
If you can change, your life will alter.
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Without values, “thou” can’t be changed.
Judging something as more valuable solely based on the value is possible. The Quran provides values to differentiate human life from life at the level of animals. The Quran declares that its values were revealed when the world was encased in darkness and unable to see the luminescence of Revelation. We are aware that it is difficult to see things in the darkness.
The Quran gave light to its ideals in the night. The night of this one was the sign of a new era. Under the darkness, it was impossible to distinguish two things. In that time of darkness, when the concept of value had vanished from human consciousness, The Quran provided a list of values and declared:
wama ‘adraka ma layla@u lqadri
( 97:2) (97:2) – What will be the explanation to you how the power of night means [Yusuf Ali(97:2))?
Who better than Allah? What was the value of this night when humanity was able to receive these values? The Quran declares:
layla@u lqadri khayrun miWn ‘alfi shahrin
( 97:3) (97:3) Night of Power is better than a thousand years [Yusuf Ali(97:3) – The Night of Power is better than a thousand months [Yus.
This one night of thousands of months could be shattered with the severing of the humanity of the illumination of the Revelation.
Each moment during the night of LQADR ( Al-Qadr) is so precious that all elements of the Universe surrender to the rules of Allah during this time. So, it is unsurprising that every prayer is accepted during this season if one abides by the principles that this night brought.
What is going to happen during this Night of Power? If these values are accepted, what sort of revolution will be triggered across the globe? The Quran states that this will be a significant revolution. Tonight will be the beginning of a new beginning or a new time and a new beginning.
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The power of a lack of value transforms the world into hell.
One of the most extreme ideas about life is that Nature’s forces are all that exist in the world. Through the use of science, a nation can attain strength. This nation could utilize that power to control the world. However, the forces are only forces. This is the perfect example of how the world can be transformed into hell simply by relying upon these forces.
Nobody is content, nor does he live in a serene environment. The scientific forces of Nature are dominating the world since humanity has dominated them in a way that has never been seen before.
On the other side of this idea is a different concept of existence that says this world is a prison, that this Universe is to be avoided as a place to be avoided, and that one must run away from this planet and seek refuge in the cave. Why? To contemplate and purify one’s mind by ascending the spiritual ladder.
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What is the human “self”?
The human personality, or “self,” is the energy source that doesn’t manifest physically. It is referred to as divine energy or pure energy. The Quran declares that Allah has given his divine spark to man, and man became a person with faculties of learning and freedom of choice and freedom of choice.
This is what is known as the “human “self,” also known as the human “personality” or the human “ego.” This is why the Quran has employed”unconditional energy” to describe this. From this angle, Allah also uses the word”law” ( Al-Rooh) to describe His Revelation. The whole Universe is run by it; it is a law that comes from Allah regarding our Universe. The law is infused with tremendous energy.
It is so full of energy that it drives and powers the entire Universe. The Revelation of Allah, known as the law ( Al-Rooh), is also a great energy source. The entity that delivers the Revelation – and whose Nature is not understood in terms of what it is – is the Quran, which calls it rwH the lmyn ( Rooh-ul-Amin). The Quran declares that this Revelation possesses tremendous revolutionary power and energy.
The ultimate aim of existence is to integrate the material power with Revelation’s.
The concept of life is an entirely physical concept of existence. The ultimate purpose of this idea that life has is to thwart the forces of Nature as far as possible and then make use of the power gained to dominate other people.
The other option is to reject and denigrate the world of matter and seek spiritual power. The Quran declares that life under one of these theories is transformed into pure evil in the absence of them being each other’s exclusive.
With one idea, life is afflicted by excessive indulgence and unrestrained dominance, and on the other hand, it is sick of stagnation, paralysis, and a lifeless subjugation. Humanity, consequently, disappears completely under these two contradictory notions.
The “values” revealed through the revelations allow for the rebirth and revitalization of humanity by introducing new ways of living. What is the process that allows this to happen?
tanazaWlu lmalay’ika@u walruWwHu fiyha biidhni rabiWhim miWn kuliW ‘amrin
( 97:4) In hosts descend into it angels who carry divine inspiration from their Sustainer’s leave and from any evil that could occur. [Asad]
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Allah’s Revelation and the forces of Nature will work together, resulting in an existence that
salami hiya HataW~ malai fajr
( 97:5) Is it sure that you are safe until dawn? [Asad]
Security will be assured throughout the entire life. However, it will take time. This is the reason for “tnzyl” ( Tanzeel). The Revelation, the light of the world, and Nature’s forces will slowly transform the human community until the dark forces disappear and the glow of peace and stability abounds all over Earth:
wa’ashraqati large binary rabiWha
( 39:69) The Earth will shine brightly thanks to her Sustainer’s light. [Asad]
The whole Universe will begin to shine by Nature’s forces and Divine energy. This is the ultimate purpose that will occur by the change that is triggered through the Quran. This evening, known as the lqadr ( Al-Qadr), will signal the beginning of a new global order.
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Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram