Laylatul Qadr Dua – Allah speaks the truth. In truth, Allah is the one who speaks truth, The one who is singular in His splendor due to the beauty of His perfection, Exalted and glorified.
He who revealed the unambiguous Criterion (the Qur’an) to His servant (peace be on him) to be a warner to the worlds; He sent His pious messenger to the two great races of Jinn and humanity to deliver good news and to give warning that we should not forget this (truth) from the ranks of those who testify.
O Allah, We ask You to guide us with those You’ve led in the right direction; give us health and well-being, along with those whom You’ve granted health and well-being. Also, ensure that we are protected by those You have shielded. We thank You for all the blessings You have given us. Save and protect us from any evil You may have decided to do.
O Allah, Save us and keep us away from any evil You may have declared. O Allah, Save us and protect us from any evil You may have decided, for You make Your decrees in the truth, and nobody can rule over You. No one is unjustly ascribed to You, nor no one is honored when You despise. Our God is blessed—exalted Lord.
To Allah, You are the only Allah. All praise is due for the things You have decreed. To Allah, the Lord of all, Allah is grateful for all Your blessings and bounty. We ask the forgiveness of (You) Allah, and we confess our sins to You. We ask forgiveness from Allah and repent before You.
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We pray for forgiveness from You, Allah, for every mistake and sin (we have made), and seek You for forgiveness. We trust in You and trust You. You are wealthy, Self-Sufficient, and free of need ( al-Ghaniyy). We are weak and deficient before You. You are the vital ( al-Qawiyy); we are vulnerable and fragile before You.
Your Name is Rich ( al-Ghaniyy). We are weak and bereft before You. You are the strong ( al-Qawiyy). We are vulnerable and fragile before You.
The Lord is the Rich ( al-Ghaniyy), and we are poor and deserving of You. You are the strong ( al-Qawiyy). We are vulnerable and weak in front of You.
Oh Allah – You are the One who connects to those disconnected (from hope). Connect us to You.
O Allah, We ask You to bless us with Your righteous actions that bring our hearts closer to You.
O Allah, Please conceal (our mistakes) and shield us when We are still on Earth and when we are below the Earth and on the Day that our actions are revealed to Allah. It is said: Three times repeated three times.
O Allah, we ask that You beautify our position before You.
O Allah, Please do not fail us on the Day that we will be presented to You to be evaluated. It is repeated three times and three times repeated three times.
O Allah, take our prayers, fasting, and prayerful posture with our bowing and prayer of prostration.
O Allah, take our prayers. O Allah, Accept our prayer of fasting. O Allah, take our place in worship. O Allah, Accept our bowing. O Allah, accept our prostration. O Allah, accept our prostration. Three times we were repeated three times.
O Allah, We pray that you will make us among those liberated From this Fire during this Ramadan. It is a prayer to Allah that we are free from the Fire this Ramadan. Three times it was repeated three times.
O Allah, help us to escape the flames. O Allah, help us run the Fire. O Allah, help us escape the flames. O Allah, Protect us from the shame and humiliation caused by the Fire. O Allah, help us avoid any act that brings us to Fire. O Allah, take us to Paradise in the company of the righteous through Your mercy, You who are most noble ( al-`Azeez) and Most Forgiving ( al-Ghaffar).
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O Allah, create us, Lord of our souls, this month today, on the Day of ours, this night, separate from those freed from the Fire and keep us distinct from those you recognize as successful.
… by the mercy of Your Lord, You are most Merciful of all those Who show kindness…
Thank You for Your mercy, Oh, Most Merciful of the people who show kindness…
Thank You for Your mercy, Oh Allah…
O King and Master (al-Malik) O Master and King (al-Malik) Allah… Oh, You Who is Clean And Pure (al-Quddus) O Allah… O the Source and Giver Of Peace (as-Salaam) O Allah… O Inspirer of Faith (al-Mu’min) O Allah… O The Guardian of Everything (al-Muhaymin) O Allah… O Mighty and Honorable (al-`Azeez) O Allah…O You Who entices His Servants to Serve and Redress the broken (al-Jabbar) O Allah… O Majestic and Grand (al-Mutakabbir) O Allah… O Creator of All (al-Khaliq) O Allah… O Creator of All O Allah…
O creator of order (al-Baari’), O Allah… O Creator Of Forms (al-Musawwir), O Allah… O Oft-Forgiving (al-Ghaffar), O Allah… O You Who Subdues His Servitors (al-Qahhar), O Allah… O Giver of All (al-Wahhab), O Allah… O Sustainer (ar-Razzaq), O Allah… O Opener (al-Fattah), O Allah…
The All-Knowing God (al-`Aleem) O Allah… O You Who Restricts (al-Qaabidh) O Allah… O You Who Expandes and Releases (al-Baasit) O Allah… O You Who Abandons (al-Khaafidh) and O Allah… O You Who exalts (ar-Raafi) O Allah… O the Bestower of Honour (al-Mu’izz) O Allah… O You Who lowers (al-Mudhill) O Allah… O You Who Hears All (as-Sami) O Allah… O You Who See All (al-Baseer) Allah… O Allah…
O You Who Are the Supreme Judge (al-Hakam) O Allah… O You Who are Absolutely Just (al-‘Adl) O Allah… O gentle and submissively kind (al-Lateef) O Allah… O All-Aware (al-Khabeer) O Allah… O Most Forgiving (al-Haleem) O Allah… O Amazing (al-`Adheem) Allah… Allah…
O You Who Conceals and Forgives (al-Ghafur) Allah, Allah… Oh, You who Reward and Appreciate With Thankfulness (al-Shakur) O Allah… O the One Who Knows Everything (al-‘Aleem) O Allah… O Great One (al-Kabeer) O Allah… O Preserver (al-Hafeedh) O Allah… O the Food of all things (al-Muqeet) Allah… O Allah… Your Name is the One Who Calls Your Account (al-Haseeb) O Allah…
O Mighty and Majestic ( al-Jaleel) O Allah… O Most Generous ( al-Kareem) O Allah… O Most Generous O Allah… O Always-Watchful ( al-Raqeeb) O Allah… O You Who Answers and Responds (al-Mujeeb) Oh Allah…
O God of the vast and omnipotent (al-Wasi) O Allah… O Glorious One (al-Majeed) O Allah… O You Who Sees and Finds (al-Waajid) O Allah… O Unique One (al-Waahid) O Allah… O You Who are Self-Sufficiency and Unbound by Need (as-Samad) O Allah… O You Who is able and powerful (al-Qadir) Oh Allah…
O God of Power, Creator of all Power (al-Muqtadir) O Allah… O You Who Represents (al-Muqaddim) O Allah… O You Who Refuse to Move (al-Mu’akhir) O Allah… O You Who Are the first (al-Awwal) O Allah… O You Who are the First O Allah… O You Who are the last (al-Aakhir) O Allah… O You Who Are Transparent (adh-Dhahir) O Allah… O You Who are hidden (al-Batin) O Allah… O Close Guardian of Protection (al-Waaliy) O Allah… O Most High (al-Muta`aliy) O Allah… O Living eternal One (al-Hayy) O Allah… O Self-Subsisting One (al-Qayyum) O Allah… O Self-Subsisting One Allah… O Loving One (al-Muqeet) O Allah… O You Who Causes Death (al-Mumeet) Allah… Allah…
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O Most Gentle and Gracious Bestower (al-Barr), O Allah… O Ever-Relenting One (at-Tawwab), O Allah… O Avenger (al-Muntaqim), O Allah… O Avenger, O Allah… O You Who Pardons (al-`Affuw), O Allah… O Most Kind (ar-Ra’uf), O Allah… O Most Kind, O Allah…
O – Owner Of All Sovereignty (Maliku’l Mulk), Lord of Majesty and Honour (Dhu’l Jalali wa’likram), O Allah… O just and fair One (al-Muqsit) O Allah… O Gatherer (al-JaamiO Gatherer) O Allah… O You who is wealthy and free of need (al-Ghaniy) O Allah… O Enricher (al-Mughni) O Allah… O Witholder (al-ManiO Allah… O Witholder (al-Mani) O Allah… O Distressor (ad-Daar) O Allah… O Guide (al-Haadi) O Allah… O Light (of the heavens and Earth) (al-Nur) O Allah…
O God of all things (al-Badi) O Allah… O the Infinite and Everlasting (al-Baaqi) O Allah… O the Inheritor Of All (al-Waarith) O Allah… O Guide to the Right Path (ar-Rasheed) O Allah… O Most Patient (as-Sabur) Allah… Allah…
O Allah… O Allah… O Allah…
O Allah, Who has nothing like Hearing (al-Sami), the Hearing ( al-Sami`), and the seeing ( al-Baseer) O Allah.
O You are the most powerful protector and the greatest of those who offer assistance. Praise be to You. We can’t be responsible for the praises that are Yours; It is You who praises Yourself. You are awe-inspiring in Your appearance; You are exalted in Your position. You can do what You want through Your Power and Efficacy, and you make the decisions You like by honor. O living, self-subsisting one ( al-Hayy al-Qayum) and the creator of the heavens and the Earth and The holder of honor and Majesty (Dhu’l-Jalali wa’l-Ikram).
O Allah, We beg you to beautify us with The beauty and splendor of the Qur’an. O Allah, bring us to Paradise through prayer to the Qur’an. O Allah, please enlighten us with the nobleness in the Qur’an. O Allah, Dress us in the most prestigious Mantle (khil’ah) of the Qur’an. O Allah, Dress us in the most prestigious mantle of the Qur’an. O Allah, we are honored with the glory of the Qur’an.
O Allah, Please have mercy on Muhammad’s entire population by the Qur’an’s sanctity. The Most Loving ( al-Raheem) and Loving the One ( al-Rahman).
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O Allah, guide us towards the truth and the right path through Allah’s blessings in the great Qur’an and by the sacredness of the one you sent as a token of your mercy to the entire world. And forgive us, O Most Merciful ( al-Kareem), and grant us the blessings of being the Most Merciful ( al-Raheem).
O Allah, Make the Qu’ran the flowering heart, the ray of light that shines through our chests, and the dispeler of our sorrow and sorrow. O Allah, creates the Qur’an as evidence to us, not as evidence against us.
O Allah, We pray to Allah that you make us who read the Qur’an to elevate us… And keep us from becoming those who read it only to fall into a state of squalor and shame.
O Allah, gives us, with every word of the Qur’an (that we’ve read), an abundance of sweetness and by every word (from the pages) generosity and kindness and by every phrase happiness and joy, and through every Chapter peace and safety and by every section, a reward.
O Allah, we thank you for blessing us with happiness and grant us prayers in the congregation. Also, it helps us be mindful of death, our Lord and Savior, at every moment (of our life).
Oh, Allah… Bring back Us, Our Lord, in the presence of the Prophet, the Chosen ( al-Mustafa), whom you have granted the right to mediation.
O Allah, We look to You from information that doesn’t benefit or benefit us and from a soul that isn’t humbled by its devotion to You and an eye that doesn’t weep (out of the love and awe for You) and of an eye which doesn’t weep; from an eyes that is not crying; also from an inner ego that’s never satisfied, and from a prayer that isn’t recognized.
O Allah, We need refuge from You from information that is not beneficial from it and from a heart that isn’t humbled by its devotion to You and an eye that doesn’t weep (out of the love and awe for You) and also from an ego that’s not satisfied, and from a prayer that isn’t received.
O Allah, We need refuge from You, from the knowledge that doesn’t benefit and from actions that are not raised (to the skies and recognized) and from eyes that do not weep (out of reverence and love for You), and an ego that’s never satisfied, and from a prayer that isn’t heard.
O Allah, We ask You for wisdom that will benefit us the heart and mind and for a soul that is humble in love to You and a mouth that is busy in recalling You and expressing our gratitude to You as well as for actions that are upright and embraced by You and an assurance (in You) that is authentic and genuine.
O Allah, We are seeking refuge with You from suffering and death, as well as the grave and all its affliction, as well as its Sirat and its dangers, in addition to The Day of Rising and its horrors. It is a resounding prayer. Three times it was repeated three times.
O Allah, Make us fearful and aware of You like we can see You and bring us joy by the reverence for You ( taqwa) and grant us the joy of having the pleasure of seeing You (in Paradise); and join us in the presence with Your Prophet and chosen one ( al-Mustafa). ([Repeated three times]) Three times repeated three times.
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O Allah, Grant the victory of Islam and give honor to the Muslims. O Allah, elevate, by Your Grace, both the words truth and Faith. O Allah, take away the unbelievers who hate You and Your Faith.
O Allah, Hear us and bring all Muslims back to your religion in stunning repentance (in confession). ([Repeated three times]) Three times repeated three times
O Allah, hear us pray for success and victory for all working for Your cause regardless of where they are. It is a prayer to Allah that they will be successful. Three times they were repeated three times.
O Allah, We ask you to grant us triumph and victory against (the flaws) of ourselves. The prayer is repeated three times.
O Allah, take note of our prayer hea,l our sick sho,w mercy on our dead, and overcome our foes. We will not be disappointed in our trust (in Your mercy). Let the final act of our actions be the most successful.
O Allah, We ask You to fulfill our desires, whatever pleases You. Grant the power to manage our affairs to the most excellent of us, not those who are the least of us.
O Allah, O Allah, take Your anger and displeasure from us. O Allah, take away Your anger from us. O Allah, lift Your anger and displeasure from us and don’t hold us accountable for our actions. Don’t charge us with the sins of foolish people. Don’t imprison us because of our sins. The authority of a person who doesn’t revere or fear You and will not show mercy to us.
O Allah, purify our hearts, rid us of our sins, take away our worries and anxieties, safeguard us most effectively, and bring us the best of the future and the best of this world.
O Allah, Heal us from our sins. O Allah, Join us and join our hearts.
O Allah, let our journey be crowned with righteousness.
O Allah, We are Yours! The immense mercy of Your hand.
O Allah, Heal us from the evils and harms that worry and afflict us.
O Allah, we ask that we be able to leave with a solid belief, (faithful to) the Book and the Sunnah, and in a state in which You are content with us, O Allah, Who are the Most Merciful ( al-Kareem).
O Allah, let the Qur’an be our closest companion in this world and also in our final days as a friend of comfort, a beacon of light for the Sirat and a mediation in the moment of our resurrection, and also our friend in Paradise and create the barricade and protection between us and Hellfire and guide and leader in every good deed, through your grace, O most Merciful of all those who demonstrate generosity.
O Allah, please disengage us from our mistakes like You distanced from the East from the West. O Allah, remove our sins from us like a white cloth gets cleansed of filth. Allah cleanses us of our sins by our (purity of) snow, water, and hail.
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O Allah, We worship You; You are the forgiveness ( al-`Affuw), and You love to forgive; therefore, please be kind to us. O Allah, You are the one who forgives ( al-`Affuw), and you love to forgive. Therefore, we ask you to forgive us. O Allah, Your forgiveness is unconditional. ( al-`Affuw) The Generous ( al-Kareem) and the Forgiving ( al-Haleem), The Most Great ( al-`Adheem), and You love to forgive; therefore, please be kind to us.
O Allah, we ask for peace and security. Pardon us, accept our acts., accept our repentance, and forgive us through Your benevolent Grace, The Most Redeeming of those who exhibit mercy.
Our Lord, We ask You to accept from us (our actions) The All-Hearing ( as-Sami`) and The All-Knowing ( al-`Aleem). We confess our sins. Our Lord, You are the One who never ceases to be angry ( at-Tawwab), the Merciful ( ar-Raheem). Please forgive and show mercy on us, our Lord. You are the Merciful ( al-Ghafur), The Most Merciful ( ar-Raheem). We need to be saved from suffering, worry, and the most severe suffering (of penalty in the future). Please help us avoid anxiety, sorrow, and the most severe distress (of punishing us in the hereafter).
O Allah, give us the blessing of looking at Your noble countenance. It is repeated three times and three times repeated three times.
O Allah, help us to be among the people who have beneath them the waters that flow from Paradise… “Their prayers in this will be “Glory be to Allah, You! Allah,” And their greeting (to each other) in the prayer will be “Peace.” The end of their prayer will be “Praise for Allah, The Creator and Cherisher of all the earth.” (Qur’an, 10:10)
“Our Lord, judge us not if we fail to remember or commit a mistake. Our Lord, do not place our shoulders on a heavy burden like the one you laid upon our predecessors. Our Lord, do not place on us a heavier burden than we can carry. We beg your forgiveness and forgive us and show mercy to us. You are our protector. We need your help to defeat those who are against the Faith.” (Qur’an, 2:286)
“Our Lord, do not let our hearts stray from where Your guidance is and give us Your mercy because You are the grantor of unending bounties. Our Lord, certainly, it is You who will bring humanity on the day in which there is no doubt. For, Allah never fails to keep His word.” (Qur’an, 3:8-9)
“Our Lord, We ask you to forgive us for our transgressions and anything else we might have done to violate our obligations. Set our feet firmly and aid us against those who do not believe in Faith.” (Qur’an, 3:147)
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“Our Lord, Indeed, whoever You confess to the Fire, You have shamed him. For those who commit unjust crimes, there is no one to help. Indeed, our Lord, we’ve seen a voice calling us to Faith, saying, “Believe in the Lord,” and we’ve believed. Our Lord, take our sins away, take away our wrongdoings, and make us die along with the righteous. Our Lord, give us what You promised by Your prophets, and don’t make us look bad on The Day of Resurrection. You never make good on Your promises.” (Qur’an, 3:192-194)
“In Allah do we put out trust. Our Lord, do not make us a test for those who are oppressed and protect us through Your grace from those who disbelieve in the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Qur’an, 10:8-9)
“Our Lord, in Your name (Alone) we place our Faith, And to Your (Alone) we come in repentance. To Your (Alone) will be (our) our final repentance. Our Lord, do not make us an obstacle and a test for those who are not believers. We ask forgiveness, our Lord, because You are the Highest in power, the wise.” (Qur’an, 60:4-5)
“Our Lord, we ask You to forgive us and our brethren before us in Faith and don’t leave any ill feelings towards those who have been saved within our hearts. Our Lord, you are very kind and generous.” (Qur’an, 59:10)
O Allah O Allah! To You we humbly submit, In You we trust; and on You do we put our trust. We turn to You (in repentance) and fight (and promote in Your name). We beg forgiveness for the things we have put forth (in actions) in addition to what we’ve kept from the public; for what we have revealed as well as for the things we’ve kept hidden, and for (our actions) that You have more excellent information about than we do.
O Allah God, be kind to us because You are the one who has mercy on us. Don’t penalize us for our transgressions because You are the one who has power over us. Be kind and gracious to us, Lord, for the things that have transpired in our time and location, and (we pray to Allah) Allah) to finish our lives with an uplifting and happy ending.
“Exalted God is your Lord, The God of Might and Honor, over what they speak of and peace be upon God’s prophets (of God); and all praise goes to Allah God, the Lord and Cherisher of all the all the worlds.” (Qur’an, 37:180-182)
Send peace and blessings, O Allah, Our master Muhammad, his heavenly family, and his noble friends. Ameen.
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Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram